
This integration enables your video devices to join Microsoft Teams meetings. The integration applies to Cisco devices, and other SIP-capable video devices, whether they register to Webex or to your on-premises infrastructure.

Here's how the integration enhances the device user's experience when they join Microsoft Teams meetings hosted in your organization:

  • Webex meeting experience—multi-screen with flexible layout options

  • Participant list showing both Microsoft and video integration participants

  • Bi-directional content sharing between the device and Microsoft Teams

  • Meeting status indicators on the device, including recording, transcription, and participant waiting in lobby

Video device join experience, from the meeting invitation

A standard email invitation to a Microsoft Teams meeting has meeting join details that include a clickable link to join the meeting from the Microsoft Teams client. The section may also include audio dial-in information with an audio conference ID and phone numbers to join as an audio-only participant. When you enable the video integration, the invitation join details section expands to include a block of video conferencing device join details.

Video join details in Microsoft Teams meeting invitation

When it is time to join the meeting, video device users can call the SIP video address "Tenant Key" under the Join on a video conferencing device section. The Tenant key calls the Webex interactive voice response (IVR) system, which asks the caller to provide the "Video ID". (This was previously called "VTC ID").

The Video ID is specifically for video devices and is different from the audio conference ID, if one is included for the meeting.

The SIP IVR video address is specific to your organization and is formed from your organization's Webex SIP subdomain in the format <subdomain>@m.webex.com.

Below the Video ID, the invitation links to a web page of "More info" dialing instructions, which shows how to join the meeting by dialing directly (in the following section).

Alternative video device join method—direct dial

Video callers can join the meeting directly, bypassing the IVR, by using a SIP address in the format <VideoID>.<TenantKey>@m.webex.com. This method is listed at the top of the "More info" dialing instructions web page that the invitation links to. The web page also repeats the IVR prompt join details from the meeting invitation.

Alternate "More info" dialing instructions (hyperlinked meeting-specific web page)

Alternative video device join method—Join button

If you also enable the Webex Hybrid Calendar Service, devices can receive One Button to Push (OBTP) when schedulers invite them to Microsoft Teams meetings. An attendee using the device then simply presses the Join button when it's time to connect the device to the meeting. The meeting's entry shows the Microsoft Teams logo to indicate the type of meeting the attendee is joining.

Alternative video device join method—Microsoft Teams button

Cisco devices have a Microsoft Teams button to help users join Microsoft Teams meetings.

The Microsoft Teams button isn’t shown on the devices by default. To enable it directly on the device, or in Control Hub, read Enable WebRTC and CVI to Join a Microsoft Teams Meeting from Board, Desk, and Room Series.

Device users can then join Microsoft Teams meetings by tapping the Microsoft Teams button and entering the video conference ID and address. See Join Microsoft Teams Meetings on Board, Desk, and Room Series.

You can make joining easier for users by setting the default CVI meeting address on the device, with

xConfiguration UserInterface MeetingJoin CVITenants: address

See https://roomos.cisco.com/xapi/Configuration.UserInterface.MeetingJoin.CVITenants/

Alternative video device join method—Cross-tenant join

Device users can join Microsoft Teams meetings hosted outside your company (in a different Microsoft Teams tenant). They can do this "cross-tenant join" even if the meeting invite has no Video ID or Tenant key.

If you have Webex Calendar Service with OBTP, the Join button does a cross-tenant join (before this feature it used WebRTC).

You can also join any Teams meeting from RoomOS. Tap the Teams button then enter the meeting ID and passcode from the invite.

Cross-tenant join is available on devices that are Webex cloud-registered, or that use Webex Edge. If you want to use cross-tenant join with on-prem registered or SIP devices, the device must be trusted by the tenant; its TLS certificate must have a SAN that matches a verified domain in Control Hub.

Requirements for Video Integration with Microsoft Teams



An active Webex organization

If you do not yet have an active Webex organization, we will provision one for you when you purchase the video integration.

