Go to Meetings.


Select Meeting content to see a list of all available recordings.


Click directly on a recording to open and view the recording, or select:

  • Open meeting content .

    In the pop-up window you can then choose:

    • Highlights—transcript text the host has highlighted.

    • Review—view and play audio clips of the transcript.

    • Recording—information such as: duration, size, and format.

    You can also search meeting content, go to Search transcript or highlight text and enter the specific text you're looking for.

  • Share recording , enter the name of a person or space that you want to share the recording with, then click Share.


Go to Meetings .


Select Recordings to see a list of all available recordings.


Tap directly on a recording to open and view the recording, or long press the recording and tap:

  • Open meeting content , you can then select:

    • Highlights—transcript text the host has highlighted.

    • Review—view and play audio clips of the transcript.

    • Recording—information such as: duration, size, and format.

    You can also search meeting content, go to Search transcript or highlight text and enter the specific text you're looking for.

  • Share recording , enter the name of a person or space that you want to share the recording with, then tap .