Network Requirements for Webex Services

Network Requirements for Webex Services

Document Revision History
This article is intended for network administrators, particularly firewall and proxy security administrators, who want to use the Webex Suite of cloud collaboration services within their organization. The primary focus of this document is on the network requirements of Webex Meetings and Webex Messaging, and the document also provides links to documents that describe the network requirements for Webex Calling.

This article will help you configure network access to the Webex suite of services used by:

Cloud registered Webex app clients for Meetings, Messaging, and Calling
Cloud registered Webex Meetings Centre app clients
Cloud registered Cisco Video devices, Cisco IP Phones, Cisco video devices, and third-party devices that use SIP to connect to the Webex Suite services.

This document primarily focuses on the network requirements of Webex cloud registered products that use HTTPS signaling to communicate with Webex Suite services but also separately describes the network requirements for products that use SIP signaling to the Webex cloud. These differences are summarized below:

Webex cloud registered apps and devices

All cloud registered Webex apps and devices use HTTPS to communicate with Webex messaging and meetings services:

  • The Webex app uses HTTPS signaling for Webex messaging and meeting services. The Webex app can also use the SIP protocol to join Webex meetings, but this is subject to the user either being called via their SIP address or choosing to dial a SIP URL to join a meeting (rather than use the meeting functionality native to the Webex app).
  • Cloud registered Cisco Video devices use HTTPS signaling for all Webex services.
  • On-premises SIP registered Webex devices can also use HTTPS signaling if the Webex Edge for devices feature is enabled. This feature allows Webex devices to be administered via Webex Control Hub and to participate in Webex Meetings using HTTPS signaling (for details, see
Webex cloud and on-premises call control registered devices using SIP
The Webex Calling service and on-premises call control products such as Cisco Unified CM use SIP as their call control protocol. Cisco Video devices, Cisco IP Phones, and 3rd party products can join Webex Meetings using SIP. For on-premises SIP-based call control products such as Cisco Unified CM, a SIP session is established through a border controller such as Expressway C & E, or CUBE SBC for calls to and from the Webex Cloud.

For details on the specific network requirements for the Webex Calling service see:

All cloud registered Webex apps and Cisco Video devices initiate outbound connections only. Cisco’s Webex Cloud never initiates outbound connections to cloud registered Webex apps and Cisco Video devices, but can make outbound calls to SIP devices.

Webex services for meetings and messaging are hosted in globally distributed data centers that are either Cisco owned (e.g. Webex data centers for identity services, meeting services, and media servers) or hosted in a Cisco Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on the Amazon AWS platform (e.g. Webex messaging micro-services, messaging storage services). Webex services also reside in Microsoft Azure data centers for Video Interop with Microsoft Teams (VIMT).

Types of Traffic:

Webex app and Cisco Video devices establish signaling and media connections to the Webex cloud.

Signaling traffic
Webex app and Cisco Video devices use HTTP as HTTP over TLS (HTTPS) and Secure Web Sockets (WSS) over TLS for REST based signaling to the Webex cloud. Signaling connections are outbound only and use URLs for session establishment to Webex services.

TLS signaling connections to Webex services use TLS version 1.2 or 1.3. The cipher selection is based on the Webex server TLS preference.

Using either TLS 1.2 or 1.3, Webex prefers ciphers suites using:

  • ECDHE for key negotiation
  • RSA-based certificates (3072-bit key size)
  • SHA2 authentication (SHA384 or SHA256)
  • Strong encryption ciphers using 128 or 256 bits (for example, AES_256_GCM)

Webex supports cipher suites in the following preference order for TLS version 1.2 connections*:


Note - CBC mode encryption is supported for older browsers without more secure GCM mode encryption.
Webex supports cipher suites in the following preference order for TLS version 1.3 connections*:


Note – With TLS 1.3, ECDHE key negotiation and RSA-based certificates are a mandatory part of the specification and this detail is therefore omitted in the cipher suite description.
*The cipher suites and cipher suite preference order may vary for some Webex services
Establishing signaling connections to Webex services using URLs
If you have deployed proxies, or firewalls to filter traffic leaving your enterprise network, the list of destination URLs that need to be allowed to access the Webex service can be found in the section "Domains and URLs that need to be accessed for Webex Services".

Webex strongly recommends that you do not alter or delete HTTP header values as they pass through your proxy/ firewall unless permitted in these guidelines Modification or deleting of HTTP headers outside of these guidelines can impact access to Webex Services, including loss of access to Webex services by Webex apps and Cisco Video devices.

Filtering Webex signaling traffic by IP address is not supported as the IP addresses used by Webex are dynamic and may change at any time.

Media traffic
The Webex app and Cisco Video devices encrypt real-time media for audio, video, and content sharing streams using the following encryption ciphers:

  • AES-256-GCM cipher
  • AES-CM-128-HMAC-SHA1-80 cipher

AES-256-GCM is the preferred encryption cipher by the Webex app and Cisco Video devices to encrypt real time media.     

AES-CM-128-HMAC-SHA1 is a mature cipher that has proven interoperability between vendors. AES-CM-128-HMAC-SHA1 is typically used to encrypt media to Webex services from endpoints using SRTP with SIP signaling (e.g. Cisco and 3rd party SIP devices).

