In a scheduled meeting, click Meeting Info.


The Meeting Info tab displays the following:

  • Copy meeting information

  • General tab

  • Security tab


In the General tab, you can share the meeting information in the following ways:

  • Click Copy meeting link to only copy the meeting link.

  • Right click the URL and click Copy.

The Security tab displays the security information and if your meeting is an encrypted meeting.


You can share the security information in the following ways:

  • Click the Security code to copy.
  • Communicate this code to all participants, either verbally or in a message outside of the app.

In a scheduled meeting, tap the drop-down arrow next to the meeting name at the top of your screen.


In the General tab, you can share the meeting information with others in one of the following ways:

  • Tap Share and then choose how you want to share the information.
  • Tap Copy link beside the meeting link and paste the link into a Webex App message or an email.

The Security tab displays security information and if your meeting is an encrypted meeting.


You can share the security code with others if you want to make sure your meeting is secure.

  • Long press the security code to copy it and then paste it in a message or email.
  • Communicate this code to all participants, either verbally or in a message outside of the app.

Ask everyone in the meeting if they see the same security code. Attendees who don't see the same code, may need to rejoin the meeting.