
This document provides high level configuration details about the Dedicated Instance for Webex Calling System Configuration (Dedicated Instance) that is built for a customer which includes Unified Communications (UC) applications:

  • Cisco Unified Communication Manager (Unified CM)

  • Cisco Unified Instant Message and Presence (IM&P)

  • Cisco Unified Unity Connection (CUCxN) and

  • Cisco Emergency Responder (CER)

  • Edge components (Cisco Expressways)

Cisco Configured Components

Cisco configures multiple components in the Customer’s Dedicated Instance UC applications. For these components to be easily identifiable, Cisco inserts an x in the beginning of the name of the component. This x prefix alerts partners to a Cisco-configured name, that the partner or customer administrators should not modify or delete. This format is also used for Cisco’s Operational monitoring/readiness of the Dedicated Instance UC applications.

The Partner or Customer should not modify or delete any of the following:

  • Region entries which are associated with resources in the Datacenter (DC) i.e., Conference bridges, SIP trunks, etc.

  • Device pool entries which are associated with devices in the Cisco’s Datacenter.

  • Security configurations as required

    • Credential policy configuration

    • SIP security profile configuration

  • Cisco configured SIP Trunks for various services integration, i.e., RedSky, Inter-op trunk to Webex Calling Multi-tenant, etc.

  • Cisco configures two CDR destinations in Unified CM to monitor the application and provide analytics in Control Hub for administrators.

Unless the Dedicated Instance document explicitly mentions to change a customer specific configuration in the SIP trunks.

Control Hub – Webex Calling


Cisco Assigned Name



Services → Calling → Location

  • WXC-DI-<region>-LOC

Location is mandatory for activation of Interop SIP trunk between Webex Calling and Dedicated Instance.

The customer administrator must configure the Main Number for this default Location created. If this is not done, you will not be able to make or receive calls through the Route Group associated to this Location. See Configure PSTN Connection section in How to Activate Dedicated Instance for more information.

SIP Trunk

Services → Calling → Call Routing → Trunk

  • WXC-DI-<region>-TRK-<DC>

SIP trunk one to each Dedicated Instance datacenter within a region is configured for basic interop between Webex Calling and Dedicated Instance.

These are default trunks created by Cisco, should not be modified or deleted.

Route Group

Services → Calling → Call Routing → Route Group

  • WXC-DI-<region>-RG

Route Groups are configured with the Interop SIP trunks and administrator can easily configure or link their custom Dial Plan to the default Route Group.

Cisco Unified Communication Manager (Unified CM)


Cisco assigned name


Unified CM Groups

System → Cisco Unified CM Group

  • xCER-CMG

  • x<region>-CMG1

  • x<region>-CMG2

A Unified Communications Manager Group is a prioritized list of up to three redundant servers to which devices can register. Each group contains a primary node and up to two backup nodes.


System → Region Information → Region

  • xCUCxN Reg

  • xSIP Trunk Reg

  • x<DC1> Reg

  • x<DC2> Reg

Regions provide capacity controls for Unified Communications Manager multisite deployments where you may need to limit the bandwidth for certain calls.

Device Pool

System → Device Pool

  • xCER_DP

  • xIMP_DP

  • x<DC1>_CMG1_DP

  • x<DC2>_CMG2_DP

  • x<DC1>_CUCxN_DP

  • x<DC2>_CUCxN_DP

  • x<DC1>_MEDIA_DP

  • x<DC2>_ MEDIA_DP

  • x<DC1>_ SBC_SIP_DP

  • x<DC2>_ SBC_SIP_DP

Device pools provide a common set of configurations for a group of devices. You can assign a device pool to devices such as phones, gateways, trunks, and CTI route points.

SIP Trunk Security Profile

System → Security → SIP Trunk Security Profile

  • xCUCxN_SIP_Trunk_Security_Profile_NonSecure

  • xExpressway_SIP_Trunk_Security_Profile

  • xIMP_SIP_Trunk_Security_Profile

  • xRedSky_Trunk_SP_NonSecure

  • xWxC_MT_Trunk_SP_NonSecure

Security related settings for the SIP trunk to allow you to assign a single security profile to multiple SIP trunks. Security related settings include device security mode, digest authentication, and incoming/outgoing transport type settings.

MRA Service Domain

Advanced Features → MRA Service Domain

MRA voice service domain <customer name>. <region>. wxc-di.webex.com.

MRA Service Domains let you specify which Expressway your phones register.

For example, customer.amer.wxc-di.webex.com, customer.emea.wxc-di.webex.com

The SIP URI address value provided during the Dedicated Instance Service Activation is the domain used for all the UC applications and Mobile and Remote Access (MRA) service domain for each region(s). The Voice Service Domain per region is provided in the Dedicated Instance access document shared through the Webex App message at the time-of-service activation.