In preference order, Webex apps and Cisco Video devices support UDP, TCP and TLS as media transport protocols. If UDP ports are blocked by your firewall, Webex apps and Cisco Video devices will fall back to TCP. If TCP ports are blocked Webex apps and Cisco Video devices will fall back to TLS.

UDP – Cisco recommended media transport protocol
In line with RFC 3550 RTP – A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications, Cisco prefers and strongly recommends UDP as the transport protocol for all Webex voice and video media streams.
Disadvantages of using TCP as a media transport protocol
Webex apps and Cisco Video devices also support TCP as a fall-back media transport protocol. However, Cisco does not recommend TCP as a transport protocol for voice and video media streams. This is because TCP is connection orientated, and designed to reliably deliver, correctly ordered, data to upper-layer protocols. Using TCP, the sender will retransmit lost packets until they are acknowledged, and the receiver will buffer the packet stream until the lost packets are recovered. For media streams, this behavior manifests itself as increased latency/jitter, which in turn affects the media quality experienced by the call’s participants.

Disadvantages of using TLS as a media transport protocol
Encrypted TCP connections (TLS) can suffer from a further degradation in media quality due to potential Proxy server bottlenecks. If TLS is used as the media transport protocol by Webex apps and Cisco Video devices with a configured proxy server, this media traffic will be routed through your proxy server which can create bandwidth bottlenecks and subsequent packet loss.  Cisco strongly recommends that TLS is not used to transport media in production environments.

Webex media flows in both directions using a symmetric inside-initiated, 5-tuple (Source IP address, Destination IP address, Source port, Destination port, protocol) stream outbound to the Webex Cloud.
The Webex app and Cisco Video devices also use STUN (RFC 5389) for firewall traversal and media node reachability testing. For more details, please see the Webex Firewall Technical Paper.
Webex  – Destination IP address ranges for media
To reach Webex media servers that process media traffic leaving your enterprise network, you must allow the IP subnets that host these media services to be reachable via your Enterprise firewall. The destination IP address ranges for media traffic sent to Webex media nodes can be found in the section "IP subnets for Webex media services".

Webex traffic through Proxies and Firewalls

Most customers deploy an internet firewall, or internet proxy and firewall, to restrict and control the HTTP based traffic that leaves and enters their network. Follow the firewall and proxy guidance below to enable access to Webex services from your network. If you are using a firewall only, note that filtering Webex signaling traffic using IP addresses is not supported, as the IP addresses used by Webex signaling services are dynamic and may change at any time. If your firewall supports URL filtering, configure the firewall to allow the Webex destination URLs listed in the section "Domains and URLs that need to be accessed for Webex Services".

The following table describes ports and protocols that need to be opened on your firewall to allows cloud registered Webex apps and Cisco Video devices to communicate with Webex cloud signaling and media services.

The Webex apps, devices, and services covered in this table include:
The Webex app, Cisco Video devices, Video Mesh Node, Hybrid Data Security node, Directory Connector, Calendar Connector, Management Connector, Serviceability Connector.
For guidance on ports and protocols for devices and Webex services using SIP can be found in the section "Network requirements for SIP based Webex services".

Webex Services - Port Numbers and Protocols

Destination Port



Devices using this rule

443TLSWebex HTTPS signaling.
Session establishment to Webex services is based on defined URLs, rather than IP addresses.

If you are using a proxy server, or your firewall supports DNS resolution; refer to the section "Domains and URLs that need to be accessed for Webex Services" to allow signaling access to Webex services.
123 (1)UDPNetwork Time Protocol (NTP)All
53 (1)UDP
Domain Name System (DNS)

Used for DNS lookups to discover the IP addresses of services in the Webex cloud.
Most DNS queries are made over UDP; however, DNS queries may use TCP as well.

5004 and 9000SRTP over UDPEncrypted audio, video, and content sharing on the Webex App and Cisco Video devices

For a list of destination IP subnets refer to the section "IP subnets for Webex media services".
Webex App

Cisco Video Devices

Video Mesh Nodes
50,000 – 53,000SRTP over UDPEncrypted audio, video, and content sharing – Video Mesh Node onlyVideo Mesh Node
5004SRTP over TCPTCP also serves as a fallback transport protocol for encrypted audio, video and content sharing if UDP cannot be used.

For a list of destination IP subnets refer to the section "IP subnets for Webex media services".
Webex App

Cisco Video Devices

Video Mesh Nodes
443SRTP over TLSUsed as a fallback transport protocol for encrypted audio, video and content sharing if UDP and TCP cannot be used.

Media over TLS is not recommended in production environments

For a list of destination IP subnets refer to the section "IP subnets for Webex media services".
Webex App

Cisco Video Devices
  1. If you are using NTP and DNS services within your enterprise network, then ports 53 and 123 do not need to be opened through your firewall.

Webex supports both IPv4 and IPv6 for signaling and media services. For most customers, supporting Webex over IPv4 and IPv6 should not present any issues. Still, issues can arise if your network's Maximum Transmissible Unit (MTU) is set to non-default values.

