
  • När en uppringare ringer upp en användare som har sekventiell ring aktiverad hör de ett meddelande som ber honom/henne stanna kvar på linjen. If the interrupt setting is enabled, the caller also hears a message to press pound to interrupt the search when applicable.

  • Inringaren hör en signal efter det första meddelandet.

  • Om ett samtal besvaras av något av numren i söklistan avslutas sökningen.

  • Var 20:e sekund spelas ett meddelande upp som ber inringaren att stanna kvar på linjen.

  • Om avbryt-knappen (#) trycks, tillhandahålls den uppringare med prenumerantens inget svar bearbetas.

  • After all numbers were tried and not answered, the ring back or announcement is interrupted, and the caller is provided with the subscriber’s no answer processing (voicemail in most cases).

Konfigurera ringning i följd

Your administrator must have enabled this feature for you to access and configure it. If you don’t see this setting, check with your administrator.


Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Call settings.

The Calling option is available only for users with the Webex Calling license. If you don’t see the Calling option, it means you don’t have the Webex Calling license.


Go to Sequential Ring and turn on the toggle.


Enter a list of 10-digit numbers or E.264 International numbers to be rung in order 1–5. Med varje linje du anger kan du även ange antalet ringnummer för varje enhet.


Select the Number of Rings from the drop-down list, then check the Answer Confirmation check box for each number if you want the called party to press 1 on the keypad to receive the call.


To have a number ring the primary line first, check the Ring Webex Calling Primary Line first check box. Ange sedan antalet ringsignaler.


To allow callers to go to voicemail, check the Enable calls to go to voicemail check box.


Select a predefined schedule from the drop-down list.

If you don’t see a schedule that you want to use for this setting, you can add a schedule on the Schedules tab. Mer information finns i Skapa ett schema för att tillämpa för samtalsinställningar.


Klicka på Lägg till schema för att ställa in följande parametrar:

  • Schedule—Select the predefined schedule for when you want calls to ring sequentially from the drop-down list.
  • Calls from—Select to apply the sequential ring for calls from Any Phone Number or Select Phone Numbers. Om du väljer Välj telefonnummer, ange de ytterligare uppgifterna.
  • Ring or Don't ring—Choose whether you want to apply the sequential ring to the calls that fit within these parameters.

Klicka på Spara.

Your schedule is added to an Ring or Don't ring table. Du kan redigera eller ta bort scheman från tabellerna efter behov.

Don't ring takes precedence over Ring.


Klicka på Spara.

Använd sekventiell ring med andra samtalsfunktioner

Sekventiell ring interagerar med följande samtalsfunktioner:

  • Alternate Numbers – Sequential Ring can be used with Alternate Numbers and applies to all alternate numbers for a user.

  • Call Forward Always – If Call Forward Always is active at the main location, it takes precedence over Sequential Ring. If Call Forward Always is active on any other destination numbers for the Sequential Ring, the Sequential Ring location rings as usual and hunts to the next location if the call is unanswered.

  • Call Forward Busy – Sequential Ring has precedence over Call Forward Busy. Om alla platser är upptagna (eller om basplatsen är upptagen med konfigurerad sekventiell ring för att inte fortsätta) har samtalskoppling Busy en möjlighet att utföra (annars används ingen svarsbearbetning). På löpsamtalsplatserna kan samtalskoppling vara upptagna. Samtalet vidarebefordras då om platsen är upptagen.

  • Call Forward No Answer – Sequential Ring has precedence over Call Forward No Answer. Even if the base location is configured as a Sequential Ring location, a timeout causes the Sequential Ring to attempt the next location. Once Sequential Ring has finished going over all its locations, normal no-answer processing occurs, and Call Forward No Answer can then forward the call (a no-answer timer isn't restarted prior to that).

  • Call Forward Not Reachable – If active, the Sequential Ring runs before the Call Forward Not Reachable service is invoked. If all the destinations, including the base locations, aren't reachable, the Call Forward Not Reachable feature forwards the call to the destination number after the Sequential Ring feature hunts through the list.

  • Do Not Disturb – Do Not Disturb takes precedence over Sequential Ring.

  • Hunt Group – When a call to a Hunt Group is presented to a user in the Hunt Group, the user’s Sequential Ring service is inhibited.

  • Selective Call Acceptance/Selective Call Rejection – These features take precedence over the Sequential Ring.

  • Simultaneous Ring – Sequential Ringing takes priority over Simultaneous Ring. However, if the base location is alerted, the Simultaneous Ring triggers and rings any simultaneous locations.

  • Voice Messaging – If a Sequential Ring location rolls over to voicemail, the service ends and the caller is connected to voicemail.