SIP Trunk

Device → Trunk

SIP Trunks to:

  • IM&P:

    • xIMP_SIP_Trunk

  • Expressway:

    • xTrunk-to-<customer id>vccXXX

  • CUCxN:

    • x<DC1>_CUCxN_SIP_Trunk_NonSecure

    • x<DC2>_CUCxN_SIP_Trunk_NonSecure

  • RedSky:

    • x<DC1>_e911_RedSky_TRK

    • x<DC2>_e911_RedSky_TRK

  • Interop to WxC Multi-tenant:

    • x<DC>_<region>_WxC_MT_TRK

  • Webex Meeting (Edge Audio):

    • xWEA-<DC>-TRK

The SIP Trunk Configuration window contains the SIP signaling configurations that Unified CM uses to manage SIP calls.

The customer administrator must configure the SIP Normalization Script created. For more information, refer to Integrated Audio for Webex configuration.

Route Group

Call Routing → Route/Hunt → Route Group

  • RedSky:

    • x<DC>_e911_RedSky_RG

  • Inter-op to WxC Multi-tenant:

    • xWxC_MT_<region>_RG

  • Webex Meeting (Edge Audio):

    • xWEA_<DC>_RG


Route List

Call Routing → Route/Hunt → Route List

  • RedSky:

    • x<DC>_e911_RedSky_RL

  • Interop to WxC Multi-tenant:

    • xWxC_MT_<region>_RL

  • Webex Meeting (Edge Audio):

    • xWEA_<DC>_RL


SIP Profile

Device → Device Settings → SIP Profile

  • xCUCxN_SIP_Profile

  • xIMP Standard SIP Profile

  • xRedSky_SIP_Profile

  • xSIP_Profile_for_Expressways

  • xWxC_MT_SIP_Profile

SIP settings that you can assign to SIP devices and trunks that use this profile.

Common Phone Profile

Device → Device Settings → Common Phone Profile

  • xICE Phone Profile

Common Phone Profiles allow you to configure Feature Control Policy settings and then apply those settings to all the phones in your network that use that profile.

SIP Normalization Scripts

Device → Device Settings → SIP Normalization Scripts

  • xRedSky_Normalization

  • xWxC_MT_Normilization

Use the SIP Normalization script to add the X-DI-WxC-otg SIP Header for the Trunk towards Webex Calling. This value will be used for identifying the customer/cluster for call routing in the Webex Calling side.

Customer or partner is expected to update the RedSky account ID.

Application User

User Management → Application Users

  • partneradmin

The other application users are used by Cisco for operational and monitoring purpose.

Credential Policy

User Management → User Settings → Credential Policies

  • Unified CM For Cloud Credential Policy

  • Unified CM For Cloud Service Account Credential Policy

  • Unified CM For Cloud CER App User Account Credential Policy

  • Unified CM For Cloud Credential Policy - PIN

Credential policies control the authentication process for resources in Unified CM. A credential policy defines password requirements and account lockout details such as failed login attempts, expiration periods and lockout durations for end-user passwords, end-user PINs, and application user passwords. Credential policies can be assigned broadly to all accounts of a specific credential type, such as all end-user PINs, or they can be customized for a specific application user, or end user.


User Management → preferences → Roles

  • Customer AXL API Access

  • Customer CCMADMIN

  • Customer CCMADMIN ReadOnly

  • Customer IMPADMIN

  • Partner AXL API Access

  • Partner CCMADMIN

  • Partner CCMADMIN ReadOnly

  • Partner IMPADMIN

  • Partner RealtimeAndTraceCollection

The other Role is created by Cisco, and can’t be edited or deleted by Partner or Customer administrators.

Access Control Groups

User Management → User Settings → Access Control Group
See Rank 5 Access Control Group role assignment. These Access Control Groups (AGC) are created by Cisco; Any combination of these ACGs can be used with partner or customer user with user rank 5 or below.

UC Services

User Management → User Settings → UC Services

  • IMP-Primary

  • IMP-Secondary

  • MS-Primary

  • MS-Secondary

  • VS-Primary

  • VS-Secondary

Configure the user's service profile to point to the Unified CM services that you want to apply to this service profile.

Service Profiles

User Management → User Settings → Service Profiles → xSTD-Cluster-UCSP-Voice-Only

  • UserServiceProfile

Service Profile allows you to create a profile that comprises common Unified CM Services settings.

The partner admin is required to get the HELD Customer ID and HELD+ Secure ID from his RedSky account and add them in the xSTD-Cluster-UCSP-Voice-Only of Service Profile section.

User Rank

User Management → User Settings → User Rank

  • 3 - Partner Admin

  • 4 – Customer Admin

  • 5 – Enterprise User

The User Rank hierarchy provides a set of controls over which access control groups an administrator and can assign to an end user or application user.

