Schedule, start, and join Webex Meetings in Slack

Meetings app commands for Slack
Use these commands to set up the Meetings app to use your team Webex site URL or Personal Room:
Command |
Description |
/webexconfig |
Displays the current Webex site URL for your team, as well as your preferred Webex site URL and your Personal Room ID, if you have set them. |
/webexconfig set_Personal_Room Example: /webexconfig set_Personal_Room acassidy |
Sets your Personal Room ID. This command is required if your Webex account email address is different from your Slack account email address and if your Slack ID does not match your Personal Room ID on your Webex site. |
/webexconfig reset_Personal_Room |
Removes your Personal Room ID. |
/webexconfig set_preferred_site Example: /webexconfig set_preferred_site |
Sets your preferred Webex site. You can use this command if your organization has multiple Webex sites and you want to use a Webex site that's different from the Webex site that's set for the team. When you share a meeting link or schedule a meeting, your preferred Webex site URL is used instead of the team's Webex site URL. |
/webexconfig reset_preferred_site |
Removes your preferred Webex site URL. When you share a meeting link or schedule a meeting, the team's Webex site URL is used. |
Use these commands with the Meetings app to share a Join meeting button with your team for your Webex Personal Room meeting or Webex scheduled meeting, schedule a Webex meeting, or display a list of your upcoming meetings.
Command |
Description |
/webex |
Shares a Join Meeting button for your Webex Personal Room meeting in the channel, and provides a Start Meeting button that's visible only to you. If you don't have a Webex Personal Room but you have a host account in Meetings, a meeting is scheduled for the next nearest 5-minute interval, for example, if you use the command at 10:16 a.m., a meeting is scheduled at 10:20 a.m. The command shares a Join Meeting button for a Webex meeting in the channel, and provides a Start Meeting button that's visible only to you. |
/webex |
Shares a Join Meeting button for the Webex Personal Room meeting that is associated with the specified Personal Room ID, whether it’s your Personal Room ID or someone else’s. |
/webex |
Shares a Join Meeting button for a scheduled Webex meeting that has the specified meeting number. |
/webex |
Shares a Join Meeting button for the Webex Personal Room meeting that is associated with that Slack team member’s email address. |
/webex recordings |
Displays a list of up to 10 past recordings from Webex meetings that you hosted and recorded in the cloud. You can play or share the recordings in a channel. The list includes recordings from all the Webex sites that you use. |
/webexhelp |
Shows the available commands for the Meetings app. |
/webexhelp feedback |
Displays the Feedback dialog box where you can submit feedback on an existing feature or request a new feature. |
/webexhelp version |
Displays the current version of your Meetings app, Meetings service bot, and Webex site. |
/webexschedule |
Displays the Schedule a Webex Meeting dialog box, which allows you to schedule a Webex meeting. |
/webexschedule myroom |
Displays the Personal Room Meeting dialog box, which allows you to schedule a meeting in your Personal Room. |
/webexschedule [myroom] <today/tomorrow> <hh:mmAM/PM> |
Schedules a 30-minute Webex meeting for today or tomorrow at the specified time, for example, If If you schedule the meeting to start within the next 10 minutes, a Start Meeting button, which is visible only to you, is posted to the conversation. |
/webexschedule list Example: |
Displays a list of your upcoming Webex meetings today, tomorrow, the next 7 days, or the next 30 days. You can edit, cancel, start, or join a meeting from the list. If you don't specify a time period, for example, |
Start and join meetings
You can start Webex meetings that you schedule in Slack.
1 |
Type |
2 |
In the list of meetings, click Start under the name of the meeting that you want to start. The Start button appears up to 15 minutes before your scheduled meeting. Your meeting opens in a new browser window.
The meeting is scheduled for the next nearest 5-minute interval, for example, if you click Call at 10:16 a.m., a meeting is scheduled at 10:20 a.m.
Go to the channel or conversation you want for the instant meeting and choose one of the following:
The meeting link appears in the channel or conversation you chose. |
1 |
Type ![]() When a Webex meeting starts in a channel that you're in, a meeting notification is posted in the conversation. You can click Join in the meeting notification to join the meeting. The Join button appears up to 15 minutes before your scheduled meeting. |
2 |
Click Join on the page that opens in a new browser window. |
Schedule and manage meetings
Before you begin
You can schedule Webex meetings and Personal Room meetings in Slack if your Webex administrator enabled Slack integration.
This feature requires Meetings app version or later, you can use the /webexhelp version
command to check your app version. If your app version isn’t current enough, contact your Slack workspace administrator to upgrade the Meetings app for Slack by reinstalling it.
1 |
Do one of the following:
2 |
In the Schedule a Webex Meeting or Personal Room Meeting dialog box, enter the required information for your meeting and click Schedule. |
A notification appears in the channel or direct message when the meeting starts, when someone joins or leaves the meeting, and when the meeting ends.
With the Outlook Calendar or Google Calendar app in Slack, you can schedule Webex Personal Room Meetings and have them appear in Slack as well as your Outlook or Google calendar.
Before you begin
You must have a Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft 365, or Google account and install the Outlook Calendar or Google Calendar app from the Slack Apps directory.
You must also install the Webex app for Slack and set your Webex site for your workspace.
1 |
From the Outlook Calendar or Google Calendar app in Slack, click Create event. |
2 |
Enter the required meeting information, including the meeting title, who you want to invite, and the date and time. |
3 |
Click the menu under Video conferencing and select Webex Meetings. A link to your Personal Room is added to the event. |
4 |
(Optional) Check Share this meeting with and select a channel, direct message, or Slack app that you want to share the meeting with. |
5 |
Click Create. |
Find the scheduled Webex meeting that you want to edit or cancel. You can type
You can show a list of your upcoming scheduled Webex meetings for today, tomorrow, the next 7 days, or the next 30 days.
Choose one of the following:
Meeting notifications and user status
Learn about the notifications and reminders you get for your Webex meetings in Slack.
To use the meeting reminders and in-progress notifications features, make sure that you've installed a version of the Meetings app for Slack from August 1, 2019 or later. If you installed the app before that date, contact your Slack workspace administrator to upgrade the Meetings app for Slack by reinstalling it.
You'll receive a meeting reminder when you're hosting or are invited to a Webex meeting scheduled in a channel. The reminder appears in the channel 10 minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start.
Meeting reminders only appear for meetings scheduled in channels. They don't appear for meetings scheduled in direct messages.
If the meeting was scheduled less than 10 minutes before its start time, you won't receive a meeting reminder, instead you receive a private message.
When a Webex meeting starts in a channel that you're in, a meeting notification is posted in the conversation. You can click Join in the meeting notification to join the meeting. The notification updates in real time to show the duration of the meeting and the profile photo of each person who joins the meeting.
After the meeting ends, the notification updates to show when the meeting ended, the meeting duration, and how many people joined the meeting.
Notifications appear for Webex meetings and Personal Room meetings that are started by using the Call button or the /webex
command or scheduled by using the /webexschedule
This feature requires Meetings app version or later, you can use the /webexhelp version
command to check your app version. If your app version isn’t current enough, contact your Slack workspace administrator to upgrade the Meetings app for Slack by reinstalling it.
This feature is available for workspaces that are on a paid plan.
In Slack, you can see when members of your workspace are in a Webex meeting that was started from Slack. This makes it easy to know if others are available to respond to messages.
In the sidebar, the telephone receiver emoji next to someone’s display name indicates that they’re in a Webex meeting that was started from Slack.