A Microsoft 365 tenant with Microsoft Teams accounts for users in the organization

The setup process requires an account that can sign in as a Global administrator for the tenant to grant application permissions, and a Microsoft Teams administrator account for the tenant that can execute PowerShell commands.

Webex video integration licenses, one for each of the video devices that you plan to use with this integration.

The subscription for this service must be provisioned to your Webex organization in Control Hub and set up as described in this article.

Cisco devices registered to your Webex organization, or other SIP video devices that can make internet calls.

Webex Hybrid Calendar Service (Optional, but highly recommended)

Required to provide One Button to Push (OBTP) to video devices.

For the best experience using Hybrid Calendar, all meeting organizers and shared room mailboxes should be Hybrid Calendar enabled.

Hybrid Calendar Service has additional requirements. For instructions, see https://www.cisco.com/go/hybrid-services-calendar.

Ports and protocols for video integration traffic


Video devices connect to the Webex data centers for signaling.

Table 1. Signaling with Webex data centers

Video Device


Port Number(s)


Cisco device registered to your organization



For requirements, see Network requirements for Webex services

Other SIP video device



For requirements, see How do I allow Webex Meetings traffic on my network?


The media path for video integration calls differs from other Webex Meetings call flows because specialized media clusters hosted by Azure handle this call type.

These specialized media clusters aren’t part of the standard Webex Meetings address ranges. You must ensure that traffic can reach these additional IP networks.

The specialized media clusters are not part of the reachability tests that Webex registered devices perform. Failure to open access to any of the media cluster IP ranges can lead to call failures. The integration attempts to use the optimal media cluster for each call based on where the caller originates. However, you must allow access to all media clusters because the media cluster used can vary based on run-time conditions.

Table 2. Media with specialized media clusters

Video device


Port number(s)

Media cluster regions and IP ranges

Cisco device registered to your organization




We only use these TCP ports as a fall back option for the preferred (UDP) media ports

  • Australia East:

  • Southeast Asia:

  • US East 2:

  • US West 2:

  • UK South:

  • West Europe:


5004 (Devices & Webex clients)

9000 (Webex clients)

Other SIP video device



Read Network requirements for Webex services for other Webex services, and the protocols and ports they use.

Create the video integration from Control Hub

Follow these steps to register Microsoft Teams to the Webex cloud, authorize service permissions with Microsoft, and enable Cisco video devices to join Microsoft Teams meetings. The setup wizard in Control Hub ( https://admin.webex.com) guides you through the process.

The Microsoft user has to authenticate at least two separate times during the setup. We recommend that the steps be done by a Microsoft administrator whose account has been given full administrator access to Control Hub.

Before you begin

  • Make sure that you've met all of the Requirements for Video Integration with Microsoft Teams (in this document).

  • If you haven't already done so, set up your Webex organization.

  • If you haven't already done so, add a subdomain for Webex SIP addresses in your organization.

  • You need the following administrator access:

    • Microsoft Tenant Global Administrator privileges in your organization

    • Microsoft Teams administration privileges within the tenant

    • Full administrator privileges for your own Webex organization, and a web browser that can access Control Hub. (See System requirements for Webex services for browser compatibility.)

      Users from any other organization that may have access to your Control Hub (such as Partner Admins) do not qualify. Use a full administrator account in the Webex organization that you are configuring.

  • You also need access to run Microsoft PowerShell commands.

    • Latest Microsoft Teams PowerShell module installed. See " Install Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module" on the Microsoft web site for more information.

    • At the time of this writing, Microsoft recommends PowerShell version 5.1 or higher when using the Microsoft Teams module, so we recommend using PowerShell on a Windows machine. See the PowerShell 5.1 system requirements on the Microsoft web site for more information.


Sign in to https://admin.webex.com.


Check if you've set the subdomain for Webex SIP addresses: go to Organization Settings > SIP Address for Cisco Webex Calling. If the subdomain is not set, see Change your Webex SIP address.


Go to Services > Hybrid. On the Video Integration card for Microsoft Teams, click Set Up.

If the card doesn't show the Set Up option, make sure that your license is active.


On the Video Integration Setup screen, click Authorize.

