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Can the Host Start the Meeting Early?

If you are the host of a meeting, you can start and end your meeting at any time.

Can the host start the meeting early?

Can I start my meeting before the scheduled start time?

Can I start my meeting prior to the scheduled time?

Do I have to start my meeting at the scheduled time?

If I start my meeting early will it end early as well?


  • If you have a scheduled meeting to which you have invited attendees, do not start the meeting unnecessarily and then end it just to test performance. This may affect the meeting when you try to start it at the scheduled time.
  • If you accidentally start a meeting, you should be able to end it and start it later as long it was not set to delete from your meeting calendar when it ends.
  • If you need to test functionality, practice your presentation, or test whether attendees can join, you may schedule and start a separate test meeting or dry run.
  • If you start a meeting early, you can run it as long as you need to. The meeting will not end after a set duration, and will only end when the host ends it from the File menu by clicking on End Meeting.


If you are the host of a meeting, you can start and end your meeting at any time.

To start your Meeting, Training Session, or Event:

  • In your host confirmation email:
    1. Click on the Join Webex meeting link.
      • If you are already logged in your meeting will start.
      • If you are not already logged in to your account, enter your username and password, then click the Log In button.
        • Once you click Login In your meeting will start.
  • On your Webex site:
    1. Click on the My Webex button or tab.
    2. Log into your Webex site.
    3. On the My Webex Meetings page, click the Start or Join link to the right of your meeting topic.

You will see Join instead of Start, if attendees have joined into your meeting before you join as the Host.

The meeting start time is given as a reference only. It is recommended that hosts start their meetings at least 15 minutes prior to the stated start time to allow attendees to load the Webex software and join the audio conference.

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