Take control from a presenter during a meeting
Any meeting participant can take control of a file that you or anyone else shares in the meeting. You don't need to make someone a presenter for them to be able to take control of the share.

Before you begin

This feature is available on our Webex Suite meeting platform. Find out if your meetings use the Webex Suite meeting platform.


If you're the first person who's presenting, share the file in the meeting.

When it's your turn to present next, click Take control.

Click Go to the next page or Go to the previous page to navigate to the page that you want to present.


While you’re presenting, you can do the following:

  • Zoom in and Zoom out
  • View thumbnails of each page in the file

    To make the thumbnails larger, hover over the bars resize cursor that appear in the area that separates the thumbnails from the content that you're sharing. When your cursor changes to horizontal scale cursor, drag to the right to enlarge the thumbnails.
  • Maximize shared content

If you're the last person to present content in the file, click Stop sharing when you finish presenting.