Service Parameters - Cisco CallManager

System → Service Parameters → Cisco CallManager

  • Call Diagnostics Enabled – Enabled Only When CDR Enabled Flag is True

  • T302 Timer (msec) - 7500

  • Stop Routing On Unallocated Number Flag - False

  • Stop Routing On User Busy Flag – False

  • Strip G.729 Annex B (Silence Suppression) from Capabilities Required Field – True

  • Default Inter-Presence Group Subscription Required Field – Allow Subscription

  • Enable Enterprise Feature Access Required Field - True


Service Parameters - Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App

System → Service Parameters → Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App

  • Annunciator (ANN) Parameters → Run Flag – False

  • Media Termination Point (MTP) Parameters → Run Flag – False

  • Conference Bridge (CFB) Parameters → Run Flag – False


Enterprise Parameters

System → Enterprise Parameters

  • Cluster ID

Provides a unique identifier to the cluster.

  • Auto Registration Phone Protocol Required Field – SIP

This is the protocol used by the auto-registration phone during initialization.

  • Enable Dependency Records Required Field – True


  • Self Care Portal Parameters

    • Self Care Portal Default Server

Cisco configures the Unified CM publisher node as default.

  • End-User Parameter

    • Directory URI Alias Partition


  • Security Parameter

    • Cluster Security Model - 1

    • TFTP File Signature Algorithm - SHA512

Indicates the security mode of the cluster and the algorithm to be used while generating the CTL, ITL, and TFTP configuration files.

The Cluster security mode is set to Mixed Mode for the Unified CM Cluster.

  • Certificate Revocation and Expiry

    • Certificate Validity Check - Disabled

Initiates the expiry checking services for the different applications.

  • Secure Phone URL Parameters

    • Secure URL Authentication - http://<CUCM Publisher FQDN>:8443/ccmcip/authenticate.jsp

    • Secure Directory URL (XML) - http://<CUCM Publisher FQDN>:8443/ccmcip/xmldirectory.jsp

    • Secure Contact Search URL (UDS) - http://<CUCM Publisher FQDN>:8443/ cucm-uds/users

  • Clusterwide Domain Configuration

    • Organization Top Level Domain

    • Cluster Fully Qualified Domain Name


  • Cisco Syslog Agent

    • Remote Syslog Server Name

    • Syslog Severity For Remote Syslog messages Required Field - Warning


Rank 5 Access Control Group role assignment

Access Control Group NameRankRole AssignmentRole privilege
Partner CCM Read Only5Same as StandardSee Role privilege table.
Customer CCM End Users 5 Standard CCM End Users-
Partner CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Connected Xfer and confSee Role privilege table.
Partner CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Rollover ModeSee Role privilege table.
Standard CTI Enabled-
Partner Admin-3rd Party API5Same as StandardSee Role privilege table.
Partner Application Client Users5Same as StandardSee Role privilege table.
Partner CAR Admin Users5Same as StandardSee Role privilege table.
Partner CCM End Users 5Standard CCM End Users-
Standard CCMUSER Administration-
Partner CCM Gateway Administration5Same as Standard-
Partner CCM Phone Administration5Same as Standard-
Partner CCM Server Maintenance5Same as Standard-
Partner CCM Server Monitoring5Same as Standard-
Partner Confidential Access Level Users5Same as Standard-
Partner CTI Allow Call Monitoring5Same as Standard-
Partner CCM Admin Users 5Partner AXL API AccessSee Role privilege table.
Partner CCMADMINSee Role privilege table.
Partner IMPADMINSee Role privilege table.
Partner RealtimeAndTraceCollectionSee Role privilege table.
Standad AXL API Users-
Standard Admin Rep Tool Admin-
Standard CCM Admin Users-
Standard CCM End Users-
Standard CCMUSER Administration-
Partner CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Connected Xfer and confSee Role privilege table.
Partner CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Rollover ModeSee Role privilege table.
Standard CTI Enabled-
Standard CUReporting-
Partner CTI Allow Call Park Monitoring5Same as Standard-
Partner Third Party Application Users5Same as Standard-
Partner CTI Allow Call Recording5Same as Standard-
Partner CTI Allow Calling Number Modification5Same as Standard-
Partner CTI Allow Control of All Devices5Same as Standard-
Partner CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Connected Xfer and conf5Same as Standard-
Partner CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Rollover Mode5Same as Standard-
Partner CTI Allow Reception of SRTP Key Material5Same as Standard-
Partner CTI Enabled5Same as Standard-
Partner CTI Secure Connection5Same as Standard-
Partner EM Authentication Proxy Rights5Same as Standard-
Partner EM Roaming Across Clusters Super Users5Same as Standard-
Partner Packet Sniffer Users5Same as Standard-
Partner RealtimeAndTraceCollection5Same as Standard-
Partner TabSync User5Same as Standard-