The Maximum Transmissible Unit (MTU) is the maximum size of the IP packet that can be transmitted over a network link without fragmentation. The IPv6 RFC mandates a minimum MTU size of 1280 bytes. Most routing and switching devices support a default maximum MTU size of 1500 bytes on all interfaces.

IPv6 adds additional overhead to IP packets, which increases packet size compared to IPv4 traffic. The IPv6 RFC mandates a minimum MTU size of 1280 bytes.

Webex recommends keeping the default maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of 1500 bytes for all IP packets received and sent on your network. If you need to reduce the MTU size in your network, Webex recommends reducing this to no less than 1300 bytes.

The majority of Webex media services are hosted in Cisco data centers.

Cisco also supports Webex media services in Microsoft Azure data centers for Video Integration with Microsoft Teams (VIMT). Microsoft has reserved its IP subnets for Cisco's sole use, and media services located in these subnets are secured within Microsoft Azure virtual network instances. For guidance on VIMT deployment, see

Configure your firewall to allow access to these destinations, Webex IP subnets, and transport protocol ports for media streams from Webex apps and devices.

Webex apps and Cisco Video devices support UDP, TCP, and TLS as media transport protocols. If UDP ports are blocked by your firewall, Webex apps and Cisco Video devices will fall back to TCP. If TCP ports are blocked, Webex apps and Cisco Video devices will fall back to TLS.

UDP is Cisco’s preferred transport protocol for media, and we strongly recommend using only UDP to transport media. Webex apps and Cisco Video devices also support TCP and TLS as transport protocols for media, but these are not recommended in production environments as the connection-orientated nature of these protocols can seriously affect media quality over lossy networks.

Note: The IP subnets listed below are for Webex media services. Filtering Webex signaling traffic by IP address is not supported as the IP addresses used by Webex are dynamic and may change at any time. HTTP signaling traffic to Webex services can be filtered by URL/domain in your Enterprise Proxy server before being forwarded to your firewall.

IPv4 Subnets for Media Services************ 


IPv6 Address Ranges for Media Services


* Azure data centers – used to host Video Integration for Microsoft Teams (aka Microsoft Cloud Video Interop) services

Webex apps and Cisco Video Devices perform tests to detect the reachability of, and round-trip time to, a subset of nodes in each media cluster available to your organization. Media node reachability is tested over UDP, TCP, and TLS transport protocols and occurs on start-up, a network change, and periodically while the app or device is running. The results of these tests are stored and sent to the Webex cloud prior to joining a meeting or a call. The Webex cloud uses these reachability test results to assign the Webex app/ Webex device the best media server for the call based on transport protocol (UDP preferred), round trip time, and media server resource availability.

Cisco does not support or recommend filtering a subset of IP addresses based on a particular geographic region or cloud service provider. Filtering by region can cause serious degradation to the meeting experience, up to and including the inability to join meetings entirely.

If you have configured your firewall to allow traffic to only a subset of the IP subnets above, you may still see reachability test traffic traversing your network, in an attempt to reach media nodes in these blocked IP subnets. Media nodes on IP subnets that are blocked by your firewall will not be used by Webex apps and Cisco Video devices.


Webex signaling traffic and Enterprise Proxy Configuration

Most organizations use proxy servers to inspect and control the HTTP traffic that leaves their network. Proxies can be used to perform several security functions such as allowing or blocking access to specific URLs, user authentication, IP address/domain/hostname/URI reputation lookup, and traffic decryption and inspection. Proxy servers are also commonly used as the only path that can forward HTTP-based internet destined traffic to the enterprise firewall, allowing the firewall to limit outbound internet traffic to that originating from the Proxy server(s) only. Your Proxy server must be configured to allow Webex signaling traffic to access the domains/ URLs listed in the section below:

Webex strongly recommends that you do not alter or delete HTTP header values as they pass through your proxy/ firewall unless permitted in these guidelines Modification or deleting of HTTP headers outside of these guidelines can impact access to Webex Services, including loss of access to Webex services by Webex apps and Cisco Video devices.

Note: An * shown at the beginning of a URL (e.g., * indicates that services in the top level domain and all subdomains must be accessible.

Cisco Webex Services URLs

Domain / URL


Webex Apps and devices using these domains / URLs

Webex micro-services.

For example :
Webex Meetings services
Messaging services
File management service
Key management service
Software upgrade service
Profile picture service
Whiteboarding service
Proximity service
Presence service
Registration service
Calendaring service
Search service
Identity services
OAuth services
Device onboarding
Cloud Connected UC

* (1)Webex storage for user-generated content and logs, including:

Shared files,
Transcoded files,
Whiteboard content,
Client & device logs,
Profile pictures,
Branding logos, images
Log files
Bulk CSV export files & import files (Control Hub)


Additional Webex related services - Cisco Owned domains



Webex Apps and devices using these domains / URLs

*.accompany.comPeople Insights IntegrationWebex Apps

Additional Webex related services – Third Party domains



Webex Apps and devices using these domains / URLs

e-mail service for newsletters, registration info, announcementsAll
*.giphy.comAllows users to share GIF images. This feature is on by default but can be disabled in Control HubWebex App
safebrowsing.googleapis.comUsed to perform safety checks on URLs before unfurling them in the message stream. This feature is on by default, but can be disabled in Control HubWebex App


Webex User Guidance client. Provides onboarding and usage tours for new users

For more info, see
Webex web based apps

Google Speech Services. Used by Webex Assistant to handle speech recognition and text-to-speech. Disabled by default, opt-in via Control Hub. Assistant can also be disabled on a per-device basis.Webex Room Kit and Cisco Video devices

Details of Cisco Video devices that support Webex Assistant are documented here:
Third-party internet connectivity checks to identify cases where there is a network connection but no connection to the Internet.

