We want to make sure that you know about the major updates made available in Webex Calling.


October 1, 2024

Webex Calling Market Expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence into these countries:

  • Togo

  • Mauritania

  • Republic of Congo

  • Gabon

  • Djibouti

  • Cape Verde

For details, see Where is Webex available? and Dial plans by country.


September 30, 2024

Unified CM Music On Hold support for Webex Calling (Opus No.1)

The default Music On Hold for Webex Calling is changed to Opus No.1. For details, see Configure music-on-hold settings from Control Hub

Music on Hold(MoH) enhancement: Expanded repository size and Playlist support

Webex Calling administrators can create an organization level playlist with multiple media files and assign the file to one or more Webex Calling locations. Also when the calling party resumes the call, the music file doesn’t rewind to the beginning of the playlist.

For details, see Configure music-on-hold settings from Control Hub

September 19, 2024

Webex Calling has a new data center in the United Kingdom (UK)

Cisco is introducing a new region in the United Kingdom (UK), allowing to deploy the new Webex Calling customers locally within the London/Manchester data center pair. This initiative is aimed at meeting GDPR and Brexit requirements. Existing Webex Calling customers currently deployed in the London/Amsterdam DC pair are unaffected and will continue using the same data centers.

Dedicated Instance customers cannot select the EMEA region (London/Amsterdam pair) as their deployment location. Multi-tenant customers are deployed in the LON/MAN or FRA/AMS pair based on the country selected in the First Time Setup Wizard (FTSW).

For details, see the following articles:


August 30, 2024

Toll-free and non-geographical numbers support

Webex Calling now supports Toll-free and non-geographical numbers for the following countries:

  • Australia

  • Belgium

  • Brazil

  • Netherlands

  • Sweden

For details, see Dial plans by country and Toll-free and non-geographical numbers support for Webex Calling.

August 27, 2024

Changes to Business Texting

Webex is modifying its current Business Texting offer from P2P (Person-to-Person) texting rules to meet A2P (Application-to-Person) requirements. A 10DLC campaign registration is required by United States mobile carriers to enable business to consumer (A2P) messaging.

To continue using the business texting service without any disruption, modify your subscription and purchase the Business Texting Add-on available from August 7th 2024 on Cisco Commerce. You must complete the 10DLC Campaign Registration available from August 26th 2024 in the Control Hub.

Business Texting will be disabled on any phone numbers by December 1st 2024, if they are not registered on an active campaign.

For details, see Enable business texting, Business Texting 10DLC registration FAQ and watch the 10DLC Campaign registration requirements for Webex Calling video.

Supporting AudioCodes Devices MP 202 and MP 204 on Webex Calling

Webex Calling supports AudioCodes MP 202 and MP 204 devices.

For details, see Supported devices for Webex Calling.

Supporting Yealink T34W IP phones on Webex Calling

Webex Calling supports Yealink T34W IP phones. For details, see Supported devices for Webex Calling.

August 20, 2024

Support for v15 Cisco Unified Communication Applications in Dedicated Instance

Dedicated Instance is compatible with v15 of the Cisco Unified Communication Applications which includes Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection, Cisco IM and Presence, Cisco Expressway, and Cisco Emergency Responder (AMER only). With the availability of v15, all new Dedicated Instance customers will be deployed only on v15 of the Unified Communication applications.

For details, see Introduction to Dedicated Instance.

August 15, 2024

Service Numbers for Premises-based PSTN

Service Numbers are local telephone numbers which are considered high-utilization or high-concurrency. Assign the service numbers to on site services, such as Auto Attendant, Hunt Group, and Group Call Management/Call Queue.

For details, see Using Service Numbers

August 14, 2024

Allow a user to move from one location to another and retain the phone number

This feature allows an administrator to move a user from one location to another along with the phone number.

For details, see Move users from one location to another

August 7, 2024

Configurable Agent notifications

Administrators can configure notification tones that are played to agents when a supervisor invokes functions like Monitoring, Coaching, and Barge.

For details, see Configure agent notification tone for supervisor functions

August 6, 2024

Launching the Webex Calling Features Card

Cisco launches an updated experience to enhance the usability of the calling administration experience in the Control Hub. This enhancement improves an administrator’s ability to recognize and manage location features for the enterprise.

Administrators can use the Feature Card display to know the calling features that are configured for a location and use the indication to measure the feature utilization.


