Add a reminder


Hover over the message and click Remind me in set a message reminder.


Choose a time to get a reminder:

  • Choose a default time from the list.
  • Click Custom..., and choose a specific time from Date and Time, and then click Save.

    You can choose a time and date that's a maximum of 28 days ahead of today.

A green bell icon is added to the message. It's visible only to you.

Remove a reminder

When the app reminds you of a message at the time you choose, remove the reminder to stop receiving further alerts. You can also remove a reminder at any time.


Hover over the message with the reminder, and click Edit reminder set a message reminder.


Click Remove reminder, and click OK.

You can also click on the message to remove the reminder.

Snooze a reminder

When the app reminds you of a message at the time you choose, click the snooze button to remind you of the same message at a later time.

When the reminder alert message appears:

  • Click Snooze reminder for 1 hour message reminder alarm.
  • Click the Choose a custom snooze duration down arrow dropdown, and choose a specific time for another reminder.

Edit a reminder

You can change the time of your reminder whenever you like.


Hover over the message with the reminder, and click Edit reminder set a message reminder.


Click Edit reminder.


Choose a new time from Date and Time, and then click Save.

You can choose a time and date that's a maximum of 28 days ahead of today.

Add a reminder


Tap and hold the message. Then tap set a message reminder Remind me in.


Choose a time to get a reminder:

  • Choose a default time from the list.
  • Tap Custom..., and choose a date from the calendar, and scroll to select a Time, and then tap Save.

    You can choose a time and date that's a maximum of 28 days ahead of today.

Remove a reminder

When the app reminds you of a message at the time you choose, remove the reminder to stop receiving further alerts. You can also remove a reminder at any time.


Tap and hold the message with the reminder, and tap set a message reminder Reminder.


Tap Remove reminder.

Edit a reminder

You can change the time of your reminder whenever you like.


Tap and hold the message with the reminder, and tap set a message reminder Reminder.


Tap Edit reminder:

  • (Android only) Choose a default time from the list.
  • Tap Custom and choose a new date from the calendar, or scroll to select a Time, and then tap Save.