In a conversation, the phrase, " In a Webex meeting" appears next to someone’s display name when they’re in a Webex meeting that was started from Slack.

The primary owner must install the Meetings app to see when all members of the workspace, including workspace administrators, are in a meeting.
If you set your status in Slack, the phrase " In a Webex meeting" replaces that status during your meeting. When you leave the meeting, your status resets to what it was before the meeting.
Play and share recordings
This feature requires Meetings app version or later, you can use the /webexhelp version
command to check your app version. If your app version isn’t current enough, contact your Slack workspace administrator to upgrade the Meetings app for Slack by reinstalling it.
When the meeting host records a Webex meeting that they scheduled from Slack, a recording notification is posted in the conversation, sometime after the meeting ends. The notification includes the meeting topic, date, time, duration, and a Play Recording button.
There are two ways to access your list of recordings:
You can use the
/webex recordings
command in a channel or conversation. -
You can use the shortcut by clicking
and selecting a channel or conversation to view the list.
Both choices display a list of up to 10 past recordings from Webex meetings that you hosted and recorded in the cloud in the past 10 days. From this list, you can play a recording or share it in a channel. The list is visible only to you and includes recordings from all the Webex sites that you use.
1 |
To play a recording. do one of the following:
The recording opens in a new browser window.
2 |
To share a recording: |