The Webex app performs its own internet connectivity checks but can also use these 3rd party URLs as a fallback.
Webex App
Performance tracking, error and crash capture, session metrics (1)Webex App
Webex Web App
*.amplitude.comA/B testing & metrics (1)Webex Web App
Webex Android App

This domain is used by attendees viewing Webex Events and WebcastsWebex Events, Webex Webcasts
Used for Slido PPT add-in and to allow Slido webpages to create polls/quizzes in pre-meeting

Used for exporting questions and answers, poll results, etc, from Slido
Used to request Certificate Revocation Lists from these Certificate Authorities

Note - Webex supports both CRL and OCSP stapling to determine the revocation status of certificates. 

With OCSP stapling, Webex apps and devices do not need to contact these Certificate Authorities
*.intel.comUsed to request Certificate Revocation Lists and check the certificate status with Intel’s OCSP service, for certificates sent with background images used by Webex apps and devicesAll
Notifications to Webex apps on mobile devices (e.g. new message)

Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service

Apple Push Notification Service (APNS)
Note - For APNS, Apple only list the IP subnets for this service
Webex App for Webex Scheduler for Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook users can use the Webex Scheduler to schedule Webex meetings or Webex Personal Room meetings directly from Microsoft Outlook in any browser.
For details see: Click here
Core Webex services being deprecated
URLDescriptionWebex Apps and devices using these domains / URLs
*.clouddrive.comWebex storage for user generated content and logs

File storage on was replaced by in Oct 2019

Organizations with long retention periods for user generated content may still be using to store older files
*.ciscosparkcontent.comLog file uploads
The log file storage service now uses the * domain
Webex App

*.rackcdn.comContent Delivery Network (CDN) for the * domainAll

(1) Webex uses third parties for diagnostic and troubleshooting data collection; and the collection of crash and usage metrics. Data that may be sent to these third party sites is described in the Webex Privacy datasheets. For details, see:

Content Delivery Networks used by Webex Services
Webex uses Content Delivery Network (CDN) services to efficiently deliver static files and content to Webex apps and devices. If you are using a Proxy server to control access to Webex services, you do not need to add the CDN domains to the list of allowed domains for Webex services (as DNS resolution to the CDN CNAME is performed by your Proxy after initial URL filtering). If you are not using a Proxy server (e.g. you are only using a firewall to filter URLs), DNS resolution is performed by the OS of your Webex app / device, and you will need to add the following CDN URLs to the domain to allow list in your firewall :
Configure your Proxy to allow access to the URLs in the table below for Webex Hybrid Services. Access to these external domains can be restricted by configuring your Proxy to allow only the source IP addresses of your Hybrid Services nodes to reach these URLs.

Cisco Webex Hybrid services URLs



Used by:

* (1)
* (1)
Hybrid Services ContainersVideo Mesh Node
Hybrid Data Security Node
* (1)Log File uploadsVideo Mesh Node
Hybrid Data Security Node
*.cloudconnector.webex.comUser Synchronization  Hybrid Services Directory Connector

(1) We plan to phase out the use of * and * for Hybrid Services Containers, eventually replacing them with subdomains in *

Note: If you use a Cisco Web Security Appliance (WSA) Proxy and want to automatically update the URLs used by Webex services, please refer to the WSA Webex Services configuration document for guidance on how to deploy a Webex External Feed-in AsyncOS for Cisco Web Security.

For a CSV file containing the list of Webex Services URIs, see: Webex Services CSV File

Your Proxy server must be configured to allow Webex signaling traffic to access the domains/ URLs listed in the previous section.  Support for additional proxy features relevant to Webex services is discussed below:

Proxy Authentication Support

Proxies can be used as access control devices, blocking access to external resources until the user/device provides valid access permission credentials to the proxy. Several authentication methods are supported by Proxies, such as Basic Authentication, Digest Authentication (Windows-based) NTLM, Kerberos, and Negotiate (Kerberos with NTLM fallback).

For the “No Authentication” case in the table below, the device can be configured with a Proxy address but does not support authentication. When Proxy Authentication is being used, valid credentials must be configured and stored in the OS of Webex App or Cisco Video Device.

