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Prepare for Your Cisco Webex Training Session

Learn how you can register for and get information about your training session.

    Register for Your Session

    If registration is required for a recurring single-session class or a multiple session course, you are only required to register for a single session. You can register for a session from an email invitation or from your Cisco Webex site on the Live Sessions page.


    If you register again for the same session, your previous registration is cancelled.

      1Open your email invitation and select the link.
      2Select Register.
      3Provide the required information and select Register.
        1On the navigation bar, select Attend a Session > Live Sessions. Select the session link.
        2Select Register (or Waitlist) next to the name of the training session for which you want to register.
        3Provide the required information and if necessary, select the session date for which you are registering.
        4Select Register.

        Get Information About Your Session

          1On the navigation bar, go to Attend a Session and select one of the following:
          • Live Sessions–View all listed training sessions. If the session requires registration, check the Show only sessions that require registration check box.

          • Unlisted Sessions–View the unlisted sessions that require a password. Type the session number in the Session number text box to find your training session.

          2Select the training session that you want to get information about. Select View Session Details.
          3Enter the password and select OK.

          Your email invitation contains the session password.

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