Use the camera shutter to switch your video stream on or off during a video call.


To turn on your video stream, turn the shutter ring clockwise.


To turn off your video stream, turn the shutter ring counterclockwise.

Use the camera shutter or the video soft buttons to turn on or off your video during a meeting.

When the camera shutter is open and your video is on, you can toggle on Selfview selfview button from the More More Options button button to open the selfview window so that you can check your appearance, lighting, and background. To get yourself properly framed in the view, adjust the camera angle by lightly rotating the camera up or down.

When you close the selfview window, your camera continues transmitting video.

To turn on your video stream, turn the shutter ring clockwise.

If you already have the camera shutter open, tap Start video the Start video soft button.

To turn off your video stream, turn the shutter ring counterclockwise, or tap Stop video the Stop video soft button.