You’re redirected to a Microsoft sign in window.

Sign in with a Global Administrator account.

The application asks you to consent to the permissions it needs to check your role in the Microsoft tenant and get details of the tenant.


Check the consent box and click Accept.

The application checks your authorization to continue the setup. If you're authorized, you're redirected to another Microsoft consent request for permissions. You may be prompted to sign in again. If so, use your Global Administrator account.


Review the requested permissions, then click Accept to grant the Webex Video Integration application the required permissions.

The browser should redirect you to the Control Hub Video Integration Setup screen when you've finished the authorization steps. If not, note the error message, correct the concerns, and restart the setup process.


Open a PowerShell window on your computer and install the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell module if it's not already installed:

  1. At the PowerShell command prompt, type the following command:

    Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -AllowClobber
  2. If you are prompted to trust the PSGallery repo, acknowledge with Y to trust and proceed with the download and installation.


Import the MicrosoftTeams module and connect to your Teams tenant:

  1. Use the existing window or open a new PowerShell window on your computer.

  2. At the PowerShell prompt, type the following command:

    Import-Module MicrosoftTeams 
  3. At the PowerShell prompt, type the following command:

    A Microsoft sign-in page appears.
  4. Enter the credentials for the user with Microsoft Teams administration privileges for the tenant.

    If successful, you get feedback on which account and tenant you successfully signed into. If you get an error, repeat the command and refer to the Microsoft documentation for PowerShell for additional assistance.

    You must successfully sign in to your Teams tenant before proceeding to the remaining steps.


From the Video Integration Setup screen in Control Hub, click the clipboard button to copy the text of the New-CsVideoInteropServiceProvider command from the first text box and paste it into the PowerShell session. Then run the command.

This command is specific to your tenant. The command will not work unless you have imported the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell module and successfully signed in to your tenant as described in the previous step.

Take special care when copying the command to PowerShell so that the copied text is not modified in any way when handling the text. Sending the command through email, messaging clients, or other handling may result in having formatting added, character substitutions, or additional characters added which will break the configuration. PowerShell will not necessarily reject the malformed text. We recommend you directly copy and paste the command from Control Hub to PowerShell when possible or verify the text using a plain text editor before pasting to PowerShell.

This command creates a new CVI provider of type Cisco and sets the following:
  • The tenantKey assigned by Webex
  • The Exchange invite Alternate Instructions URL provided by Webex

Choose how you want to enable the integration for your users.

For help, see " Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy" on the Microsoft Documentation web site.

  1. To enable the integration for all users in your organization, copy the text of the Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy command from the second text box.

    To enable all users:
    Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -PolicyName CiscoServiceProviderEnabled -Global
  2. To enable the integration for an individual user, copy the text of the Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy command from the second text box. Replace -Global with -Identity, and add the user's email address after it.

    To enable user jamie.smith@company.com:
    Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -PolicyName CiscoServiceProviderEnabled -Identity jamie.smith@company.com
  3. Paste the command into your PowerShell session and run it.


When you are done with the PowerShell commands, click Ok on the Video Integration Setup screen in Control Hub to complete the setup.

The PowerShell changes to the Microsoft tenant can take time to propagate in the Microsoft 365 environment. Microsoft warns this can take up to 72 hours, although it typically takes less than two hours.

You can test if the changes for a user have become active by having the user create test meetings in Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Teams. If the changes have successfully propagated, you should see the video integration join details in the meeting invitation. If the join details are not present, wait longer and repeat the test again.

What to do next

If you need to view or copy the PowerShell command text at a later time: In the Control Hub left navigation menu, click on Hybrid under the Services category. Find the Video Integration with Microsoft Teams card, and click Edit settings.

To take full advantage of the calendar and OBTP Join features of the Hybrid Calendar Service, make sure your Cisco devices are either registered to the Webex cloud or linked to the cloud using Edge for devices.

Set up Hybrid Calendar Service if you want OBTP for devices. For help setting up OBTP with the Hybrid Calendar Service on Cisco devices, see Make it easier for video devices to join meetings with OBTP.

