If you don't need all the default buttons, there is a set of configurations that you can use to remove them. Custom In-Room Control panels can still be exposed. Removing default buttons and adding custom buttons makes it possible to fully customize the user interface.

For example, remove the Call and Share buttons if nobody is going to share content or call from this device. Then, add custom buttons (In-Room Controls) for the tasks that users are going to perform.


Use the following configurations to remove default buttons from the user interface. The configurations are available from the web interface of the device and in the API. Read the Advanced Settings article for information about how to access the web interface and use the API. The web interface is also referred to as the device's Advanced Settings .

  • UserInterface > Features > Call > Start ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Call Start): Removes the default Call button (including the directory, favorites, and recent calls lists). Also removes the Add participant button while in a call.

  • UserInterface > Features > Call > End ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Call End): Removes the End Call button.

  • UserInterface > Features > Call > JoinMicrosoftTeamsCVI ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Call Join JoinMicrosoftTeamsCVI): Removes the Microsoft Teams button.

  • UserInterface > Features > Call > MidCallControls ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Call MidCallControls): Removes the Hold, Resume, and Transfer in-call buttons.

  • UserInterface > Features > Call > VideoMute ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Call VideoMute): Removes the Video On or Off button.

  • UserInterface > Features > Call > Keypad ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Call Keypad): Removes the Keypad button.

  • UserInterface > Features > Call > JoinWebex ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Call JoinWebex): Removes the Join Webex button.

  • UserInterface > Features > Call > JoinZoom ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Call JoinZoom): Removes the Join Zoom button.

  • UserInterface > Features > Call > JoinGoogleMeet ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Call JoinGoogleMeet): Removes the Join Google button.

  • UserInterface > Features > Call > ParticipantList ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Call ParticipantList): Removes the Participant list button in a call.

  • UserInterface > Features > Call > LayoutControls ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Call LayoutControls): Removes the Layout button in a call.

  • UserInterface > Features > Share Start ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Share Start): Choose whether or not to remove button for sharing and previewing content, both in call and out of call.

  • UserInterface > Features > Whiteboard Start ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features Whiteboard Start): Choose whether or not to remove the default Whiteboard button from the user interface.

  • UserInterface > Features > HideAll ( xConfiguration UserInterface Features HideAll): Removes all the default buttons. In-Room Control panels are not removed.

The configurations remove only the buttons, not the functionality as such. You can still share content using the Cisco Webex Teams app, even if you have removed the Share button from the user interface.

Further Information

Find more details about how to create buttons and customize the user interface here.