July 31, 2024

Anynode SBC support for Webex Calling Local Gateway

TE-System's anynode Session Border Controllers are validated, certified, and approved for use as Webex Calling Local Gateways (LGWs) for Premises-based PSTN.

For more information, see the Get started with Local Gateway article and Certificate Based Trunks sections in Configure Trunks, Route Groups and Dial Plans for Webex Calling

Italtel NetMatch-S SBC support for Webex Calling Local Gateway

Italtel Netmatch-S Session Border Controllers are validated and certified for use with Webex Calling as approved Local Gateways (LGWs) for Premises-based PSTN.

For details, see Get started with Local Gateway.

Support configurable certificates for secure download of device background images

The additional device settings allow configuring a certificate to securely download MPP background images from a customer's media servers.

Supporting new models of Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Series

Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Series now includes new 9861 and 9871 models and 9800 Series Key-Expansion-Module

Support adding the Call Park Extensions in MPP Configure Layouts

This feature provides the following:

  • Adds native support for Call Park Extensions when building an MPP layout or template

  • Allows better control of an MPPs Line Key layout

For details, see Configure layouts for Cisco phones in Control Hub

Webex Calling supports enabling the Hunt Group busy status

This feature allows Hunt group agents to enable group busy status for a Hunt group using a feature access code. The administrator can authorize agents to activate the group busy status.

For details, see Manage hunt groups in Control Hub, Feature access codes for Webex Calling, and Webex Calling hunt group CSV file format reference.

July 29, 2024

Allow an end user to generate Activation Codes to onboard MPP device

Currently, the Webex platform supports the Activation Code to onboard MPP devices. However, the Enterprise or Site administrators can generate the Activation Codes. This feature adds the Activation Code interface into the user portal so that an end user can request the activation code to onboard their MPP device.

For details, see Configure and manage Webex Calling devices and Access Webex Calling services in User Hub

July 16, 2024

Webex Calling supports Eleveo as a Call Recording Provider

Webex Calling now supports Eleveo as a call recording provider for organizations hosted in Europe and the United States region. Eleveo is a cloud-native voice recording solution that offers regulatory compliance capability.

For details, see Manage call recording for Webex Calling users and Enable Call Recording for an Organization.

July 15, 2024

Webex Calling market expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence into these countries:

  • Madagascar

  • Mali

  • Rwanda

  • Guinea

  • Ethiopia

For details, see Where is Webex available? and Dial plans by country.

Provisioning APIs for Emergency Services

Providing public provisioning APIs to configure and manage Emergency Service settings.

For details, see Webex for developers

July 11, 2024

Customer Experience Essentials: Bounced call policy for agents

Agents can set the status in Call Queues based on their availability. However, there can be discrepancies where an agent is unavailable and the status is otherwise. The implementation of the agents bounced calls policy helps to set the right status if there are continuous bounced calls for an agent.

For details, see the Change agent’s status to unavailable for bounced calls in this Webex Customer Experience Essentials article.


June 25, 2024

Translation Patterns

Translation patterns support digit manipulation capability for use cases such as operator dialing, abbreviated/short number dialing, and number translation for calls routed to PSTN.

For details, see Translation patterns for outbound calls

June 25, 2024

Ability to add multiple desk phones to a workspace

This feature enables adding up to five devices for professionally licensed workspaces. In addition, device limits of five will be enforced for professionally licensed users.

For details see the following articles:

June 24, 2024

Webex Calling expands its presence into these countries:

  • Lesotho

  • Gambia

  • Botswana

  • Senegal

For details, see Where is Webex available? and Dial plans by country

June 11, 2024

Provisioning APIs: Enhancements to Microsoft Teams integration

Providing public API for the following:

  • To enable Webex Calling presence synchronization with the Microsoft Teams client.

  • To hide the Webex App window in the Microsoft Teams client.

For details, see Configure Microsoft Teams for Webex Calling and Configure to hide Webex App window for Microsoft Teams users.

June 8, 2024

Webex Calling supports Eleveo as a Call Recording Provider

Webex Calling now supports Eleveo as a call recording provider for organizations hosted in the Europe region. Eleveo is a cloud-native voice recording solution that offers regulatory compliance capability.

For details, see Manage call recording for Webex Calling users and Enable Call Recording for an Organization.