Join button and Hybrid Calendar considerations

As mentioned in Alternative video device join method—Join button, if you enable the Hybrid Calendar Service, you can further enhance the calling experience for your organization using One Button to Push (OBTP).

With OBTP, Cisco devices in your organization automatically show a Join button shortly before the Microsoft Teams meeting starts, when they're included in the meeting:

  • Personal mode devices show the button if the user associated with the device accepts the meeting invitation. (The user must be enabled for the calendar service in Control Hub.)

  • Shared mode devices show the button if the room mailbox email address associated with the device accepts the meeting invitation. (The device's workspace must be enabled for the calendar service in Control Hub.)

Exchange mailbox requirements for OBTP

The Hybrid Calendar Service will only process a meeting invitation (to add the details needed for OBTP) if the meeting scheduler or at least one of the invitees has the service enabled. If your organization doesn't have many calendar service enabled users, it may be common for a device invitation to trigger the processing, rather than the scheduler or a user. When this happens, it's critical that your Exchange configuration retain all of the details that the service needs in the invitation.

You can enable users without Webex licenses for the Hybrid Calendar Service.

By default, the Exchange Online settings delete the meeting details from invitations sent to room mailboxes. Apply the following PowerShell commands to the room mailboxes of all shared mode devices that you enable for the Hybrid Calendar Service:

Set-CalendarProcessing -identity "room" -DeleteComments $false

These two additional commands are optional and recommended:

Set-CalendarProcessing -identity "room" -DeleteSubject $false
Set-CalendarProcessing -identity "room" -AddOrganizerToSubject $false

If you want to be able to forward invitations scheduled from outside of your Microsoft organization to the device, add the following command:

Set-CalendarProcessing -identity "room" -ProcessExternalMeetingMessages $True

URL rewriting and OBTP

You may be using the Safe Links feature from Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (or similar security software) to rewrite URLs in email to protect users from malicious links.

This software interferes with OBTP, so you need to configure exceptions for Microsoft Teams meeting invitations that include Webex URLs.

Specifically, you must configure your security software to not rewrite the "More info" instruction hyperlink. Otherwise, the Cisco Hybrid Calendar service fails to create the Join button for those meetings.

For Microsoft Defender, you can add the URL pattern to the Do not rewrite the following URLs portion of your Safe Links policy.

Table 3. Worldwide Commercial Environment
UsageURL pattern
More info Instruction link https://www.webex.com/*

For more information about Microsoft Defender’s Safe Links policies and configuration, see Set up Safe Links policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 on the Microsoft website.

Supported device types for OBTP

The following devices and clients support OBTP for Microsoft Teams meetings using the video integration and the Hybrid Calendar Service:

  • Cisco Board, Room, and Desk devices

  • Cisco Room Kit and Room Phone

  • Cisco MX, SX, and DX series

The devices must be either registered to the Webex cloud or linked to the cloud using Edge for devices.

If your devices are getting the Join button from Cisco TMS or Cisco TMSXE, they cannot get the Join button for Microsoft Teams meetings.

As an alternative, you can simplify joining for the affected devices by adding the SIP IVR video address of the Microsoft Teams meeting as a speed dial or macro.

Features and limitations

This section explains limitations and feature behavior for the Video Integration for Microsoft Teams.

Relationship between organizations and tenants

We currently support a 1:1 relationship between Webex organizations and Microsoft 365 tenants:

  • A single Webex organization can interoperate with only one Microsoft 365 tenant.

  • Your Microsoft tenant can support multiple different video integrations; for example, the tenant can simultaneously interoperate with Cisco and Pexip. However, the tenant can only have one integration of each type; so, one from Cisco, and one from Pexip.

    If you have multiple Webex organizations, choose one to interoperate with your Microsoft tenant using the Webex video integration.

Video interoperability

  • The integration supports Cisco devices as follows:

    • Registered to Webex
    • Registered on-premises and using Webex Edge for Devices
    • Registered on-premises making SIP calls

    The integration also supports third-party devices making SIP calls.

