Spor hvordan deltakere blir med i eller registrerer seg for Webex Webinars
Som vert kan du få leverandører eller kontakter til å videresende e-postinvitasjonen til deltakerne. Du kan tilordne en kilde-ID til hver leverandør eller kontakt, og deretter måle effektiviteten av markedsføringsarbeidet ved å spore kildene som deltakerne blir med fra eller registrerer seg for webinarene dine.
The source ID is captured when an attendee selects the URL link in an email message from a vendor who has been assigned a source ID.
After a webinar is complete, the host can generate an attendance or registration report showing each attendee's source ID.
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After you schedule your webinar, click Add in the Invitation sources section. |
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Under Contact for invitation source, add the email address of the vendor or contact. This is who will forward your email messages to attendees. |
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Under Source ID, enter the source ID for this vendor or contact. You can use any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters for the source ID.
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Click Send invitation to contact. The email address and source ID appear in the Previous source IDs list so you can copy them to future webinars after you schedule them.
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After you add all your Source IDs, click Close. Add more source IDs later by selecting your webinar and selecting Edit under Invitation sources.
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