May 30, 2024

Extension Length support of upto 10 digits

Extending the maximum extension length support in Webex Calling from six digits to 10 digits.

For details, see the following:

May 28, 2024

Enhanced the timeout value for callback feature in Call Queues

With this update, the timeout for call back answer confirmation is increased to 15 seconds from the current value of 5 seconds.

For details, refer to the Edit call back settings in the Webex Customer Experience Essentials article.

May 22, 2024

Webex Calling with cloud connected PSTN provider in India

Cisco has partnered with Tata Communications Limited (TCL) to provide customers in India with the choice of cloud PSTN. Webex Calling by Tata Communications integrates Webex Calling with cloud PSTN services to provide a full-featured telephony solution for customers in India. This solution complies with India telecom regulations.

For details, see Webex Calling with cloud connected PSTN provider in India

Webex Call Recording

Webex Calling introduces built-in Call Recording using the robust recording capability of the Webex platform. Call Recording is included with Webex Calling and Webex Wholesale offers. Webex call recording provides organizations the ability to choose storage location at a Location level to meet their data residency requirements.

This solution ensures that recordings are encrypted in transit and at rest for greater security. The recording solution offers options to handle recording failures, proceed with the call, or terminate the call. Administrators can manage access to end users allowing them to view, download, or delete recordings. Use the enhanced Control Hub or User Hub to access the recording details for administrators and end-users respectively. This solution offers Webhooks for applications to get recording events and APIs to manage the recordings.

For details, see these articles:

Webex Calling and ThousandEyes Endpoint Agent integration

We now offer cross-launch capabilities into the ThousandEyes application for detailed network analysis with minute-by-minute data collection in Control Hub. This feature facilitates an administrator with enhanced capability to identify and troubleshoot issues related to call status and media quality.

For details, see Integrate ThousandEyes with Troubleshooting in Control Hub.

Webex Calling Market Expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence to support sell-in to these countries:

  • Algeria

  • Azerbaijan

  • Benin

  • Bosnia & Herzegovina

  • Montenegro

  • Republic of North Macedonia

  • Serbia

  • Sri Lanka

  • Tunisia

For details, see Where is Webex available? and Dial plans by country

May 15, 2024

Media Point of Presence in United Arab Emirates

Announcing the launch of the latest Webex Calling media point of (PoP) in the United Arab Emirates. All new locations can use this media PoP for improved call quality to customers in the region.

For details, see Data Center locations for Webex Calling

May 10, 2024

Provisioning API: Device Configuration Enhancements

Adding support for setting per device line key assignments, device details, compression settings, retrieval of IP address, and rebuilding phones, in the Devices Configuration API on the Webex for Developers Platform

For details, see Webex for developers

May 08, 2024

Restrict Supervisor functions to Call Queue calls

This feature restricts the Supervisor functions such as silent monitoring, coach, barge, and take over only to the agent's calls from the call queue.

Agents in the Wrapping Up status won't receive calls from the call queue

The Call Queue agents who are in the Wrapping Up status aren’t presented with the calls from the queue.

For details, see Webex Customer Experience Essentials and Webex Customer Experience Basic

May 03, 2024

Administrator managed policy for user phone status, call pickup and barge-in

This feature enhances the call privacy of the user. Also, it strengthens call security by providing administrators the control to monitor call presence, call delegation, and barge-in of a user.

For details, see Configure privacy for line status monitoring, directed call pickup, and barge-in.


April 29, 2024

Introducing the PSTN provider indication in Webex Calling Detailed Call History report

The Webex Calling Detailed Call History reporting now supports the following new CDR fields to help customers identify PSTN Carrier related details.

  • The PSTN regulated entity of the country

  • Display name of the PSTN provider for Webex Calling (can be Cisco Calling Plans (Cisco PSTN) or Cloud Connected PSTN Provides)

  • An ORG UUID of the PSTN provider

For details, see Webex Calling Reports for your collaboration portfolio and Webex Calling detailed call history Reports API

Manage end user access to call settings

The administrators can use the Control Hub to allow or disallow certain calling services from the end user configuration available in the User Hub and Webex App.

For details, see Show or hide Webex Calling features in User Hub and Webex App.

April 20, 2024

Cisco Calling Plan expansion to New Zealand

Cisco Calling Plans support is extended to New Zealand. As an administrator, you can order new PSTN numbers, or port existing numbers using the Cisco Calling Plans.