Role privilege

RoleRankResource Privilege
Partner CAR Admin Users5Copy of Standard CAR Admin Userssame as Rank 1
Partner CCM Admin Users5Copy of Standard CCM Admin Userssame as Rank 1
Partner CCM End Users5Copy of Standard CCM End Userssame as Rank 1
Partner CCM Gateway Administration5Copy of Standard CCM Gateway Administrationsame as Rank 1
Partner CCM Phone Administration5Copy of Standard CCM Phone Administrationsame as Rank 1
Partner CCM Read Only5Copy of Standard CCM Read Onlysame as Rank 1
Partner CCM Server Maintenance5Copy of Standard CCM Server Maintenancesame as Rank 1
Partner CCM Server Monitoring5Copy of Standard CCM Server Monitoringsame as Rank 1
Partner Confidential Access Level Users5Copy of Standard Confidential Access Level Userssame as Rank 1
Partner CTI Allow Call Monitoring5Copy of Standard CTI Allow Call Monitoringsame as Rank 1
Partner CTI Allow Call Park Monitoring5Copy of Standard CTI Allow Call Park Monitoringsame as Rank 1
Partner CTI Allow Call Recording5Copy of Standard CTI Allow Call Recordingsame as Rank 1
Partner CTI Allow Calling Number Modification5Copy of Standard CTI Allow Calling Number Modificationsame as Rank 1
Partner CTI Allow Control of All Devices5Copy of Standard CTI Allow Control of All Devicessame as Rank 1
Partner CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Connected Xfer and conf5Copy of Standard CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Connected Xfer and confsame as Rank 1
Partner CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Rollover Mode5Copy of Standard CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Rollover Modesame as Rank 1
Partner CTI Allow Reception of SRTP Key Material5Copy of Standard CTI Allow Reception of SRTP Key Materialsame as Rank 1
Partner CTI Enabled5Copy of Standard CTI Enabledsame as Rank 1
Partner CTI Secure Connection5Copy of Standard CTI Secure Connectionsame as Rank 1
Partner EM Authentication Proxy Rights5Copy of Standard EM Authentication Proxy Rightssame as Rank 1
Partner EM Roaming Across Clusters Super Users5Copy of Standard EM Roaming Across Clusters Super Userssame as Rank 1
Partner Packet Sniffer Users5Copy of Standard Packet Sniffer Userssame as Rank 1
Partner TabSync User5Copy of Standard TabSync Usersame as Rank 1
Partner Admin-3rd Party API5Copy of Standard Admin-3rd Party APIsame as Rank 1
Partner Application Client Users5Copy of Standard Application Client Userssame as Rank 1
Partner Third Party Application Users5Copy of Standard Third Party Application Userssame as Rank 1
Partner CCMADMIN Role 5 AAR Group web pagesread, update
ALL License Device Usage Reportread, update
Access Control Group web pagesread, update
Access Listread, update
Add Unity Userread, update
Advanced License Device Usage Reportread, update
Advanced License User Usage Reportread, update
Advertised Route Patternread, update
All License User Usage Reportread, update
Announcementread, update
Annunciator web pagesread, update
Application Dial Rules web pagesread, update
Application Serverread, update
Application User CAPFread, update
Application User Web Pagesread, update
Audio Codec Preference Listread, update
BLF Directed Call Parkread, update
BLF Speeddialread, update
Basic License Device Usage Reportread, update
Basic License User Usage Reportread, update
Blocked Learned Patternread, update
Blocked Learned Patternsread, update
Blocked Patternsread, update
Bulk Add/Update Linesread, update
Bulk Add/Update Phonesread, update
Bulk CUPS User Pageread, update
Bulk Config Tool Exportread, update
Bulk Config Tool Importread, update
Bulk Config Tool Import Validationread, update
Bulk Delete Access Listread, update
Bulk Delete Call Pickup Groupread, update
Bulk Delete Client Matter Codesread, update
Bulk Delete Fallback Profileread, update
Bulk Delete Forced Authorization Codesread, update
Bulk Delete Gatewaysread, update
Bulk Delete IPMA Assistantsread, update
Bulk Delete IPMA Managersread, update
Bulk Delete IPMA Managers/Assistantsread, update
Bulk Delete Mobility Profilesread, update
Bulk Delete Phonesread, update
Bulk Delete Remote Destinationread, update
Bulk Delete Remote Destination Profileread, update
Bulk Delete UDPread, update
Bulk Delete Usersread, update
Bulk Delete Vipr Enrolled DID Pattern Groupread, update
Bulk Delete Vipr Exclusion Number Groupread, update
Bulk Delete Vipr Route Filter Elementread, update
Bulk Delete Vipr Route Filter Groupread, update
Bulk EMCC Deleteread, update
Bulk EMCC Insert/Updateread, update
Bulk EMCC Templateread, update
Bulk Export Access Listread, update
Bulk Export Line Appearanceread, update
Bulk Export Mobility Profilesread, update
Bulk Export Phonesread, update
Bulk Export Remote Destinationread, update
Bulk Export Remote Destination Profileread, update
Bulk Export UDPread, update
Bulk Export Usersread, update
Bulk File Upload Pagesread, update
Bulk Gateway File Formatread, update
Bulk Gateway Templateread, update
Bulk Generate Gateway Reportsread, update
Bulk Generate IPMA Assistant Reportsread, update
Bulk Generate IPMA Manager Reportsread, update
Bulk Generate Phone Reportsread, update
Bulk Generate UDP Reportsread, update
