After you enable the virtual backgrounds feature, you can choose whether to allow the use of the following background images:

  • Webex default images

  • Up to 20 administrator-uploaded (approved) images

    You can also choose to allow guests to use these images.


    Uploaded images may not exceed 15 MB.

    The image resolution requirements are:

    • Minimum: 1600 x 900 pixels
    • Maximum: 2560 x 1440 pixels
  • User-uploaded images


Sign in to Control Hub, then go to Organization settings and scroll to the Virtual backgrounds section.


If the feature isn’t already enabled, turn on the toggle.

Hosts and participants start with a blurred background, and can choose an image according to the site settings.

You can also enforce virtual backgrounds, which requires that users have a virtual background in order to turn their video on.


To enable each of the following options, check the corresponding check box.

  • Allow default Webex backgrounds

  • Allow admin-uploaded backgrounds (excluding guests)

  • Allow guests to use admin-uploaded backgrounds

  • Allow all users to use their own backgrounds


To customize the virtual background settings for different Webex sites, click Override.

  1. To enable the feature for a Webex site, turn on the Enable virtual backgrounds toggle.

  2. To enable an option, check the corresponding check box.


To upload approved images for virtual background use, click Upload, and then browse to and select the images.