For details, see Get Started with the Cisco Calling Plans

April 18, 2024

Webex Calling Market Expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence into these countries:

  • Tajikistan

  • Liberia

  • Sierra Leone

  • Solomon Islands

  • Malawi

  • Sudan

  • Zimbabwe

  • Aruba

  • Curacao

For details, see Where is Webex available? and Dial plans by country

April 16, 2024

Introducing Webex Customer Experience Essentials

An offer designed to meet essential customer engagement needs for organizations of any size, with a focus on empowering teams beyond the contact center. With dedicated agent and supervisor functionality built into the Webex App, Webex Customer Experience Essentials gives every employee the tools they need to engage customers and eliminate communication silos.

You can access the Customer Experience view from the Control Hub

The Agent and Supervisor view in the Webex App

For details see the following articles:

April 10, 2024

Enhance simultaneous routing type for priority based call distribution of call queues

The administrator can now apply an improved simultaneous call routing type for call queues when there are bounced calls to agents. With this feature, any unanswered calls are presented to the available agent before other calls in the queue are routed. This prioritization ensures that incoming calls to a call queue are presented to agents in the order of their arrival.

For details, see Enhance call queue simultaneous call distribution for bounced calls.

April 8, 2024

Webex Calling Market Expansion

Webex Calling enhances its presence with Non-Geo and Toll-Free support for these countries:

  • Spain
  • Luxembourg
  • Switzerland
  • India
  • Finland

For details, see Dial plans by country and Toll-free and non-geographical numbers support for Webex Calling

April 4, 2024

Set a temporary voicemail passcode

The administrator can set a temporary voicemail password for a user or virtual line using:

  • Control Hub
  • Provisioning API
  • CSV(user only)

For details, see Configure and manage voicemail settings for a Webex Calling user

April 2, 2024

Allow a user to move from one location to another and retain the phone number

This feature allows an administrator to move a user from one location to another and move the phone number.

For details, see Move users from one location to another

March 27, 2024

Promote workspace license to professional license capability

The administrators can now assign a professional license to a Workspace. You can upgrade an existing workspace (Common Area) license to professional. The upgrading provides a workspace with the capabilities of a professional license without the need for purchasing a new license.

For details on the supported capabilities, see the following articles:

March 26, 2024

Support for new Standard license for Webex Calling

Standard license provides a new Webex Calling license with less functionality than Webex Calling professional. This is targeting standard users requiring only a single device or soft client.

The standard license is currently available in the United States. Availability of the standard license for other regions is done in phases.

For details, see Features available by license type for Webex Calling.

March 25, 2024

Assign workspace license to a specific subscription

You’re now required to specify a Webex Calling subscription to associate the device to the workspace.

When using the Migrate Enterprise phones to Multiplatform (MPP) firmware tool, download the latest device template from the tool before uploading a CSV.

For details, see Migrate Your Phone to Webex Calling

March 20, 2024

Device Management Improvements

Third-party Webex partners can now perform the cloud-based configuration of remote Webex Calling devices. Using the Control Hub, device administrators can cross-launch to select solution partners to configure Webex Calling devices.

For details, see Partner Managed Devices for Webex and Add your partner-managed device

March 18, 2024

Access workspace license through Control Hub and API to view license usage

Today, creating a workspace consumes a Common Area license without the need to select a subscription. This limits the association of a specific workspace license with a particular subscription and tracking of the workspace license consumption.

This feature allows administrators to assign workspace license to a specific subscription and view the workspace license usage in the Control Hub. You can also assign the workspace license using an API from the developer.webex.com. This feature is beneficial for customers with multiple subscriptions looking to derive the license usage for a specific subscription.

For details, see Configure and manage Webex Calling devices and Add your customer-managed device

March 08, 2024

Provisioning API: Virtual Lines Call Settings

Added API support to modify all Virtual Line settings. For details, see: Webex for developers

March 01, 2024

Improved Preview Mode for Cisco 8875 Tab View

This feature improves the Preview Mode for the 8875 Phone in the Configure Layout flows. The 8875 Phone is a touch screen device that doesn’t have any physical line keys and its display is organized into a Tab view. Now the Preview Mode shows the 8875 Tab view to align with the display layout of the phone.