Bulk Generate User Reportsread, update
Bulk Infrastructure Device Insertinsert, update
Bulk Insert Access Listread, update
Bulk Insert Call Pickup Groupread, update
Bulk Insert Client Matter Codesread, update
Bulk Insert Fallback Profileread, update
Bulk Insert Forced Authorization Codesread, update
Bulk Insert Gatewaysread, update
Bulk Insert IPMA Managers/Assistantsread, update
Bulk Insert Imported Directory URIread, update
Bulk Insert Intercomread, update
Bulk Insert Mobility Profilesread, update
Bulk Insert Phonesread, update
Bulk Insert Phones with Usersread, update
Bulk Insert Remote Destinationread, update
Bulk Insert Remote Destination Profileread, update
Bulk Insert UDPread, update
Bulk Insert Usersread, update
Bulk Insert Vipr Enrolled DID Pattern Groupread, update
Bulk Insert Vipr Exclusion Number Groupread, update
Bulk Insert Vipr Route Filter Elementread, update
Bulk Insert Vipr Route Filter Groupread, update
Bulk Intercom DN Templateread, update
Bulk Job Scheduler pagesread, update
Bulk Migrate Phonesread, update
Bulk Phone & Users File Formatread, update
Bulk Phone File Formatread, update
Bulk Phone Migrationread, update
Bulk Phone Templateread, update
Bulk Region Matrixread, update
Bulk Remote Destination Profile Add File Formatread, update
Bulk Remote Destination Profile Create File Formatread, update
Bulk Remote Destination Profile Templateread, update
Bulk Reset Password/PINread, update
Bulk Reset/Restart Phonesread, update
Bulk Secure TAPSread, update
Bulk UDP File Formatread, update
Bulk UDP Intercom DN Addread, update
Bulk UDP Intercom DN Updateread, update
Bulk UDP Templateread, update
Bulk Update Intercomread, update
Bulk Update Line Appearanceread, update
Bulk Update Phonesread, update
Bulk Update UDPread, update
Bulk Update Usersread, update
Bulk User CAPF Deleteread, update
Bulk User CAPF Exportread, update
Bulk User CAPF Insertread, update
Bulk User Locales for TAPSread, update
Bulk User Templateread, update
Bulk Validate Phonesread, update
Bulk Validate Phones/Usersread, update
Bulk Validate UDPread, update
Bulk View TAPS Log Fileread, update
Bulk Wipe/Lock Phonesread, update
CCD Advertising Service Profileread, update
CCD Feature Configurationread, update
CCD Requesting Service Profileread, update
CMC Inforead, update
CTI Route Point web pagesread, update
CUMA Server Security Profileread, update
Call Control Agent Profileread, update
Call Control Discovery Partitionread, update
Call Park web pagesread, update
Call Pickup web pagesread, update
CallManager Group web pagesread, update
CallManager web pagesread, update
Called Party Tracingread, update
Called Party Transformation Patternread, update
Calling Search Space web pagesread, update
Certificate web pagesread
Cloud Onboarding Pageread
Common Device Mobility Profileread, update
Common Phone Profileread, update
Conference Bridge web pagesread, update
Conference Now web pagesread, update
Confidential Access Levelread, update
Credentialread, update
Credential Policyread, update
Credential Policy Defaultread, update
Cross-Origin Resource Sharingread, update
DHCP Server Web Pagesread, update
DHCP Subnet Web Pagesread, update
DRF Restore Warning Pageread
DRF Schedule Pageread
DRF Show Dependency Pageread
DRF Show Status Pageread
Date/Time Group web pagesread, update
Default Device Profile web pagesread, update
Delete Unassigned DNread, update
Device Default web pagesread, update
Device Mobility Groupread, update
Device Mobility Inforead, update
Device Pool web pagesread, update
Device Profile web pagesread, update
Dial Planread, update
Dial Rule Pattern Inforead, update
Dial Rules Inforead, update
Directed Call Parkread, update
Directory Dial Rules pagesread, update
Directory Number web pagesread, update
Download Local Directory URIread, update
E911 Messagesread, update
ELIN Group Web Pagesread, update
EMCC Feature Configread, update
EMCC Intercluster Service Profileread, update
EMCC Remote Clusterread, update
EMCC Remote Cluster Service Overrideread, update
Emergency Call Routing Regulationsread, update
Emergency Location Configuration Web Pagesread, update
Emergency Notification Pageread, update
End User CAPFread, update
Enhanced License Device Usage Reportread, update
Enhanced License User Usage Reportread, update
Enterprise Parameters web pagesread, update
Enterprise Phone Configurationread, update
Essential License Device Usage Reportread, update
Essential License User Usage Reportread, update
Export Local URIsread, update
Expressway-C -
External Call Control Profileread, update
Fac Inforead, update
FallBack Feature Configuration Pageread, update
Fallback Profile Web Pagesread, update
Feature Control Policyread, update
Feature Group Template web pagesread, update
Firmware Load web pagesread, update
Fixed MOH Audio Sourceread, update
Gate Keeper web pagesread, update
Gateway Security Profileread, update
Gateway web pagesread, update
Geolocationread, update
Geolocation Filterread, update
Geolocation Policyread, update
H323 Security Profileread, update
HTTP Profileread, update
Handoff Mobility Setupread, update
Headset Finesse Configurationread, update
