Webex App integration with archiving and data loss prevention solutions
You can use the Events API to integrate Webex App with your existing archiving and data loss prevention software to archive an unlimited amount of Webex App data.
We have partnered with archiving and data loss prevention (DLP) providers for turnkey solutions. The following are some of the supported archiving and DLP solutions:
Archiving solutions
Data loss prevention solutions
How to integrate Webex App with your archiving or DLP solution
You can assign at least one user as a compliance officer in Control Hub. You can use your users' credentials in your archiving or DLP software. Contact the support or sales team for your archiving or DLP software to complete the configuration.
If you don't see Webex integration with 3rd party archival vendor listed above (such as Proof point, Global Relay, OpenText, Bloomberg Vault and others) contact our archival partners 17a-4 or Theta Lake.
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