You can use your phone, User Hub, or the Webex App to manage all your voicemail and its settings. These settings sync between applications when saved.

Your administrator must have enabled the voicemail feature for you to access and configure various settings. If you’re not finding any voicemail settings such as reset pin, voicemail greetings and notifications, check with your administrator.

Başlamadan önce

Diğer kullanıcıların Webex ikinci bir sesli posta hesabı ayarlayay olduğunu unutmayın.


Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Voicemail.

The Calling option is available only for users with the Webex Calling license. If you don’t see the Calling option, it means you don’t have the Webex Calling license.


Go to Voicemail PIN section and then click Reset voicemail PIN.


Enter your New Voicemail PIN within the following requirements.

  • Uzunluğu en az altı hane olmalıdır. Numbers only.

  • Must not be any of your previous ten PINs (twenty-four, in case of government customers).

    Not: Bu numara bir sistem ayarıdır.

  • Must not be the reverse order of your old PIN.

  • Adınızın veya soyadınızın sayısal temsili olmamalıdır.

  • Must not contain your phone number or extension number.

  • Bir kez veya grup olarak tekrarlanan rakamlar içermemelidir (örneğin, 228883, 121212 veya 408408).

  • Ardışık sayılardan oluşmamalıdır (örneğin, 012345 veya 987654).

  • Tuş takımında düz hatla çevrilen sayılardan oluşmamalıdır.


Reenter your PIN in Confirm Voicemail PIN and click Submit.

Sonraki işlemler

Once the voicemail account is set up, you can check and listen to your voice messages from Webex App, User Portal, or Phone, and configure various voicemail settings such as voicemail transcription, voicemail greetings, voicemail notifications, and so on.