
This gives the information about the migration and mapping of Auto-Attendant, Devices, Configured Lines, Device Layout (Speed Dial, Shared Line), Virtual Line, Call Queue, Hunt Group, Call Park and User Calling data (Call forwarding and Call Monitoring) migration from Unified CM to Webex Calling.

Use the Migration Insights to make an informed decision about migrating to Webex Calling. Based on that information, you can confidently migrate to Webex Calling.

Migration of data

Migration for Auto-Attendant, Devices, Configured Lines, Device Layout (Speed Dial, Shared Line), Virtual Line, Call Queue, Hunt Group, Call Park, and User Calling data (Call forwarding and call monitoring) adds usability improvements to reduce migration times and reduce human error.

Once you upload the Unified CM .tar file, you can see the two functionalities:

Export CSV - The downloaded zip file contains feature CSVs and can be modified, updated, and uploaded either through Import Config or through respective feature bulk migration.

Import Config -You can use Import config to provision the updated CSV files for the migration features. You can provision only Configured lines and device layout using the Import Config option. The rest of the CSVs needs to be provisioned on that respective feature bulk manage option.

Use the Export CSV and Import config option to retrieve and provision the files for migration.

You can use the Bulk Admin Tool to generate .tar file and use it to migrate Auto-Attendant, Devices, Configured Lines, Device Layout (Speed Dial, Shared Line), Virtual Line, Call Queue, Hunt Group, Call Park, and User Calling data (Call forwarding and call monitoring) features.


From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to Services > Updates & Migrations.


In the Migration utilities section, go to Migrate features from UCM card and click Get Started.


In the Import into Webex Calling page, go to Import data to provision into webex calling.

Use the Unified CM Bulk Admin Tool to get the tar files, See Import Users Using the Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) for detailed information.


Select Choose a file or drag and drop the Unified CM .tar file.

The maximum size of upload is 350 MB.

If you want to cancel or replace the Unified CM .tar file, click Cancel cancel the import or Click Replace to replace the Unified CM .tar file.


(Optional) For Auto-Attendant, Drag, and drop the Unity Call Handler .zip file in the Drag and drop Unity .zip file here or browse for files.

To create the unity call Handler .zip file. Refer to CallHandlerDataDump.

The maximum size of upload for Unity .zip file is 2GB.


click Next.

The Unified CM .tar file takes some time to upload. Once uploaded, the successful window appears.


To delete the uploaded Unified CM .tar file, click three dots on the top right and select Delete.


To download the ZIP files which contain the generated CSV files, click three dots on the top right and select Export CSV.

After a successful download, you can view the detailed information on the CSV files.

Refer to Import Config to know how to use the export CSVs and to provision to Webex Calling.

Export ZIP File

Once you export and download the .zip file, here are the list of output CSV files included in this zip file:

The CSV files have the same format as the Webex Calling Bulk CSV for its corresponding features and services.
  • CallQueueBulk.csv - Contains provisioning data which includes errors and notes that require an Administrator to make corrections before it’s ready to upload in the Control Hub.

  • CallQueueBulkCsvFromUCMHuntGroup.csv - This is an optional file to help transform UCM hunt groups to be provisioned as call queues in bulk. It includes errors that require an admin to make corrections before it’s ready to be uploaded to Control Hub.

  • DeviceBulk.csv - Contains the valid provisioning data for firmware migration and needs to delete the extra column before the Administrator uploads it to the Control Hub.
  • DeviceBulkError.csv - Contains data that are having errors and require an Administrator to make corrections.
  • CallParkExtensionBulk.csv - Contains provisioning data to configure the call park extensions.

  • HuntGroupBulk.csv - Contains provisioning data which includes errors and notes that require Administrator to make corrections before it’s ready to upload in the Control Hub.
  • ImportDataBulk.csv - Contains the extracted data from enduser.csv, phone.csv, and device_pool.csv of the imported UCM tar files.
  • DeviceLineKeyConfiguration.csv – Contains provisioning data to configure Speed Dials on Line Keys and KEM modules.

  • AutoAttendantBulk.csv – Contains provisioning data which includes errors and notes that require an Administrator to make corrections before it’s ready to upload in the Control Hub.

  • ConfiguredLineBulk.csv - Contains provisioning data to configure the configured lines.

  • VirtualLineBulk.csv - Contains provisioning data to configure the virtual lines.

  • VirtualLineBulkFromUCMHuntPilot.csv - This is an optional file to help transform UCM hunt Pilots to be provisioned as VirtualLines in bulk. It includes errors that require an admin to make corrections before it’s ready to be uploaded to Control Hub.

