During a meeting, click Layout Layout icon.


Select Names in videos and then choose one of the following options:

  • Automatically hide names when not speaking—Default option that keeps names hidden until the participant speaks.
  • Show all names—Shows participant names always.
  • Hide all names—Hides participant names except for when you hover over their video.

To show or hide all participant names during a meeting, tap Layout Layout icon, then toggle Automatically hide names on or off.

Hide the names of everyone except the active speaker or show the names of every participant.

To show or hide all participant names during a meeting, tap Layout Layout icon, then toggle Automatically hide names on or off.


During a meeting, click Layout Layout icon.


Select Names in videos and then choose one of the following options:

  • Automatically hide names when not speaking—Default option that keeps names hidden until the participant speaks.
  • Show all names—Shows participant names at all times.
  • Hide all names—Hides participant names except for when you hover over their video.