How Can I Add My Personal Conference Number as a Contact on a Mobile Phone?

How can I add my Personal Conference Number as a contact on a mobile phone?

How do I create a contact on my phone using Personal Conferencing Bridge information?

What are the DTMF (Dual-tone multi-frequency) codes used while dialing into a PCN bridge from a mobile phone?

How can I have my Android phone dial automatically into a PCN (Personal Conferencing) bridge?

How can I have my iPhone dial automatically into a PCN (Personal Conferencing) bridge?


Follow the instructions listed below to add PCN as a contact on your phone. Use this contact to join the PCN Bridge without having the type in the access code and pin every time.

For Android:

  1. Tap on the Contacts icon to create a new contact.
  2. Tap on Create contact.
  3. Enter the number in the following format:
    • Call-in Number followed by ,,,, (Using Comma, add a 2-sec pause)
    • Enter the access code followed by #
    • Enter the Audio PIN followed by #
      • For example: 19876543210,,,,12345678#1234#
  4. Tap Add to contacts.

For iOS:

  1. Tap on the Phone icon, then tap on Contacts.
  2. Tap on + to add a new contact.
  3. The format in which the phone number has to be added to the contact list is as shown below:
    • Call-in Number followed by ,,,, (Using Comma , should put a 2 sec pause
    • Access code followed by
    • PIN followed by #
    • For example: 19876543210,,,,12345678#1234#
  4. Tap Done.

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