  • The maximum number of participants is about 450 in the same Microsoft Teams meeting; video devices joining above this limit may become unreliable.

    We recommend that you choose Teams Live broadcast, or Webex Webinars or Events, for meetings where you expect hundreds of participants.

  • This integration enables video devices to join your Teams Live events. See Webex Video Integration for Microsoft Teams live events.

    You can't cross-tenant join to Teams Live events in other Microsoft tenants.

    Microsoft has not yet enabled CVI integration for the "Town Hall" feature.

  • The integration does not support H.323 or IP address dialing.

    You can interwork these legacy protocols to SIP calls using a Cisco Expressway deployment.

  • For interoperability with other Cisco and third-party equipment, see Webex video compatibility and support.
  • You can use One-button-to-push (OBTP) from the Webex App to join a paired device to a Microsoft Teams meeting.

    (No cross-tenant join from Webex App.)

  • You can't join a Microsoft Teams meeting using only the Webex App.

    The integration only supports devices paired with the Webex App for OBTP, or wireless share, to join a Teams meeting on the video device. Other device pairing features, including dialing from the Webex App, and device controls from the Webex App, are not available.

  • Interactive white boarding from Cisco devices is not available for meetings on Microsoft Teams. Users can share whiteboards from the device as video content (BFCP support).

  • The integration doesn’t support audio-only devices such as IP phones or PSTN phones.

    Audio-only devices should call in using the Microsoft Teams PSTN gateway functionality.

    IP phones, like the Cisco Video Phone 8875, can use this solution.

  • Webex Video Integration for Microsoft Teams meetings are not supported on devices setup in companion mode.


General features and limitations

  • VIMT participants can use touch screen controls or DTMF tones to change the meeting layout:

    • Local touch layout controls are available for Cisco devices that support ActiveControl (iX protocol) when they are:

      • Registered to Webex

      • Linked using Webex Edge for Devices

      • Registered on-premises, to CUCM or Expressway with SIP, and ActiveControl is configured.

    • Video integration participants can cycle through different layout options, by sending DTMF tones 2 and 8 from the device.

      DTMF controls are available to all devices that can send in-band DTMF tones.

  • Participants can see up to nine video streams at the same time (as counted across all people screens), unless they are using the Large Gallery layout.

    The number of visible streams depends on the selected layout and the device type.

    All participants beyond that limit are shown with Webex-generated name labels instead of a video stream of the remote participant.

  • The Equal layout is limited to a maximum of 3x3 streams in a grid, to maximize the size of available displayed participants.

  • If a VIMT participant is not sending video (e.g. camera off), then Webex substitutes a white name label on a black background for that participant’s video stream.

    All remote participants will see that image instead of the video of that participant. That participant is treated as a video participant by Microsoft Teams (not an audio-only participant in Teams clients).

  • Cisco devices using three people screen configurations, with dedicated content screens, automatically use the Overlay layout on all people screens.

    Room switching and Panoramic experience features are not supported.

Microsoft Teams Large Gallery

When participants use local layout controls to select the Large Gallery, they see the Microsoft Teams Large Gallery composite view.

This layout shows up to 49 remote participants in a 7 by 7 grid. 

The gallery view shows all video enabled participants, including yourself and the active speaker, so it's possible that you'll see duplicate streams.

There is no second page option from the Cisco device. When a participant, who is not shown in the grid, becomes the active speaker, then they are switched into the grid.

Teams client meeting participants with their cameras off are not shown in Large Gallery layout.

Other VIMT participants with camera off show as the device name initials avatar.

Layouts on single screen devices

  • Single screen layouts: Participants using single screen Cisco devices, that are Webex-registered, Edge, or dialed in with SIP, see the “Overlay" layout by default.

    During content sharing, they see the "Stacked" layout by default.

    Participants can use local layout controls to change the layout to:

    • Overlay (default)
    • Prominent
    • Focused
    • Stacked
    • Grid
    • Teams Large Gallery

Layouts on dual screen devices

Dual screen layouts are available for Cisco devices that have two participant screens and are Webex-registered, Edge, or dialed in with SIP (and ActiveControl).

