Sign in to your Webex site, then select Webinars.


Select Create a webinar series.


Enter a name and description for your webinar series.

Use HTML to style your description with formatting options like bold text, hyperlinks, or buttons. Click HTML format to see the available HTML options.

To copy the webinar series invitation and send it to others, click Copy series invitation.

  • To add existing webinars to this series, click +Add webinars to this series.

    A list of all webinars you've created is shown. Check the check box next to each webinar you want to add to the series, then click Save.

  • To create a new webinar and add it to this series, click Create a webinar.

In the Registration form section, click Edit to customize the registration form for your attendees.

All webinars in a series use the same registration form.


In the Registration type section, click Edit to allow attendees to register for one or more webinars in the series:

  • Attendees can register multiple webinars in the series
  • Attendees can register for only one webinar in the series at a time
  • Attendees can register for all webinars in the series at once

On the webinar series registration page, webinars show the time zone of the attendee's Webex profile, if they have an account on the same Webex site that you scheduled the webinars on. Attendees who don't have a Webex account on the same site see the time zone of the Webex site that you scheduled the webinars on.


If you want to allow others to modify this series, enter their email addresses in the Contributors section. The contributors you've added receive an email. They can do the following in this series:

  • Add webinars that they've created to the series
  • Remove webinars that they've created from the series
  • Edit the webinar series title, description, registration form, and registration type
  • Add more contributors to the series
The host and contributors can add webinars to a series.

Sign in to your Webex site, then select Webinars > Webinar series.

You can also add a webinar to a series when you schedule a webinar.
If you required registration for your existing webinar, the registration form syncs with the registration form of the series that you add the webinar to. Registration data collected before you add the webinar to a series is retained. Any new registration data gets collected for the options in the series registration form instead of the individual webinar form. The webinar that you add to a series keeps its own registration approval rules.

Click +Add webinars to this series > Add existing webinars.

A list of all webinars you've created appears. Check the check box next to each webinar you want to add to the series, then click Save.

The host receives an email when you add a webinar to the series.

Sign in to your Webex site, then select Webinars > Webinar series.

You can also add a webinar to a series when you schedule a webinar.

Click +Add webinars to this series > Schedule a new webinar.


Schedule your webinar.

View your webinar in the series list by going to Webinars > Webinar series, then selecting your webinar series.
The host receives an email when a webinar is added to the series.
The host and contributors can move a webinar to a different series.

Sign in to your Webex site, then select Webinars > My webinars.

You can also select Calendar, then select your webinar in the Upcoming list.

Select the webinar you want to move, then click .


Select Advanced options.


In Webinar series, select Edit.


In the Add to webinar series drop-down list, select the webinar series to which you want to move this webinar and click OK.

You can also create a new webinar series and add this webinar to it.
The host receives an email when a webinar is removed from the series.
The host can remove any webinar from a series. Contributors can remove webinars they've created from a series.

Sign in to your Webex site, then select Webinars > Webinar series.


Click next to any webinar you've created.


Click Remove.

The host receives an email when a webinar is removed from the series.