
As an end user, the Calling User Portal enables you to customize and configure your calling features and settings of your services. You can access the Calling User Portal through the My Settings Portal.

Logging into Calling User Portal (first-time users)

Once your administrator has set you up as a user for the first time, you’ll receive an email from your administrator to access the Calling User Portal.


If you haven’t received an invite, your administrator can resent from Control Hub > Users.


Click the link from the email sent to you by your administrator.


You’re prompted to create a new password.

When creating a new or resetting, your password must contain:

  • At least eight characters and at most 256 characters

  • At least one lowercase alphabetic character (a, b, c…)

  • At least one uppercase alphabetic character (A, B, C…)

  • At least one number (1, 2, 3…)

  • At least one special character (~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}|;:,.<>/?)

Your password can't contain the following:

  • Your Name.

  • Your Email Address.


Confirm your password choice, then Save and Sign In.


Enter your email address and click Sign In.

This takes you to the Webex Settings dashboard.

Select Webex Calling in the top navigation to open the Calling User Portal.

Logging into Calling User Portal using the Url

  1. Go to settings.webex.com.

  2. Select Webex Calling.

    It opens the Calling User Portal and signs you in automatically.

  3. On the landing page on the top right-hand corner you can manage your Account Settings.

  4. You can customize and configure all your calling features on the left-hand panel under the Voicemail, Call History, Call Settings, Directory, and My Apps Tabs.