IT Administrator Guide for Mass Deployment of Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop app and Productivity Tools (WBS39.10 and Later)
Starting WBS39.10 there are separate install packages for the Productivity Tools and desktop app. The Webex Meetings desktop app allows users to start and join the meetings quickly and easily includes the pre-meeting and in-meeting experience.
The IT Administrators Guide to Mass Deployment of Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop app and Productivity Tools helps you and your organization understand the tasks involved in installing the Webex Meetings Desktop app and Productivity Tools. It covers various types of installations, including a single-computer installation and large-scale installations using Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS).
For more information about the Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop app and Productivity Tools, see the IT Administrators Guide to Mass Deployment of Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop app and Productivity Tools.
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