Headset and Accessories Inventoryread, update
Headset and Accessories Inventory Summaryread, update
Headset and Accessories Templateread, update
Hosted DN Groupread, update
Hosted DN Patternsread, update
Hunt Listread, update
Hunt Pilotread, update
ILS Cluster View pageread, update
ILS web pagesread, update
IME Enrolled Group Web Pagesread, update
IME Enrolled Pattern Web Pagesread, update
IME Exclusion Group Web Pagesread, update
IME Exclusion Number Web Pagesread, update
IME Feature Configuration Pageread, update
IME Firewall Web Pagesread, update
IME Learned Route Web Pagesread, update
IME Server Web Pagesread, update
IME Service Web Pagesread, update
IME Transformation Web Pagesread, update
IME Trusted Element Web Pagesread, update
IME Trusted Group Web Pagesread, update
IME UCM External Address List Web Pageread, update
IPMA Wizard web pagesread, update
IVR Source web pagesread, update
Imported Directory URIread, update
Imported Directory URI Catalogread, update
Imported Patternread, update
Intercluster Directory URI Configurationread, update
IntercomCallingSearchSpaceread, update
IntercomDirectoryNumberread, update
IntercomRoutePartitionread, update
IntercomTranslationread, update
LDAP Authentication Configuration Pageread, update
LDAP Custom Filter Configurationread, update
LDAP Directory Configuration Pagesread, update
LDAP Search Configuration Pageread, update
LDAP System Configuration Pageread, update
Ldap Sync UserGroupread, update
Learned Alternate Numbersread, update
Learned Directory URIsread, update
Learned Objectread, update
Learned Patternsread, update
License Device Usage Reportread, update
License User Usage Reportread, update
License User View Detailsread, update
Licensing read
Licensing Reportread
Line Appearance web pagesread, update
Line Group web pagesread, update
Line Template Pageread, update
Local Route Groupread, update
Location Bandwidth Manager Groupread, update
Location Bandwidth Manager(LBM) Intercluster Replication Groupread, update
Location web pagesread, update
MLPP Domain web pagesread, update
MOH Audio Source Management web pagesread, update
MOH Audio Source web pagesread, update
MOH Server web pagesread, update
MRA Service Domainread, update
Media Resource Group List web pagesread, update
Media Resource Group web pagesread, update
Media Termination Point web pagesread, update
Meet Me web pagesread, update
Message Waiting web pagesread, update
Mobile Voice Accessread, update
Mobility Configurationread, update
Mobility Enterprise Feature Accessread, update
Mobility Profileread, update
NTP Serverread, update
Network Access Profileread, update
Page Layout Preference web pagesread, update
Panic Button Popup Pageread, update
Pattern Parameter Inforead, update
Phone Activation Code Pageread
Phone Add Pageread, update
Phone Button Layout web pagesread, update
Phone Button Template web pagesread, update
Phone Device Profile Pageread, update
Phone Migrationread, update
Phone Security Profileread, update
Phone Service Subscribe Pageread, update
Phone Services web pagesread, update
Phone web pagesread, update
Physical Locationread, update
Plugin web pagesread, update
Premium License Device Usage Reportread, update
Premium License User Usage Reportread, update
Presence Groupread,, update
Presence License User Usage Reportread, update
Presence Redundancy Groupread, update
Presence Server Statusread, update
Presence User Assignmentread, update
Professional License User Usage Reportread, update
Recording Profileread, update
Region web pagesread, update
RemoteDestinationread, update
RemoteDestinationTemplateread, update
Reorder Inforead, update
Resource Priority Namespaceread, update
Resource Priority Namespace Listread, update
Role web pagesread
Route Filter web pagesread, update
Route Group web pagesread, update
Route Listread, update
Route Partition web pagesread, update
Route Partitions For Learned Patternsread, update
Route Pattern Popup Pageread, update
Route Pattern web pagesread, update
Route Pattern2read, update
Route Plan Report web pagesread, update
SAF Forwarderread, update
SAF Security Profileread, update
SAML Single Sign-Onread, update
SCCP Security Profileread, update
SDP Transparency Profileread, update
SIP Normalization Scriptread, update
SIP Phone Security Profileread, update
SIP Profileread, update
SIP Realmread, update
SIP Route Patternread, update
SIP Trunk Security Profileread, update
SRST Certificateread, update
SRST web pagesread, update
SSO Wizard web pagesread, update
Security Setting web pagesread, update
Self Provisioning Configurationread, update
Server web pagesread, update
Service Parameter web pagesread, update
Service Profile web pagesread, update
Service Url Pageread, update
Softkey Template web pagesread, update
Speed Dial Pageread, update
Super Copy Inforead, update
Switches and Access Point Web Pagesread, update
Telepresence License Device Usage Reportread, update
Telepresence License User Usage Reportread, update
Time Periodread, update
Time Scheduleread, update
Transcoder web pagesread, update
Transformation Patternread, update
Transformation Profile Web Pagesread, update
Translation Pattern web pagesread, update
