As an administrator, you can enable or disable meeting hosts to automatically generate text summaries, action items, and chapters on recorded meetings using AI technology. Webex sends out the AI-generated content in the email notification for the recording. Users can access the meeting summary in Webex App and the recording player within their web browser.

Your hosts can turn off this feature and manually generate meeting summaries and chapters.

You can also enable this feature for certain groups or users. See Configure settings templates for more information.

This feature is available on Webex Suite meeting platform.


  • The meeting summary and recording transcript are only supported in English.
  • The meeting summary and automatic chapters are generated only when the meeting is recorded.
  • Multiple speakers in a single room may not be accurately identified by the meeting summary and transcript.
  • Company or domain-specific vocabulary may not be accurately understood by the meeting summary and transcript.

Before you begin

Ensure that you've enabled recording transcripts for your site.


Sign in to Control Hub.


Go to Management > Organization Settings and scroll down to the AI generated content for recordings section.

AI generated summaries for recordings

Toggle Allow AI generated summaries and chapters for recordings on.

It’s enabled by default.