Webex App | Remove someone from a meeting
To remove someone from a meeting before it starts or from a future meeting in a recurring meeting series, update the meeting to remove the invitee.
Your options to remove someone from a meeting depend on the type of meeting you've joined from Webex App.
Classic meetings associated with a space
When you remove someone who belongs to the space, you also remove them from the space. When you remove someone from a space, the person is notified that they've been removed from the space. They'll no longer receive notifications, but their content remains visible, based on your company’s data retention policy.
Webex standard meetings, Webex Personal Room meetings, and enhanced meetings associated with a space
As a host, you can remove cohosts and attendees from your meeting. If you're a cohost, you can only remove attendees, not other cohosts. When you remove someone from a meeting, the person is notified that they've been removed from the meeting.
During the meeting, click
During the meeting, tap