Trunk web pagesread, update
UC Service web pagesread, update
Universal Device Template web pagesread, update
Universal Line Template web pagesread, update
User Profileread, update
User Rank web pagesread, update
User web pagesread, update
VOH Server web pagesread, update
VPN Feature Configread, update
VPN Gateway web pagesread, update
VPN Group web pagesread, update
VPN Profileread, update
Voice Mail Pilot web pagesread, update
Voice Mail Port Wizard web pagesread, update
Voice Mail Port web pagesread, update
Voice Mail Profile web pagesread, update
Voice Mail web pagesread, update
Wi-Fi Hotspot Profileread, update
Wireless Access Point Controller Web Pagesread, update
Wireless LAN Profileread, update
Wireless LAN Profile Groupread, update
Partner RealtimeAndTraceCollection 5 Alarm Configuration web pageread
Alarm Definition web pageread
Audit Configurationread
Audit Traceread
CDR Managementread
Call Home Configuration web pageread
Called Party Tracingread, update
Control Center - Feature Services web pageread, update
Control Center - Network Services web pageread, update
Locations Assertions Detail web pageread, update
Locations Disconnected Groups web pageread, update
Locations Discrepancy web pageread, update
Locations Effective Path web pageread, update
Locations Topology web pageread, update
Log Partition Monitoring->Configuration web pageread, update
RTMT->Alert Configread, update
RTMT->Profile Savingread, update
Real Time Monitoring Toolread, update
SNMP->V1/V2c->Configuration->Community String web page-
SNMP->V1/V2c->Configuration->Notification Destination web page-
SNMP->V3 Configuration->Notification Destination web page-
SNMP->V3 Configuration->User web page-
SNMP->system Group Configuration->MIB2 System Group Configuration web page-
SOAP Backup and Restore APIs-
SOAP CDR on Demand APIs-
SOAP CDR on Demand APIs 2-
SOAP Call Record APIs-
SOAP Control Center APIs-
SOAP Control Center APIs 2-
SOAP Diagnostic Portal Database Service-
SOAP Log Collection APIs-
SOAP Log Collection APIs 2-
SOAP Performance Informations APIs-
SOAP Performance Informations APIs 2-
SOAP Realtime Informations and Control Center APIs-
SOAP Realtime Informations and Control Center APIs 2-
SOAP Troubleshooter API-
Service Activation web pageread, update
Serviceability Report Archiveread, update
Trace Collection Toolread, update
Trace Configuration web pageread, update
Troubleshoot Trace Settings web pageread, update
Partner AXL API Access 5 Add Api Allow to use API
Execute SQL Query Allow to use API
Execute SQL Update Allow to use API
Get Api Allow to use API
List Api Allow to use API
Remove Api Allow to use API
Update Api Allow to use API
Partner IMPADMIN 5 read update -
Advanced Presence Settings read, update
Applications Listeners read, update
Bulk Contact List Export read, update
Bulk Contact List Update read, update
Bulk Contacts Rename read, update
Bulk File Upload Pages read, update
Bulk Job Scheduler pages read, update
Bulk Legacy Clients/Microsoft RCC read, update
CCMCIP Profile read, update
Centralized Deployment -
Certificate Import Tool read, update
Client Types read, update
Compliance read, update
Compliance Change Password -
Compliance Disable Encryption -
Compliance Download Encryption -
Compliance Profile read, update
Compliance Profile Routing Priority read, update
Dashboard read, update
Email Federated Domains read, update
Enterprise Parameters web pages read, update
Exchange Certificate Config read, update
Exchange Certificate Detail read, update
Export Non-presence Contact List read, update
Export User Location Details -
External Database Jobs read, update
External Database Settings read, update
External File Server read, update
Federated Domains read, update
File Transfer read, update
General Certificate Config read, update
Global Security Settings read, update
Group Chat Rooms Relocation -
Group Chat Server Alias and Room -
Group Chat and Persistent Chat Settings read, update
Import Non-presence Contact List read, update
Import User Location Details -
Incoming SIP Proxy ACL read, update
Inter-Clustering read, update
Intradomian Federation Setup read, update
LDAP Hosts for Third Party Client Contact Search read, update
LDAP Settings for Third Party Client Contact Search read, update
Legacy Client Settings read, update
MOC Troubleshooter read, update
Messaging Settings read, update
Method/Event Routing read, update
Microsoft RCC Settings read, update
Microsoft RCC User Assignment read, update
Notifications read, update
Number Expansion read, update
Outgoing SIP Proxy ACL read, update
Plugin web pages read, update
Presence Domains read, update
Presence Gateways read, update
Presence Routing Settings read, update
Presence Search read, update
Presence Settings read, update
Service Parameter web pages read, update
Static Routes read, update
TC Sysadmins read, update
TLS Context read, update
TLS Peer Subjects read, update
Text Chat Node Alias read, update
Third Party Compliance Server read, update
Topology read, update
Troubleshooter read, update
Whats New read, update
XMPP Federation Policy read, update
XMPP Federation Settings read, update

