Использование виртуальных досок

Научитесь эффективно использовать виртуальные доски.

  • В пространствах можно создавать виртуальные доски, и все пользователи в этом пространстве смогут просматривать и редактировать их.

  • Можно также использовать виртуальные доски на совещании. Создайте или откройте существующую виртуальную доску, а затем предоставьте всем совместный доступ к ней во время вызова.


Выберите пространство и щелкните Контент. Then select Whiteboard and click New whiteboard.


Use the following whiteboard tools:

  • Move Перетаскивания на доску—Hold and drag the mouse button to move around the whiteboard canvas.
  • Selection whiteboard selection tool—Click the mouse button on an area on the whiteboard, and drag the mouse to select items, and move them on the whiteboard.

    When selected, you can choose from the following actions: bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.
  • Pen tool Ручка для доски—Hold and drag the mouse button to draw a line with the pen.

    When selected, you can change the thickness and color of the pen.
  • Magic pen Волшебный ручка для доски—When you select the pen, click the magic pen to make lines or shapes you add with the pen tool automatically smoother and straighter.
  • Eraser Ластик на доске—Hold and drag the mouse button to erase any annotation on the whiteboard.
  • Shapes Whiteboard shapes—Select from a circle, square, or diamond. When selected, drag the shape to the area you want, and resize. You can also fill the shape with color. When you right-click the shape, you can choose bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.
  • Text Whiteboard text—When selected, click on the area you want to add text. You can select the color, format, alignment, and choose the size of the text from these choices: small, medium, large, x-large.
  • Stickies Записки на доске—When selected, click on the area you want to add sticky notes. Drag the note to the place you want, and select the color of the sticky note. Нажмите кнопку + для добавления другой записки.
  • Emojis emojis menu button—Use the emoji picker to select an emoji and place it on the whiteboard. When selected, you can drag to the area you want, and resize. When you right-click the emoji, you can choose to bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.

Use the following whiteboard controls:

  • Undo Кнопка Отмена—Click to undo changes made to the whiteboard.
  • Redo Кнопка «Redo» (Повторно)—Click to redo changes made to the whiteboard.
  • Export to PDF Скачать—Click to save the whiteboard as a PDF.

    This option is available on desktop.

На мини-плане, расположенном в нижней правой части доски,

  • Hide Скрыть кнопку—This hides the minimap view. Щелкните еще раз, чтобы снова открыть мини-план.
  • Zoom to overview Кнопка «Zoom to overview» (Изменить масштаб)—Zoom to the width of the area where participants are making edits.
  • Zoom in/out Элементы управления масштабом на доске—This controls the view of the entire whiteboard area.

Для увеличения и уменьшения масштаба области работы на доске можно использовать сочетания клавиш.
  • CTRL +/- for Windows.
  • CMD +/- for Mac.

Выберите пространство, перейдите в меню активности , выберите Виртуальная доска, а затем коснитесь кнопки Новая виртуальная доска.


Можно выполнить приведенное ниже.

  • Selector tool whiteboard selection tool—Click the mouse button on an area on the whiteboard, and drag the mouse to select items, and move them on the whiteboard.

    When selected, you can choose from the following actions: bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.
  • Drag/Move Перетаскивания на доску—Hold and drag to move around the whiteboard canvas.
  • Pen tool Ручка для доски—Hold and drag the mouse button to draw a line with the pen.

    When selected, you can change the thickness and color of the pen.
  • Magic pen Волшебный ручка для доски—When you select the pen, click the magic pen to make lines or shapes you add with the pen tool automatically smoother and straighter.
  • Eraser Ластик на доске—Hold and drag the mouse button to erase any annotation on the whiteboard.
  • Shapes Whiteboard shapes—Select from a circle, square, or diamond. When selected, drag the shape to the area you want, and resize. You can also fill the shape with color. When you right-click the shape, you can choose bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.
  • Text Whiteboard text—When selected, click on the area you want to add text. You can select the color, format, alignment, and choose the size of the text from these choices: small, medium, large, x-large.
  • Stickies Записки на доске—When selected, click on the area you want to add sticky notes. Drag the note to the place you want, and select the color of the sticky note. Нажмите кнопку + для добавления другой записки.
  • Emojis emojis menu button—Use the emoji picker to select an emoji and place it on the whiteboard. When selected, you can drag to the area you want, and resize. When you right-click the emoji, you can choose to bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.

Use the following whiteboard controls:

  • Export to PDF Скачать—Tap to save the whiteboard as a PDF.
  • Undo Кнопка Отмена—Click to undo changes made to the whiteboard.
  • Redo Кнопка «Redo» (Повторно)—Click to redo changes made to the whiteboard.

На мини-плане, расположенном в нижней правой части доски,

  • Hide Скрыть кнопку—This hides the minimap view. Щелкните еще раз, чтобы снова открыть мини-план.
  • Zoom to overview Кнопка «Zoom to overview» (Изменить масштаб)—Zoom to the width of the area where participants are making edits.
  • Zoom in/out Элементы управления масштабом на доске—This controls the view of the entire whiteboard area.

Выберите пространство, перейдите в меню активности , выберите Виртуальная доска, а затем коснитесь кнопки Новая виртуальная доска.


Можно выполнить приведенное ниже.

  • Selector tool whiteboard selection tool—Click the mouse button on an area on the whiteboard, and drag the mouse to select items, and move them on the whiteboard.

    When selected, you can choose from the following actions: bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.
  • Drag/Move Перетаскивания на доску—Hold and drag to move around the whiteboard canvas.
  • Pen tool Ручка для доски—Hold and drag the mouse button to draw a line with the pen.

    When selected, you can change the thickness and color of the pen.
  • Magic pen Волшебный ручка для доски—When you select the pen, click the magic pen to make lines or shapes you add with the pen tool automatically smoother and straighter.
  • Eraser Ластик на доске—Hold and drag the mouse button to erase any annotation on the whiteboard.
  • Shapes Whiteboard shapes—Select from a circle, square, or diamond. When selected, drag the shape to the area you want, and resize. You can also fill the shape with color. When you right-click the shape, you can choose bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.
  • Text Whiteboard text—When selected, click on the area you want to add text. You can select the color, format, alignment, and choose the size of the text from these choices: small, medium, large, x-large.
  • Stickies Записки на доске—When selected, click on the area you want to add sticky notes. Drag the note to the place you want, and select the color of the sticky note. Нажмите кнопку + для добавления другой записки.
  • Emojis emojis menu button—Use the emoji picker to select an emoji and place it on the whiteboard. When selected, you can drag to the area you want, and resize. When you right-click the emoji, you can choose to bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.

Use the following whiteboard controls:

  • Export to PDF Скачать—Tap to save the whiteboard as a PDF.
  • Undo Кнопка Отмена—Click to undo changes made to the whiteboard.
  • Redo Кнопка «Redo» (Повторно)—Click to redo changes made to the whiteboard.

На мини-плане, расположенном в нижней правой части доски,

  • Hide Скрыть кнопку—This hides the minimap view. Щелкните еще раз, чтобы снова открыть мини-план.
  • Zoom to overview Кнопка «Zoom to overview» (Изменить масштаб)—Zoom to the width of the area where participants are making edits.
  • Zoom in/out Элементы управления масштабом на доске—This controls the view of the entire whiteboard area.