  • UserFeatures_Internal.csv/UserFeatures_External.csv - Contains the provisioning data for corresponding Internal/External call forward i.e. transfer or forwarding of calls to another phone number or directly to voicemail for the user. They also contain monitored lines data.

  • README.txt - Contains detailed information on the CSV files.

View Details on each CSV File

Use this table to see what fields and descriptions on each of the CSV contains.


UsernameThe full name of the UCM user.user@example.com
TypeThe workspace/USERUSER
ExtensionYou must have either a phone number or an extension.3409
Phone NumberThe UCM phone number of the device.+12225553409
Device TypeIP PhonesIP Phone
ModelThe model of the deviceCisco 8865
MAC AddressThe MAC Address of the deviceAABBCCDDEEFF
LocationEnter the location to assign the device.New York
Device PoolThe UCM device pool to which the device belongs. AshwiniOPUS-UP


Column Description Example
UsernameThe full name of the UCM user.user@example.com
TypeThe workspace/USERUSER
ExtensionYou must have either a phone number or an extension.3409
Phone NumberThe UCM phone number of the device.+12225553409
Device TypeIP PhonesIP Phone
ModelThe model of the deviceCisco 8865
MAC AddressThe MAC Address of the deviceAABBCCDDEEFF
LocationEnter the location to assign the device.New York
Calling Plan


Device PoolThe UCM device pool to which the device belongs.AshwiniOPUS-UP
ErrorsThe errors in exporting the CSV file

Username not found in UCM data

Here are the list of errors:

  • Eligibility check timeout

  • Device isn't eligible.

  • Username not found in CUCM data

  • The user doesn’t have a Webex Calling Professional License.

  • User isn’t present in CI.


To view the list of features shared with CSV fields, see Prepare your CSV.

Before uploading the csv file, the Administrator has to see the error count and additional information to resolve all the errors mentioned in the CSV. It’s mentioned for reference only.

Remove the Errors and Notes columns before you upload to the Control Hub.

Here are the lists of errors:

  • The call Queue number from UCM is assigned to another user in Webex Calling. Update the available number, Location, Language, and Timezone columns manually.
  • A derived extension from the Call Queue number from UCM is assigned to another User in Webex Calling. Update this column manually.
  • The call Queue number from UCM is assigned to another user in Webex Calling. Update the Phone number, Extension, Location, Language, and Timezone columns manually.
  • Location can’t be derived based on the Call Queue number from UCM, update it manually.
  • Language can’t be derived based on the Call Queue number from UCM, update it manually.
  • Timezone can’t be derived based on the Call Queue number from UCM, update it manually.


To view the list of features shared with CSV fields, see Prepare your CSV.

Before uploading the csv file, the Administrator has to see the error count and additional information to resolve all the errors mentioned in the CSV. It’s mentioned for reference only.

Remove the Errors and Notes columns before you upload to the Control Hub

Here are the list of errors:

  • Hunt Pilot number from UCM is assigned to another user in Webex Calling. Update the available number, Location, Language, and Timezone columns manually.
  • A derived extension from Hunt pilot number from UCM is assigned to another User in Webex Calling. Update this column manually.
  • Hunt Pilot number from UCM is assigned to another user in Webex Calling. Update the Phone number, Extension, Location, Language, and Timezone columns manually.
  • Location can’t be derived based on Hunt Pilot number from UCM, update it manually.
  • Language can’t be derived based on the Hunt Pilot number from UCM, update it manually.
  • Timezone can’t be derived based on the Hunt Pilot number from UCM, update it manually.


Column DescriptionExample
User IDThe unique identifier of the UCM user.user@example.com
EmailThe email address of the UCM user.user@example.com
User NameThe full name of the UCM user.user@example.com
Primary ExtensionYou must have either a phone number or an extension.3409
Device PoolThe UCM device pool to which the device belongs.AshwiniOPUS-UP
Device IDThe unique identifier of the UCM device.The UCM device ID


Column DescriptionExample
Device MACThe MAC Address of the device


Device ModelThe model of the device

Cisco 8865

KEM TypeThe configuration of the KEM Module keys


SHARED_LINE is not supported for 18 Keys KEM module configuration.

KEM ModuleNumber of key extension module being configured


Apply configTo update the configuration on phone


Line Key Assignment

Line 1 Key acts as a primary key

Configure other keys as required


Shared Line Index

Shared line index is the line label number of the shared or virtual line assigned in the configured lines. As you can add multiple appearances of the same shared or virtual line on a phone, entering the index number assigns the respective line to a line key.

Enter this value if you've entered SHARED_LINE as the Line Key Assignment.