Cisco Unified Unity Connection (CUCxN)


Cisco Assigned Name



Dialplan → Partition

<customer id><dc id>ccnXXX Partition

Tenant partitioning also introduces the concept of using the corporate email addresses as their alias, which enables alias uniqueness across tenants.

Search Space

Dialplan → Search Space

<customer id><dc id>ccnXXX Search Space

Search spaces are assigned to objects such as user primary extensions, routing rules, call handlers, or VPIM locations.

Authentication Rules

System Settings

UCM For Cloud Credential Policy - Voice Mail Application

UCM For Cloud Credential Policy - Web Application

Authentication rules govern user passwords, PINs, and account lockouts for all user accounts.


System Settings → Roles → Custom Roles

Partner CUC Admin

Custom roles are the roles that you create with a list of privileges based on your organizational requirements. Custom roles can be assigned or unassigned to users by System Administrator or a custom role user with role assignment privilege.

Port Group

Telephony Integrations → Port Group

  • PortGroup-<region>1

  • PortGroup-<region>2

Port Groups are assigned voice messaging ports that define Unity Connection integration configuration settings.


Telephony Integrations → Port

  • PortGroup-<region>1-XXX

Enterprise Parameters

System Settings → Enterprise Parameters

  • Cluster ID

  • Trusted List of Hosts in HTTP Referer/Host Header

  • Remote Syslog Server Name 1

  • Remote Syslog Server Name 2

Enterprise parameters for Cisco Unity Connection provide default settings that apply to all services in Cisco Unified Serviceability.


Users → Users


The other application users are used by Cisco for operational and monitoring purpose.

Cisco Emergency Responder (CER)


Cisco Assigned Name


SysLog Server

System → Cisco ER Group Settings

Syslog Server

SNMPv3 Settings

Phone Tracking → SNMPv3 Settings

SNMP user details will be added for all the CUCM nodes.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Cluster

CUCM Publisher details will be added.


User Management → Users


The other application users are used by Cisco for operational and monitoring purpose.


User Management → Roles

Partner CUC Admin

User Groups

User Management → User Groups

Partner → Admin Group

Red Sky Configuration

System → Intrado VUI Settings

  • Redsky Root certificate uploaded


  • Enable HTTP Proxy

As part of the RedSky configuration:

  • Proxy Host name/IP Address hosted in Cisco’s datacenter is configured

  • The RedSky certificate is updated in CER

The partner administrator is required to get the CER Account ID from their RedSky portal and add the details in Intrado Account ID field.

Edge Components (Cisco Expressways)


Cisco Assigned Name


System → Network Interfaces → IP

LAN 1 IP address


System → DNS

DNS server IP address (should not be modified)


System → Time

NTP servers IP address (should not be modified)


System → Clustering

Cisco UCM details address (should not be modified)

Call Policy Rule

To enhance the security of the base Dedicated Instance platform, and to promote good security practice, Dedicated Instance Expressway E’s are preconfigured with a Call Policy to block all inbound B2B calls.

During configuration and testing of B2B services, this call policy should be updated in line with the customers requirement. This ensures that the B2B calls are destined for the correct destinations and/or come from valid sources.

Refer to About Call Policy for more information.

The Dedicated Instance UC application access details along with the credentials are shared only through the Webex App message to the partner or customer email ID provided in the Cisco Webex Order for a Customer wizard. By default, the access document is shared only to the partner's email ID through Webex App. If the partner's email ID is not available then the customer's email ID is used for the Webex App message notification.

See, Webex App | Sign In for the First Time for more information.