Add your account

Get access to your company's content management system without leaving Webex App. Share and edit files in a space with another person, or with your team.

  • Enterprise accounts––Your administrator gives you permissions to access your company's enterprise content management system.

  • Service provider accounts––Contact your provider to get access to your company's content management system.

Already have permissions? Add your Google Drive account to your desktop or mobile app.

Upload a file

Upload files to Google Drive on the desktop app, so you're ready to share them in a space. Limit access to view-only if you're sharing informational content, allow editing permissions for team collaboration and discussions.

Share a file

Share files from Google Drive on the desktop or mobile app and start collaborating with your team.

View and edit a file

View and edit files shared from Google Drive depending on the shared permissions. The file opens in the application that's associated with the file type on your desktop or mobile.