For Cisco Video devices and the Webex App, Proxy addresses can be configured manually via the platform OS, or device UI, or automatically discovered using mechanisms such as:

Web Proxy Auto Discovery (WPAD) and/or Proxy Auto Config (PAC) files:


Authentication Type

Proxy Configuration

Webex for MacNo Auth, Basic, NTLM (1)Manual, WPAD, PAC
Webex for WindowsNo Auth, Basic, NTLM (2), NegotiateManual, WPAD, PAC, GPO
Webex for iOSNo Auth, Basic, Digest, NTLMManual, WPAD, PAC
Webex for AndroidNo Auth, Basic, Digest, NTLMManual, PAC
Webex Web AppNo Auth, Basic, Digest, NTLM, NegotiateSupported via OS
Cisco Video devicesNo Auth, Basic, DigestWPAD, PAC, or Manual
Webex Video Mesh NodeNo Auth, Basic, Digest, NTLMManual
Hybrid Data Security NodeNo Auth, Basic, DigestManual
Hybrid Services Host Management ConnectorNo Auth, BasicManual Configuration Expressway C: Applications > Hybrid Services > Connector Proxy
Hybrid Services: Directory ConnectorNo Auth, Basic, NTLMSupported via Windows OS
Hybrid Services Expressway C: Calendar connectorNo Auth, Basic, NTLMManual Configuration Expressway C:
Applications > Hybrid Services > Connector Proxy : Username Password
Expressway C: Applications > Hybrid Services > Calendar Connector > Microsoft Exchange> Basic and/or NTLM
Hybrid Services Expressway C: Call connectorNo Auth, BasicManual Configuration Expressway C:
Applications > Hybrid Services > Connector Proxy

(1): Mac NTLM Auth - Machine need not be logged onto the domain, user prompted for a password
(2): Windows NTLM Auth - Supported only if a machine is logged onto the domain

Guidance on Proxy settings for Windows OS
Microsoft Windows supports two network libraries for HTTP traffic (WinINet and WinHTTP) that allow Proxy configuration. WinInet was designed for single-user, desktop client applications only; WinHTTP was designed primarily for multi-user,
server-based applications. WinINet is a superset of WinHTTP; when selecting between the two, you should use WinINet for your Proxy configuration settings. For more info, see

Proxy Inspection and Certificate Pinning

The Webex app and Cisco Video devices validate the certificates of the servers they establish TLS sessions with. Certificate checks such as, the certificate issuer and digital signature, rely upon verifying the chain of certificates up to the root certificate. To perform these validation checks, the app or device uses a set of trusted root CA certificates installed in the operating system trust store.

If you have deployed a TLS-inspecting Proxy to intercept, decrypt, and inspect Webex traffic, ensure that the certificate the Proxy presents (in lieu of the Webex service certificate) has been signed by a certificate authority whose root certificate is installed in the trust store of your Webex App or Webex device. For the Webex App, the CA certificate used to sign the certificate used by the Proxy needs to be installed into the operating system of the device. For Cisco Video devices, open a service request with TAC to install this CA certificate into the RoomOS software.

The table below shows the Webex app and Webex device support for TLS inspection by Proxy servers:


Supports Custom Trusted CAs for TLS inspection

Webex App
(Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Web)
Cisco Video DevicesYes
Cisco Webex Video MeshYes
Hybrid Data Security ServiceYes
Hybrid Services – Directory, Calendar, Management ConnectorsNo

"* Note - The Webex app does not support Proxy server decryption and inspection of TLS sessions for Webex Meetings media services. If you wish to inspect traffic sent to services in the domain, you must create a TLS inspection exemption for traffic sent to *mcs*, *cb* and *mcc*
Note - The Webex app does not support SNI extension for TLS based media connections. Connection failure to the Webex audio and video services will occur if a proxy server requires the presence of SNI.


Supports 802.1X


Webex App
(Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Web)
YesSupported via OS
Cisco Video DevicesYesEAP-FAST  
Configure 802.1X via GUI or Touch 10
Upload Certs via HTTP interface
Video Mesh NodeNoUse MAC address bypass
Hybrid Data Security ServiceNoUse MAC address bypass
Hybrid Services – Directory, Calendar, Management ConnectorsNoUse MAC address bypass

The Webex cloud supports inbound and outbound calls using SIP as the call control protocol for Webex Meetings and for direct (1:1) calls from/to cloud registered Webex apps and Cisco Video devices.

SIP calls for Webex Meetings
Webex Meetings allows participants with SIP apps and devices to join a meeting by either:

  • Calling the SIP URI for the meeting (e.g., or
  • The Webex cloud calling the participant’s specified SIP URI (e.g. )

Calls between SIP apps/devices and cloud registered the Webex app/Cisco Video devices
The Webex cloud allows users of SIP apps and devices to:

  • Be called by cloud registered Webex apps and Cisco Video devices
  • Call cloud registered Webex apps and Cisco Video devices

In both of the above cases, SIP apps and devices need to establish a session to/from the Webex cloud. The SIP app or device will be registered to a SIP based call control application (such as Unified CM), which typically has a SIP Trunk connection to Expressway C and E that allows inbound and outbound calls (over the internet) to the Webex Cloud.

