Slido is now enabled for your organization
Slido is not available with Webex for Government.
How Slido works for your users
When a Webex meeting host uses Slido for the first time, they automatically get a new Slido user account. The account is created in your Webex-linked Slido organization.
The host manages Slido interactions from the Webex App.
To prepare Slido events/interactions in advance, or to access Slido data after the meeting, hosts need to sign in to Slido at using the ‘Log in with Webex’ option.
To learn about creating and managing Slido events, users can read
Setting up your Slido organization
We create your Slido organization will be created automatically. You don't need to prepare; however, you might want to perform the following actions:
Adding additional Slido account administrators
Claiming your domains
Setting up a data retention policy
Merging any existing Slido licenses/accounts
Allowing guest access to your Slidos from outside your organisation
Microsoft Edge WebView2 is required to use Slido when on Windows computers. We recommend you push this component to your Windows users before you enable Slido. Otherwise, Slido prompts users to install it on first use. Download and install can take several minutes which could impact your meeting experience.
You can learn how to do all of this and more in Integrate Slido with Webex App, ignoring the Control Hub setup. Please note that settings don't carry over from your Webex organization.
Resources to help you make Slido a success
We realize that preparing your organization for changes like these is important. That's why we've created some useful materials to help you roll out Slido successfully.
Communication Starter Kit
We've pulled together a collection of resources that'll help you communicate Slido to your users. It includes a short video, a quick start guide, inspiration for your internal knowledge base, and emails that you can use to spread the word about Slido.
Tips on how to use Slido for end-of-year meetings
As we are approaching the end of the calendar year, we have summarized some tips for how your users can best leverage Slido in Webex before the Holiday season is in full swing. They can read more about the tips in this blog article.
Cisco Trust Portal: Security and Privacy information
The Cisco Trust Portal is a secure portal where Cisco & Slido house all our security, compliance, certification, and controlled content. As well as a technical paper about Slido Security, you can access the following documents:
ISO 27001 Certification
Penetration Test Letter of Attestation
Privacy (GDPR) Data Sheet
CAIQ Risk Questionnaire
If you have any additional questions, you can raise a case with the team directly there.
Train the Trainers session
If you have trainers in your organization who would appreciate some guidance on how to train others in your organization on Slido, we will be running a session on November 30, 2021 at 11 am CET.
This session is designed to equip them with the knowledge and tools they need to train others. People can sign up for it here.
Training for your end users on how to use Slido
We also have some direct training sessions scheduled which are open to all Webex customers:
12/1 5PM CET/4PM GMT: Webex Slido - Getting Started
12/15 5PM CET/4PM GMT: Webex Slido-Best Practices for Running Engaging Meetings
Your users can see all courses and sign up at in the calendar:
Other Useful Help Articles
Full repository of Slido how-to guides: