Use Markdown to format text when messaging and format text when you chat in a meeting or breakout session.

The following table describes the available Markdown options.


Text in Markdown

How it appears


This text is **bold**.

This text is bold.


This text is _italic_.

This text is italic.


> This text is blockquote.

Blockquote example

Numbered list

1. This is the first item.

2. This is the second item.

Ordered list Markdown example

Unordered list

* This is the first item.

* This is the second item.

Unordered list Markdown example

Heading 1

# This is heading 1

Heading 1 example

Heading 2

## This is heading 2

Heading 2 Markdown example

Heading 3

### This is heading 3

Heading 3 Markdown example

Horizontal line with text underneath


Insert some text under the line

Horizontal line Markdown example


[This is a link to the Cisco website](

This is a link to the Cisco website


``` language (optional)




``` html

<h1>Hello World!</h1>


Make sure you type three back quotes or grave accents, not three single quotation marks.
Markdown code example

Unformatted text

`This text is unformatted.`

Unformatted text Markdown example