SIP apps and devices may be:

  • Cisco Video device using SIP to register to Unified CM
  • Cisco IP Phones using SIP to register to Unified CM, or the Webex Calling service
  • A third party SIP app or device using a third party SIP call control application

Note * If a router or SIP firewall is SIP Aware, meaning it has SIP Application Layer Gateway (ALG) or something similar enabled, we recommend that you turn off this functionality to maintain the correct operation of service. See the relevant manufacturer’s documentation for information about how to disable SIP ALG on specific devices

The following table describes the ports and protocols required for access to Webex SIP services:

Ports and Protocols for Webex SIP Services
Source PortDestination PortProtocolDescription
Expressway Ephemeral ports      Webex cloud 5060 - 5070SIP over TCP/TLS/MTLS SIP signaling from Expressway E to the Webex cloud

Transport protocols: TCP/TLS/MTLS
Webex Cloud Ephemeral ports    

Expressway 5060 - 5070    SIP over TCP/TLS/MTLS    SIP signaling from the Webex cloud to Expressway E

Transport protocols: TCP/TLS/MTLS
36000 - 59999    
Webex cloud
49152 -59999    

Unencrypted/ Encrypted media from Expressway E to the Webex cloud

Media Transport protocol: UDP
Webex cloud
49152 - 59999  
36000 - 59999    
RTP/SRTP over UDP    Unencrypted/ Encrypted media from the Webex cloud to Expressway E

Media Transport protocol: UDP

The SIP connection between Expressway E and the Webex cloud supports unencrypted signaling using TCP, and encrypted signaling using TLS, or MTLS. Encrypted SIP signaling is preferred as the certificates exchanged between the Webex cloud and Expressway E can be validated before proceeding with the connection.

Expressway is commonly used to enable SIP calls to the Webex cloud and B2B SIP calls to other organizations. Configure your firewall to allow:

  • All outbound SIP signaling traffic from Expressway E nodes
  • All inbound SIP signaling traffic to your Expressway E nodes

If you wish to limit inbound and outbound SIP signaling and related media traffic to and from the Webex cloud. Configure your firewall to allow SIP signaling and medial traffic to access the IP subnets for Webex media services (refer to the section "IP subnets for Webex media services") and the following AWS regions: us-east-1, us-east-2, eu-central-1, us-gov-west-2, us-west-2. The IP address ranges for these AWS regions can be found here:

* This webpage is not instantaneously updated, as AWS makes regular changes to the IP address ranges in their subnets. To dynamically track AWS IP address range changes, Amazon recommends subscribing to the following notification service:

Media for SIP based Webex services uses the same destination IP subnets for Webex Media (listed here)

ProtocolPort Number(s)DirectionAccess TypeComments
TCP    5061, 5062    Inbound    SIP Signalling    Inbound SIP signaling for Webex Edge Audio
TCP    5061, 5065    Outbound    SIP Signalling    Outbound SIP signaling for Webex Edge Audio
TCP/UDP    Ephemeral Ports
8000 - 59999    
Inbound    Media Ports    On an enterprise firewall, pinholes need to be opened up for incoming traffic to Expressway with a port range from 8000 - 59999


Cisco Webex Video Mesh

Cisco Webex Video Mesh provides a local media service in your network. Instead of all media going to Webex Cloud, it can remain on your network, for reduced Internet bandwidth usage and increased media quality. For details, see the Cisco Webex Video Mesh Deployment Guide.

Hybrid Calendar Service

The Hybrid Calendar service connects Microsoft Exchange, Office 365 or Google Calendar to Webex, making it easier to schedule and join meetings, especially when mobile.

For details, see: Deployment Guide for Webex Hybrid Calendar Service

Hybrid Directory Service

Cisco Directory Connector is an on-premises application for identity synchronization into the Webex cloud. It offers a simple administrative process that automatically and securely extends enterprise directory contacts to the cloud and keeps them in sync for accuracy and consistency.

For details, see: Deployment Guide for Cisco Directory Connector

Preferred Architecture for Webex Hybrid Services

The Preferred Architecture for Cisco Webex Hybrid Services describes the overall hybrid architecture, its components, and general design best practices. See: Preferred Architecture for Webex Hybrid Services

If you are also deploying Webex Calling with Webex Meetings and Messaging services, the network requirements for the Webex Calling service can be found here:

If you are also deploying Webex Events with Webex Meetings and Messaging services, the network requirements for the Webex Events service can be found here:

For customers who require the list of IP address ranges and ports for Webex FedRAMP services
This information can be found here :

Revision Date

New and Changed Information

1/6/2025IP Address Ranges added to support IPv6 traffic
Updated 08/19/2024 revision history. Changed (* to the correct entry of (*
08/19/2024Included images with Branding logos for the (* Domains and URLs section
08/02/2024Webex IPv6 Support section - Changed text to emphasize the MTU size for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.
07/26/2024Added new subdomain * under Additional URLs for Webex Hybrid Services
07/26/2024Guidance on recommended IP packet Maximum Transmissible Unit (MTU) size for IPv6 traffic to Webex Services
04/08/2024Added a missing period before (* and * under the Cisco Webex Servers URLs subdomain
12/06/2023Revised introduction with a focus on the Webex Suite of Services
12/06/2023Revision of section: Transport protocols and encryption ciphers for cloud registered Webex apps and devices.