Participants can use local layout controls to change the layout to:

  • Prominent – Focused/Active speaker on primary screen, Grid layout (3x3) on second screen. This is the default layout.

  • Focused – Active speaker full screen on each screen, voice switched.

  • Grid layout – Dual people screen, 2x2 max on each screen.

  • Large Gallery – Microsoft Teams Large Gallery layout on second screen (up to 7x7), Focused/active speaker on screen one.

The device can show shared content on a dedicated third screen, if it has one.

Otherwise, the content replaces the layout on one of the two screens and you can use layout controls to change the layout on the other screen.

The Overlay and Stacked layouts are not available when two people screens are active.

Calendars and cross-organization invitations

  • Participants from outside your organization can join your Microsoft Teams meetings from their video devices by dialing your IVR video address (<yoursubdomain>@m.webex.com) and entering the Video meeting ID for the meeting at the prompt, or by using your direct dial alternative (<VideoMeetingID>.<yoursubdomain>@m.webex.com).

  • This video integration allows joining meetings hosted by other Microsoft tenants (cross-tenant join).

    To join a Teams meeting that is hosted by a different Microsoft tenant, you can:

  • Issues arising from missing comments/body details or organizer-based processing, also apply when processing OBTP for Microsoft Teams meetings.

    RoomOS uses meeting ID and passcode, from the Teams meeting invite, to prepare the Join button for cross-tenant meetings. If these details are not present, or difficult to parse from the invite, then the Join button may not work as expected. In this case OBTP with direct guest join using WebRTC.

    See Known Issues with Hybrid Calendar Service.

Meeting features


Cisco devices connecting through the video integration have the Webex IVR and splash screens localized to the language set in the device. US English is the default for all other scenarios. Localization is supported for Cisco devices using cloud calling or SIP calling (requires CE9.14.3 or newer.)


Video integration participants don't have controls to start or stop meeting recordings. Microsoft Teams users must manage meeting recording.


  • Content sharing uses Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP) and is subject to the limitations of that protocol, including no ability to share applications or allow remote control.

  • If meeting policies or a meeting organizer limits who can share content in a Teams meeting using the Who Can Present? meeting option, then video integration participants must have the 'Presenter' role to share content in the meeting. When joining through the video integration, a caller is an 'attendee' by default. Callers who join as trusted callers will have the presenter role assigned automatically, regardless of the value set in Who Can Present?. Meeting organizers can toggle a participant's role on the fly using the participant list in their Teams client.

  • If meeting policies or a meeting organizer limits who can share content in the Teams meeting using the Who Can Present? meeting option, sharing content will not work as expected for video integration participants who only have the 'attendee' role in the meeting. The caller will be able to start sharing on their device, but their content will not be seen by other participants in the meeting. Sharing may also interfere with receiving content from another user.

  • Video integration participants can view content when Microsoft Teams participants share using the share Screen or share Window options.

    Video integration participants can't view whiteboards from Microsoft Teams, or content shared as PowerPoint Live or Excel Live. When Teams participants use PowerPoint Live in the meeting, the video integration participants see a message to tell them they can't see the content.

On-screen notifications

We show notifications to video integration participants when:

  • Recording starts or stops. A recording icon stays on screen while recording is active. Devices with Webex cloud registration or ActiveControl get localized text and locally rendered icons.

  • A Teams participant raises their hand. The notification includes their screen name and the hand icon. The participant list also shows the raised hand icon.

    VIMT participants can’t raise their hands, or lower the hands of others.

  • Participants are waiting in the Teams meeting lobby (a Teams client participant must admit them).

  • A Teams participant starts presenting with PowerPoint Live. Ask the presenter to share their screen or window instead of using Live.

    A VIMT device that joins after PowerPoint Live sharing has started does not get this notification.

  • Transcription starts or stops in the meeting. A transcription icon stays on screen while transcription is active.

In-meeting chat

Microsoft Teams chat isn't available to video integration participants.


  • Microsoft Teams whiteboarding isn't available to video integration participants.

