Audio connection options

To adjust audio settings and preferences in a meeting or webinar, see Select audio settings for Webex Meetings and Webex Webinars.


Click Audio optionsMute and choose how you want to hear the audio in the meeting.

  • Computer audio—Use your computer with a headset or speakers.

    Choose what speaker and microphone you want to use.

    Click Test to test your speaker and microphone

  • Call me—Enter or select the phone number that you'd like the meeting to call.

    Check Connect to audio without pressing 1 to connect to the meeting audio immediately after you answer the call.

  • Call in—Dial in from your phone when the meeting starts. A list of global call-in numbers appears after you join the meeting. Make a note of the access code or meeting number and the attendee ID. You'll need to enter these numbers to join the meeting.

    Your attendee ID connects your name in the meeting to your audio. If you don’t enter your attendee ID, your audio appears as a call-in user in the Participants list, separate from your name.

    Select one of the available numbers to join the meeting and when prompted, enter the access code or meeting number and the attendee ID. If you don't have your attendee ID, press # to wait in the lobby until someone in the meeting lets you in.

  • Don't connect to audio—You won't hear any audio in the meeting through your computer or phone. Use this option if you're in a meeting room with other participants and want to use your computer to share content in the meeting.


Choose to mute or unmute your audio before you join the meeting, webinar, or event, click Mute Mute or, if you're joining the meeting from the app connected to a device, click Mute device.

Click Unmute Unmute (or if you're connected to a device, click Unmute device) when you want to speak.

In some meetings, the host may not allow attendees to unmute. If you're prevented from unmuting, Unmute Unmute is locked until the host allows you to unmute.

For more information on muting and unmuting, see Mute or unmute in Webex Meetings Suite


Click Video optionsStop video and choose from the following:


Choose to turn your video on or off. To join a meeting with your video turned off, click Stop video Stop video.

Click Start video Start video when you want to show your video.


Choose how you want to hear the audio in the meeting:

  • Use Internet for Audio—Use your phone with earbuds or on speakerphone.
  • Call Me—Enter or select the number that you'd like the meeting to call.
  • Call In—Dial in from your phone. A list of global call-in numbers is available after you join the meeting. Make a note of the access code or meeting number and the attendee ID. You'll need to enter these numbers to join the meeting.

    Your attendee ID connects your name in the meeting to your audio. If you don’t enter your attendee ID, your audio appears as a call-in user in the Participants list, separate from your name.

    Select one of the available numbers to join the meeting and when prompted, enter the access code or meeting number and the attendee ID. If you don't have your attendee ID, press # to wait in the lobby until someone in the meeting lets you in.

  • Don't Connect Audio—You won't hear any audio in the meeting through your phone. Use this option if you're in the meeting room but want to use your phone to share content in the meeting.

If you want to join the meeting with your audio muted, tap Mute my microphone Mute my microphone.

Tap Unmute my microphone Unmute my microphone when you want to speak in the meeting.

In some meetings, the host may not allow attendees to unmute. If you're prevented from unmuting, Unmute Unmute my microphone is locked until the host allows you to unmute.


If you want to join the meeting with your video turned off, tap Turn off my video Turn off my video.

Tap Turn on my video Turn on my video when you want to show your video.

For 41.10 and later sites, see Select audio settings for Webex meetings.

To see what version you're on, see Find your Webex meetings version number.


Click the audio connection options in the Webex Meetings web app.


Next, you choose how you want to hear.

  • Use computer audio (default)—Use your computer with a headset or speakers.
  • Call me at—Enter a phone number and Webex calls you. Depending on your Webex plan, you may or may not see this option.
  • Call in—If you prefer to use your phone for audio, dial in when the meeting starts. A list of the global call-in numbers is available in your meeting invite. Choose this option if your Internet connection is slow. Make a note of the access code or meeting number and the attendee ID. You'll need to enter these numbers to join the meeting.

    Your attendee ID connects your name in the meeting to your audio. If you don’t enter your attendee ID, your audio appears as a call-in user in the Participants list, separate from your name.

    Select one of the available numbers to join the meeting and when prompted, enter the access code or meeting number and the attendee ID. If you don't have your attendee ID, press # to wait in the lobby until someone in the meeting lets you in.

  • Don't connect to audio—Use this option when you need to join a meeting and share content, and don't need audio. For example, you're in a conference room with your team, or someone already connected to the meeting from a video device.

If you want to join the meeting with your audio muted, click Mute Mute.

Click Unmute Unmute when you want to speak in the meeting.

In some meetings, the host may not allow attendees to unmute. If you're prevented from unmuting, Unmute Unmute is locked until the host allows you to unmute.


If you want to join the meeting with your video turned off, click Stop video Stop video.

Click Start video Start video when you want to show your video.

The web app will remember these settings and default to them the next time you use it.