Ljudkoder för MP-1288 – manuell omkonfiguration
Ljudkoder MP-1288 Manual Reconfiguration Procedure innehåller procedur, firmware-filer och standardkonfigurationsfiler för Webex Calling, som krävs för att lägga till ljudkoder MP-1288 i Webex Calling-tjänsten.
Here is the list of supported Audiocodes Manufacturer Part Numbers to use with Webex Calling. These models contain the required preinstalled client certificate from the factory.
Use this procedure if you didn’t purchase or lease your Audiocodes MP-1288 directly through your Service Provider. Since, the Webex Calling factory shipped devices are configured with the appropriate firmware and configuration files.
Verify that the firmware version of your device matches F7.40A.500.781 before proceeding to the manual reconfiguration process. This check ensures that your device connects successfully to the configuration server. This article contains the Webex Calling version of the Audiocodes ATA Firmware.
It’s important to note that Webex Calling uses proprietary versions of Audiocodes ATA Firmware loads with the Audiocodes ATAs. As this software may not be readily available to end customers, we’ve attached them to this article.
Webex Calling Manual Reconfiguration Procedure:
AudioCodes MP-1288 ATA Manual Reconfiguration Procedure Webex Calling.doc
Webex Calling Proprietary Firmware Files: (Firmware contained in a single .ZIP file)
Audiocodes MP-1288 Devices = Firmware_AudioCodes_MP1288.zip - Contains MP1288_SIP_F7.40A.500.781.cmp
Webex Calling Default Configuration Files: (Configuration files are contained in a single .ZIP file)
Audiocodes MP-1288 = FlashFiles_Audiocodes_MP1288.zip - Contains MP-1288-Flash-(REGION).ini
If you require assistance with adding your Audiocodes ATA to the Webex Calling Service, contact your Customer Service team to assist.
The following files are contained here:
AudioCodes MP-1288 ATA Manual Reconfiguration Procedure.pdf
LTRT-28020 MP-1288 Hardware Installation Manual.pdf
MP-1288 CANADA Flash File