  • Interactive white boarding from Cisco devices is not available for meetings on Microsoft Teams. Users can share whiteboards from the device as video content (BFCP support).

Mute controls and indicators

Video integration participants can mute from their local device (local mute) and/or from the meeting (server-side mute).

Both of these mute options stop the participant's audio from reaching the meeting, but the controls and indicators vary depending on the call type.

The participant list always shows the server-side mute status of meeting participants.

When the participant joins by a SIP call that does not support ActiveControl

  • Indicators: The participant list mute indicator changes whenever the participant's server-side mute changes. Participants see a notification in the meeting video when their own server-side mute changes.

    The participant list does not show the participant’s local mute status (the device mute does not synchronize with the server-side mute in this type of call).

  • Participant's own controls: The participant can use DTMF tone *6 to mute or unmute themselves on the server-side.

    They can use their device's controls to locally mute or unmute themselves.

  • Other participant's controls: Another Teams participant can mute a video integration participant. The participant's server-side mute status changes to muted.

    A meeting participant can't unmute another participant, to ensure privacy.

When the participant joins with a Cisco device on Webex

The following behavior applies when the participant's Cisco device is registered to and calls via Webex:

  • Indicators: The local device indicator shows the server-side mute status (the device mute synchronizes with the server-side mute in this type of call).

  • Participant's own controls: The participant uses their local device controls to mute or unmute themselves on the server-side.

  • Other participant's controls: Another Teams participant can mute a video integration participant. The participant's server-side mute status changes to muted, and the participant's device status changes to muted.

    A meeting participant can't unmute another participant, to ensure privacy.

DTMF *6 changes the server-side mute, but does not automatically change the local device mute status.

When the participant joins by a SIP call that does support ActiveControl

The following behavior applies when the participant joins using a SIP call that can use ActiveControl:

  • Indicators: The local device indicator shows the server-side mute status (the device mute synchronizes with the server-side mute in this type of call).

  • Participant's own controls: The participant uses their local device controls to mute or unmute themselves on the server-side.

  • Other participant's controls: Another Teams participant can mute a video integration participant. The participant's server-side mute status changes to muted, and the participant's device status changes to muted.

    A meeting participant can't unmute another participant, to ensure privacy.

DTMF *6 changes the server-side mute, but does not automatically change the local device mute status.

Microsoft Teams lobby

  • Trusted devices from your own organization can streamline how they join meetings by automatically bypassing the Microsoft Teams lobby. A device is considered trusted in either of the following cases:

    • It is a Cisco device using cloud calling, and registered to the Webex organization (or Edge with Webex optimization enabled) where you deploy the video integration.

    • It is a device using on-prem SIP calling, which uses SIP TLS and presents a certificate that has a Subject Alternate Name matching one of your verified SIP domains.

      If you enable TLS verification on your SIP calling to Webex, your TLS verification should check for the Subject Alternate Name (SAN) sip.webex.com (not m.webex.com).

  • If a meeting organizer sets the Who can bypass the lobby? meeting option to 'Organizers and me' or 'People I invite', callers attempting to join as trusted callers will be placed into the lobby of the Teams meeting. The caller will see the 'Waiting for others' splash screen instead of the expected lobby splash screen.

  • If you disable Anonymous users can join a meeting in the Microsoft Teams tenant settings, then video integration participants cannot join through the lobby. Video integration participants who would normally bypass the lobby will still be able to join Microsoft Teams meetings.

  • Cross-tenant join requires the device to be trusted and does not offer lobby bypass into another Teams tenant. The Teams meeting host(s) must admit those devices from the lobby.


  • Calls to the video integration do not use Webex Video Mesh nodes; traffic is direct from the device to the cloud.

  • The specialized media clusters used by the video integration for Microsoft Teams are not part of the reachability tests that Webex-registered devices perform. Failure to open access to any of the media cluster IP ranges can lead to call failures. The integration attempts to use the optimal media cluster for each call based on where the caller originates. However, you must allow access to all media clusters because the media cluster used can vary based on run-time conditions.