Webex App | View and Edit Microsoft OneDrive or SharePoint Online Files

Before you begin
Your Microsoft administrator must configure this option before you can view shared files.
Click on the file in the space to open it. When you have edit permission, you can edit the file directly from OneDrive or SharePoint Online. Other people can co-edit the file and you can see their updates. When you have read-only access, you can view the shared file. |
Before you begin
Your Microsoft administrator must configure this option before you can view shared files.
To view a file, tap on the file preview in the space. |
Before you begin
Your Microsoft administrator must configure this option before you can view shared files.
Click When you have edit permission, the file opens for editing in OneDrive or SharePoint Online in a new browser window and when you have read-only permission, you can view the file in OneDrive or SharePoint Online in a new browser window. |