Updated information on the TLS versions and Cipher Suites in use and preferred by Webex Suite Services

Additional details and guidance on media transport protocols

Cisco Video devices now support sending media over TLS through a Proxy server, aligning behavior with that of the Webex app.
Addition of guidance on Proxy configuration (Webex strongly recommends that you do not alter or delete HTTP header values as they pass through your proxy/ firewall unless permitted…)
12/06/2023Revision of IP subnets for Webex media services section

Media services no longer reside in AWS, only in Webex Data Centres and Microsoft Azure Data Centres for VIMT.
Additional text on media transport protocols and preferences
12/06/2023Webex signaling traffic and Enterprise Proxy Configuration section

Addition of guidance on Proxy configuration (Webex strongly recommends that you do not alter or delete HTTP header values as they pass through your proxy/ firewall unless permitted…)
12/06/2023Cisco Webex Services URLs table:

Rows 1 and 2 merged (*, *, * etc)
The text is to be revised to reflect that the Webex suite uses common services for meetings and messaging.

* added for Webex Webcasts

A section on Core Webex services being deprecated: Text simplified
10/09/2023A link to VIMT doc has been included
8/29/2023Removed port 444 TLS for Video Mesh Node (no longer used).
5/24/2023Added Webex Events – Network Requirements
2/23/2023New IP subnets for media added ( and  These IP subnets will be activated 30 days or more after publication here.
2/9/2023Republished (fixed non clickable tabs)
1/23/2023Republished with duplicated subnets removed ( and
1/11/2023Webex Web App and SDK - TLS added as a fallback transport protocol for encrypted audio, video and content sharing if UDP and TCP cannot be used
1/11/2023New IP subnets for media added:,, (Azure Data Centres for VIMT)
10/14/2022New slido URL added : *
9/15/2022New IP subnet for media added : (Azure Data Centre for VIMT)
9/12/2022URLs for Webex Scheduler for Microsoft Outlook added.
8/12/2022A note was added in Port Number and Protocols section. RoomOS devices do not send media transported over TLS to a configured Proxy server.
8/12/2022The IP subnets for Webex media – AWS IP subnet have been removed from the IP subnets table. These media nodes now used Cisco-owned IP addresses in subnets already listed in the table.
8/12/2022A note was added to emphasize that access to all domains and subdomains is required for the listed URLs under the Domains and URLs for Webex services section.
6//25/2022Requirements for Google and Apple notification services added
6/25/2022New webex URL * added to the domains and URLs table
6/22/2022Additional guidance added for SIP deployments with Cisco Unified CM
4/5/2022Removal of AWS IP subnets for media services - these subnets are obsolete
12/14/2021New media UDP port ranges (50,000 – 53,000) added for Video Mesh Node
Port 9000 for media over TCP removed – Use of this destination port for media over TCP will be deprecated in January 2022
Port 33434 for media over UDP and TCP removed – Use of the destination port for media over UDP and TCP will be deprecated in January 2022
11/11/2021Updated Webex Services-Port Numbers and Protocols & Cisco Webex Services URLs table.
10/27/2021Added * and in the domains table.
10/26/2021Added Guidance on Proxy settings for Windows OS
10/20/2021Added CDN URLs to the domain allow list in your firewall
10/19/2021The Webex app uses AES-256-GCM or AES-128-GCM to encrypt content for all Webex Meeting types.
10/18/2021Added new IP subnets (*,* and*) used to host Video Integration for Microsoft Teams (aka Microsoft Cloud Video Interop) services, and the domains (*, *, * and * that we have added for Content Delivery Networks used by Webex services
10/11/2021Updated the Trust Portal link in Domain and URL section.
10/04/2021Removed * and from domains table as they are no longer needed.
07/30/2021Updated the Note in Proxy Features section
07/13/2021Updated the Note in Proxy Features section
07/02/2021Changed * to *
06/30/2021Updated the Additional URLs for Webex Hybrid Services list.
06/25/2021Added * domain to the list
06/21/2021Added * domain to the list.
06/17/2021Updated Ports and Protocols for Webex SIP Services table
06/14/2021Updated Ports and Protocols for Webex SIP Services table
05/27/2021Updated the table in Additional URLs for Webex Hybrid Services section.
04/28/2021Added domains for Slido PPT add-in and to allow Slido webpages to create polls/quizzes in pre-meeting
04/27/2021Added IP range for Webex Edge Audio
04/26/2021Added* as it is an Azure Subnet
04/21/2021Updated the Webex Services CSV file under Additional URLs for Webex Hybrid Services
04/19/2021Added* as it is an Azure DC for VIMT/CVI
04/15/2021Added domain * for Webex Events Webcasts.
03/30/2021Substantial document layout revision.
03/30/2021Details of Webex web-based app and Webex SDK media support added (No media over TLS).
03/29/2021Webex Edge for devices features listed with a link to the documentation.
03/15/2021Added domain *
02/19/2021Added section for Webex Services for FedRAMP customer
01/27/2021* domain added for Cloud Connected UC service, and Webex Calling onboarding IP subnets for Video Integration for Microsoft Teams (aka Microsoft Cloud Video Interop) indicated by *
01/05/2021New document that describes the network requirements for the Webex app Meetings and Messaging services
11/13/20Removed subnet from the IP subnets for media table
10/7/2020Removed * row from Additional URLs for Webex Teams Hybrid Services
9/29/2020New IP subnet ( added for Webex Teams Media services
9/29/2020Webex devices renamed to Webex Room devices
9/29/2020* URL removed from table : Additional URLs for Webex Teams Hybrid Services
9/7/2020Updated AWS regions link
08/25/20Simplification of the table and text for Webex Teams IP subnets for media
8/10/20Additional details added on how reachability to media nodes is tested and Cisco IP subnet usage with Webex Edge Connect
7/31/20Added new IP subnets for media services in AWS and Azure data centers
7/31/20Added new UDP destination media ports for SIP calls to the Webex Teams cloud
7/27/20Added (CIDR) or - (net range)
5/5/20Added in Third Party domains table
4/22/20Added new IP range
03/13/20New URL added for the service
TLS media transport for Room OS devices added
New section added : Network Requirements for Hybrid Calling SIP Signalling
Link added for the Webex Calling network requirements document
12/11/19Minor text changes, Update of the Webex Teams Apps and Devices – Port Numbers and Protocols table, Update and reformat of the Webex Teams URLs tables. Remove NTLM Proxy Auth support for Management Connector and Call Connector hybrid services
10/14/19TLS Inspection support for Room Devices added
9/16/2019Addition of TCP support requirement for DNS systems using TCP as a transport protocol.
Addition of the URL * – This service provides onboarding and usage tours for new users.
Amendments to the service URLs used by Web Assistant.
8/28/2019* URL added
e-mail service for newsletters, registration info, announcements
8/20/2019Proxy support added for Video Mesh Node and Hybrid Data Security service
8/15/2019Overview of Cisco and AWS data centre used for Webex Teams Service.
* URL added for file storage
Note on deprecation of for file storage
* URL added for metrics and testing
7/12/2019* and * URLs added
Text to Speech URLs updated to * and
* URL removed
Hybrid Services Containers URL updated to *
6/27/2019Added * allowed list requirement for People Insights feature
4/25/2019Added 'Webex Teams services' for line about TLS version support.
Added 'Webex Teams' to media streams line under Media traffic.
Added 'geographic' before region in Webex Teams IP subnets for media section.
Made other minor edits to wording.
Edited Webex Teams URLs table, by updating URL for A/B testing & metrics, and adding new row for Google Speech Services.
In 'Additional URLs for Webex Teams Hybrid Services' section, removed '10.1' version info after AsyncOS.
Updated text in 'Proxy Authentication Support' section.
3/26/2019Changed the URL linked here "please refer to the WSA Webex Teams configuration document for guidance" from to