Line SpeedDial Label

Speed dial name


Line SpeedDial Destination

Speed dial destination number



Column DescriptionExample
NameName of the Auto-AttendantAuto Attendant-1
Phone NumberThe UCM phone number of the device.+12225553409
ExtensionYou must have either a phone number or an extension.3409
LocationEnter the location to assign the device.New York
Time Zone

Enter the time zone key. This time zone applies to the schedules applied to Auto-Attendant.


Language CodeLanguage code for audio announcementsen-us
Caller ID First NameEnter the first name to display for the line ID (CLID). Auto
Caller ID Last NameEnter the last name to display the calling line ID (CLID). Attendant 1
Business Schedule

Hours during which your Business Hours Auto Attendant operates

All Hours

Holiday ScheduleBlank-
Dialing TypeAlways Set to ENTERPRISE-
BusinessHoursMenu Extension EnabledAlways Set to FALSE-
AfterHoursMenu Extension EnabledAlways Set to FALSE-
AutoAttendant EnabledAlways Set to ENABLED-
Alternate Numbers ActionBlank-
Business Hours Greeting TypeThis is the message that your customers hear when they call the Business Hours Auto Attendant. Set to DEFAULT or CUSTOM
Business Hours Announcement NameName of the CUSTOM greeting announcement set for Business Hours Greeting"autoattendantgreeting.wav"
Business Hours Announcement Media TypeMedia type of the CUSTOM greeting announcement set for Business Hours Greeting.wav
After Hours Greeting TypeAlways set to DEFAULT-
After Hours Announcement NameBlank-
After Hours Announcement Media typeBlank-
After Hours Announcement LevelBlank-
Business Hours Press [0-9,*,#] DescriptionBlank-
Business Hours Press [0-9,*,#] ActionAssign different functions to each keypad number. These settings direct your customers where they need to go when they enter a specific number on their phone. TRANSFER_WITH_PROMT
Business Hours Press [0-9,*,#] Value

A phone number or extension to transfer the call to when action is set to TRANSFER_WITH_PROMPT

Business hours key value needed if action is "TRANSFER_WITH_PROMPT" else will be blank

After Hours Press 0 DescriptionBlank-
After Hours Press 0 ActionIts a mandatory field and Set always to EXIT. Exit
After Hours Press 0 ValueBlank-
After Hours Press [0-9,*,#] DescriptionBlank-
After Hours Press [1-9,*,#] ActionBlank-
After Hours Press [0-9,*,#] ValueBlank-

Alternate Number[1-10]


Alternate Number[1-10] Ring Pattern


Here are the list of errors for Auto-Attendant:

  • Auto Attendant number from UNITY cannot be determined in Webex Calling. Update Phone number, Extension, Location, Language and Timezone columns manually.
  • Auto Attendant number from UNITY is assigned to another user in Webex Calling. Update available number, Location, Language and Timezone columns manually.
  • Location cannot be derived based on Auto Attendant number from UNITY, you have to update it manually.
  • Extension column empty from source data.
  • The business schedule does not exist in the location/org.
  • Name cannot be null.
  • The greetings file cannot be found in WxC.
  • Cannot be migrated as there is no equivalent feature in WxC.


Column Description Example
Device MACThe MAC Address of the deviceAABBCCDDEEFF
Device Model

The model of the device

Note: It is an optional field

Cisco 8865

Set ACTION = ADD, To add the secondary lines to a device,

ACTION = MODIFY, To edit the primary or secondary line's attributes

ACTION=REMOVE, To try to remove a secondary line.




Username 1

User - The e-mail id of the UCM user.

Workspace or Virtual Line – The name of the UCM user.



Type 1User type whose Id was populated in the previous cell.USER | PLACE | VIRTUAL_PROFILE
Location 1To update the extension with the location. You can set location and extension across user typesRichardson
Extension 1You must have an extension and it can be repeated across locations.0007
Phone Number 1The UCM phone number of the device.+12225553409
Line Label 1

Shared line description

To clear a line's attribute, set ACTION = MODIFY and attribute cell value as REMOVE

Note: It is an optional field



Can only be set >1 for the device owner (line 1)

During ADD operation, if appearance is not populated, it will be set to default value of 1

The number of assignable Appearances depends on the number of available Shared Call Appearance (SCA) for the user or workspace.

Note: It is an optional field

Hotline Enabled 1Set to TRUE when Hotline is requiredTRUE|FALSE
Hotline Destination 1Destination for Hotline4444
T38 Fax Compression Enabled 1To Enable T38 Fax Compression on ATA devicesTRUE|FALSE
Allow Call Decline 1When set to TRUE, it will allow to decline an incoming call.TRUE|FALSE


LocationEnter the location to assign the device.New York
Call Park Extension Name

Enter the monitoring line or call park extension option.

