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What are the SAML Assertion Attributes for Webex Meetings and Jabber?

What are the SAML assertion attributes for Webex Meetings and Jabber?

What attributes are required for the SAML assertion for Webex Meetings?

What are the SAML assertion attributes for Webex Events?

What are the SAML assertion attributes for Webex Training?

What attributes can be used with Auto Account Update in the SAML assertion?


See the table below for a list of SAML assertion attributes for Webex Meetings:

uidYesWebex username, usually set to corporate username
DisplaynameNoUsed to show the user’s name in the meeting participant list.
groupidNoSupports only create, not update
updateTimeStampRecommended for Auto Account
Required for Auto Account Update.
Supports long value, UTC time format,
and LDIF time format
RPNoSupport Record Editor
LANoLabAdmin Privilege
OPhoneCountryNoOffice phone country code
OPhoneAreaNoOffice phone area code
OPhoneLocalNoOffice phone local
OPhoneExtNoOffice phone extension
FPhoneCountryNoFax phone country
FPhoneAreaNoFax phone area code
FPhoneLocalNoFax phone local
FPhoneExtNoFax phone extension
TimeZoneNoTime zone
MWNoMy WebEx Type
FLNoSupport File Folder
ABNoSupport My Contacts
PFNoSupport My Profile
MMNoSupport My Meetings
AANo2-letter ISO country code
RCNoSupport My Recordings
RENoSupport Event Documents
LBNoSupport Personal Lobby
ASNoAdditional storage number
ACNoAdditional computer number
MTNoEnumerated number. Specifies the types of meetings that the user can host.
All meeting type IDs are valid, and they should be listed in “2, 6, 8>.*

The attributes for Webex Events and Webex Training are the same as those for Webex Meetings, except for the Session Types (ST).

*Note: To find the codes for specific meeting types on a site, go to the Site Administration home page and refer to the numbers listed in the Index column. For help, see: What is the Purpose of the Index Column in Site Administration?

Some of the basic ST codes are as follows:

Webex Meetings Pro Meeting - 3
Webex Events Online Event - 9
Webex Training Training Session - 11

Auto Account Update Attributes

For Cisco Jabber, the attributes can be found in the Org Admin reference guide: Org Admin Reference Guide

For Webex, the following list can be used. Additional details for each attribute can be found in the URL API reference guide: Cisco Webex Integration Guide and URL API Reference

  • Address1 = UserAddress1
  • Address2 = UserAddress2
  • City = UserCity
  • State = UserState
  • ZipCode = UserZipCode
  • Country = UserCountry
  • OPhoneCountry = OfficePhCountry
  • OPhoneArea = OfficePhArea
  • OPhoneLocal = OfficePhone
  • OPhoneExt = OfficePhExt
  • FPhoneCountry = FaxPhCountry
  • FPhoneArea = FaxPhArea
  • FPhoneLocal = FaxPhone
  • FPhoneExt = FaxPhExt
  • AC = AdditionalComputer
  • AS = AdditionalStorage
  • LA = LabAdmin
  • MW = MyWebexType
  • PL = DisplayPartnerLinks
  • PT = Portal
  • MT = MeetingType
  • RP = SupportRecordingEdit
  • FL = SupportFileFolder
  • AB = SupportMyContacts
  • PF = SupportMyProfile
  • MM = SupportMyMeetings
  • MR = SupportEndUserReport
  • AA = SupportAccessAnywhere
  • RC = SupportMyRecordings
  • RE = SupportEventDocuments
  • LB = SupportPersonalLobby
  • TC1..TC10 = TrackingCode1..TrackingCode10
  • TimeZone = UserTimeZone

Note: The SAML Assertion Attributes which are used to update or create new user account are not the same as used on the CSV File Format to update or create new user account during Batch Import/Export Users. As an example, fields like PhoneCallback, CellCallback, AP1Callback, AP2Callback which belong to the CSV File Format cannot be used as SAML assertion attributes.


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