Changed the URL "" to *
2/21/2019Updated 'Webex Calling' to read "Webex Calling (formerly Spark Calling) as requested by John Costello, due to upcoming product launch of same name - Webex Calling through BroadCloud.
2/6/2019Updated text 'Hybrid Media Node' to read 'Webex Video Mesh Node'
1/11/2019Updated text 'End to End encrypted files uploaded to Webex Teams spaces and Avatar storage' to now read 'End to End encrypted files uploaded to Webex Teams spaces, Avatar storage, Webex Teams branding Logos'
1/9/2019Updated to remove following line: '*In order for Webex Room devices to obtain the CA certificate necessary to validate communication through your TLS-inspecting proxy, please contact your CSM, or open a case with the Cisco TAC.'
5th December 2018Updated URLs: Removed 'https://' from 4 entries in the Webex Teams URLs table:                           ->             ->                ->   ->
  • Updated linked .CSV file for Webex Teams to show revised links shown above
30th November 2018New URLs :
*, *, *, *,,,,, *, *, *,*, *, *, *, *
Support for additional Proxy Authentication Methods for Windows, iOS and Android
Webex Board adopts Room Device OS and features ; Proxy features shared by Room Devices: SX, DX, MX, Room Kit series and Webex Board
Support for TLS Inspection by iOS and Android Apps
Removal of support for TLS Inspection removed on Room Devices: SX, DX, MX, Room Kit series and Webex Board
Webex Board adopts Room Device OS and features ; 802.1X support
21st November 2018Following Note added to IP Subnets for media section : The above IP range list for cloud media resources is not exhaustive, and there may be other IP ranges used by Webex Teams which are not included in the above list. However, the Webex Teams app and devices will be able to function normally without being able to connect to the unlisted media IP addresses.
19th October 2018Note added : Webex Teams use of third parties for diagnostic and troubleshooting data collection; and the collection of crash and usage metrics. The data that may be sent to these third party sites is described in the Webex Privacy datasheet. For details see :
Separate table for Additional URLs used by Hybrid Services : *, *, *, *, *
7th August 2018Note added to Ports and Protocols table : If you configure a local NTP and DNS server in the Video Mesh Node’s OVA, then ports 53 and 123 are not required to be opened through the firewall.
7th May 2018Substantial document revision
24th April 2022Updated to change the order of the paragraphs in the section for IP Subnets for Webex media services. The paragraph starting with "If you have configured your firewall .. " was moved below the paragraph starting with "Cisco does not support ..." 

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