Call Park 3
ExtensionYou must have either a phone number or an extension.10006


First Name

End user First Name


Last Name

End user Last Name


Display Name

End user Display Name

Robinson, Timothy

LocationEnter the location of assigned device.New York
Phone NumberThe UCM phone number of the device.+12225553409
ExtensionThe UCM Huntpilot extension of the device.3409


First Name

It is the Ascii Alerting Name given to huntpilot in UCM. If there is space in name then first name is first part else if no space then full value is first name.

Ascii Alerting Name : firstName lastName, firstName : firstName

Last Name

If Ascii Alerting Name given to huntpilot in UCM has space then it is second part , if no space then it is '.' Dot

Ascii Alerting Name : firstName lastName, lastName : lastName

Display Name

It is full ascii alerting name given to huntpilot in UCM.

Ascii Alerting Name : firstName lastName, DisplayName : firstName lastName

LocationEnter the location of the assigned device.New York
Phone NumberThe UCM Huntpilot phone number of the device.+12225553409
ExtensionThe UCM Huntpilot extension of the device.3409


To view the list of features shared with CSV fields, See Prepare your CSV.

Once you download the .zip file from Export data. You can modify or update the files.

Use Import Config to provision into Webex Calling for the Device layout and Configured lines and use the respective feature bulk management option for the other feature CSVs.

To use import config:

  • From the customer view in Control Hub, navigate to Services > Updates & Migrations.
  • In the Migration utilities section, go to Migrate features from Unified CM card and click Get Started.
  • In the Import into Webex Calling page, click Actions under the Import data to provision into Webex Calling tile.
  • You can see the list of options under the Action tab:
    • Delete - If the CSV file is with errors, you can delete the tar file using the Delete option.
    • Export CSV - Click Export CSV to export and review the CSVs.
    • Import Config - After deleting the CSV with error, Use Import config to import a new CSV configuration.


To import features like Configured Lines or Device Layout (Speed Dial, Shared Line)

  • Follow the 1–3 steps from import config.
  • Choose the import config option, and click Start provisioning and upload the .zip file containing ConfiguredLines..csv and/or DeviceLineKeyConfiguration.csv files to provision into Webex Calling.

  • Click Go to go to the task manager and see the progress of the tasks.

    It may take a while for the job to show up in the task manager.

  • On the Tasks page, you can see the All, Active and Errors status based on the import.
  • Click Export errors to CSV to download and see the error in detail.
  • Click Done.

To Import Devices,

  • From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to Management > Devices >Add device.
  • In the Add device pop-up window, select the Multi Cisco IP phone card and click Next.
  • In the Bulk Add Devices window, Drag and drop an updated file in the Upload CSV data pane and then click Upload.
For more information, see Manage devices in bulk.

To import Virtual Line

  • From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to SERVICES > Calling. In the window, Select Virtual Lines.
  • Click the Manage drop-down and select Upload CSV.
  • In the CSV bulk manage Virtual line window, Drag, and drop an updated file in the Upload CSV data pane and then click upload.
For more information, see Manage virtual line in bulk.

To import Auto-Attendant,

  • From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to SERVICES > Calling. In the window, Select Features
  • Select the Auto-Attendant tab and then click the Manage drop-down and select Bulk manage.
  • In the Manage Auto Attendant window, Drag, and drop an updated file in the Upload CSV data pane and then click Upload.
For more information, see Manage auto-attendants in bulk

To import Call Queue,

  • From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to SERVICES > Calling. In the window, Select Features.
  • Select the Call Queue tab. Then click the Manage drop-down and select Bulk Manage.
  • In the Manage Call Queue window, Drag, and drop an updated file in the Upload CSV data pane and then click Submit.

To import Hunt Group,

  • From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to SERVICES > Calling. In the Calling window, select Features
  • Select the Hunt Group tab. Then click the Manage drop-down and select Bulk Manage.
  • In the Manage Call Queue window, Drag, and drop an updated file in the Upload CSV data pane and then click Submit.
For more information, see Manage hunt group in bulk.

To import Call Park,

  • From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to SERVICES > Calling. In the window, Select Features
  • Select the Call Park Extension tab. Then click the Manage drop-down and select Bulk Manage.
  • In the Manage Call Park window, Drag, and drop an updated file in the Upload CSV data pane and then click Upload.
For more information, see Manage hunt group in bulk.

To import User Calling data (Call forwarding and Call Monitoring),

  • From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to Services > Calling.
  • In the Calling Window, go to Service Settings > Manage User Calling Data.
  • In the Manage User Calling Data, Drag, and drop an updated file in the Upload CSV data pane and then click Upload.
For more information, see Manage user calling data in bulk.