Meeting Controls in the Webex Meetings Virtual Desktop App

Your meeting controls will hide automatically when you're not using them. Just move your cursor to bring them back. The following meeting controls are available:
Mute—turns red
when you mute your audio. Click again to unmute.
Video—indicates your video is on. Video is on by default unless you have chosen to turn it off when joining the meeting. You will see
when your video is off.
Share screen—share everything on your screen.
Start recording—record the meeting. Only the you can record the meeting. At the end of the meeting the you will receive an email with the recording link that can be shared with others.
Participant list—see who is in the meeting. The button is blue when the participant list is open.
Options—the options may vary depending on meeting settings.
Lock Room—restricted access to the meeting.
Copy Meeting Link—copy the meeting link if you need to send it to others in a message.
End Meeting—to exit the meeting for everyone. If you want to exit the meeting without ending it for everyone, assign a new host.
In addition to these meeting controls, you can:
Right-click on a participant's name to:
Make them the host
Mute or unmute them
Change role to host
Expel them
to view the meeting information.
Change your video layout, for more information see, Screen Layouts.

Your meeting controls will hide automatically when you're not using them. Just move your cursor to bring them back. The following meeting controls are available:
Mute—turns red
when you mute your audio. Click again to unmute.
Video—indicates your video is on. Video is on by default unless you have chosen to turn it off when joining the meeting. You will see
when your video is off.
Share screen—share everything on your screen.
Participant list—see who is in the meeting. The button is blue when the list is open.
Options—Copy Meeting Link
if you need to send it to others in a message.
Leave Meeting—leave the meeting.
In addition to these meeting controls, you can:
to view the meeting information.
Change your video layout, for more information see, Screen Layouts.