For details, see Configure layouts for Cisco MPP devices in Control Hub.


February 29, 2024

Updated Calling and called number fields in the Call Detailed Report

The following Call Detail Record fields currently represent the main number of the location:

  • The called numbers for calls from Webex Calling to premises

  • The calling and redirecting numbers for calls from premises to Webex Calling

The updated fields now capture the actual calling, called, or redirecting numbers, rather than the location number.

For details, see Webex Calling detailed call history report

Webex Calling market expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence in Morocco.

For details, see Where is Webex available?

February 26, 2024

Configure Call Pickup notifications in Webex App and MPP devices for Call Pickup groups

This feature enables notifications on Webex App and MPP devices when there are incoming calls for members of a call pickup group. Customer administrators can create a call pickup group on the Control Hub and select different options to get notification for the group. Depending on this setting, Webex Calling users receive a notification alert on their clients when a call comes in for any member of the pickup group. Users can then answer the call from a pop-up notification toast on the Webex App client using softkey on the MPP devices or dialing existing feature access code(FAC).

For details, see Enhance teamwork using call pickup group.

February 22, 2024

Caller ID Number Selection

This feature provides a flexibility to select an external Caller ID number while making an outgoing call. The user can decide whether to use their own direct line number, location number, Call Queue number or Hunt Group number based on the purpose of the call. The administrator can define the numbers available for external Caller ID selection.

This feature is currently available for Webex App on mobile.

For details, see the following articles:

February 21, 2024

Update on displaying Calling Providers in the Control Hub

You can now see the Calling Providers and their associated offers in the Control Hub. This new view allows customers and partners to understand the geographic coverage of Calling Providers for End User numbers along with service, Toll Free, and non-geographic numbers.

For details, see Get Started with the Cisco Calling Plans

February 13, 2024

Configure Call Pickup notifications in Webex App clients for Call Pickup groups

This feature enables notifications on Webex App when there are incoming calls for members of a call pickup group. Customer administrators can create a call pickup group on the Control Hub and select different options to get notification for the group. Depending on this setting, Webex Calling users receive a notification alert on their clients when a call comes in for any member of the pickup group. Users can then answer the call from a pop-up notification toast on the Webex App client.

For details, see Enhance teamwork using call pickup group.

Webex Go with AT&T

Webex Go with AT&T integrates Webex Calling with the AT&T network to deliver an unrivaled mobility experience. Webex Go with AT&T extends Webex enterprise-grade calling capabilities to AT&T provided data plans and mobile phones. This capability allows using a single business phone number as your identity for all Webex communications. You can make and receive calls using the native dialer of your mobile phone and stay connected on the go. All calls are routed through the secure, fast, and reliable 5G nationwide network of AT&T, which helps you experience clear audio quality when placing and receiving calls on your mobile device.

For details, see the following:

February 7, 2024

Support Cisco Voice Gateway VG410 ATA in Webex Calling

Webex Calling supports Cisco Voice Gateway VG410 ATA devices. For details, see Supported devices for Webex Calling.

February 1, 2024

Automatic E911 Location Provisioning

This feature introduces the Enable the Automatic location configuration in the E911 portal toggle in the Control Hub. This toggle allows creating the E911 service for any building and location in the United States or Canada.

For details, see Enhanced emergency calling for Webex Calling.


January 31, 2024

Webex authentication for Dubber Call Recording portal

Control Hub administrators can now launch the Dubber administration portal directly from the `Users` call recording page and use their Webex credentials to log in to the Dubber portal. Since the administrator is logged into the Control Hub, they can navigate to the Dubber portal without entering their credentials. You can use the same URL as a shortcut and add it to the Webex App for end users. Using this shortcut, end users can log in to the Dubber portal using the Webex credentials and view their recordings.

Webex Calling Market Expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence into these countries:

  • Kosovo

  • South Sudan

  • Liechtenstein

For details, see Where is Webex available?.

Webex Calling Migration Tool Enhancements

The Webex Calling Migration tool includes enhancements for Migrating the Speed-Dial and Auto-Attendant features from the Unified Communication Manager.

For details, see Migration of Devices and Features From Cisco unified Communications Manager (UCM) to Webex Calling Multi Tenant

Provision migration from Unified Communication Manager to Webex Calling Migrations Insights

The Webex Calling Migration insights includes these reports:

  • FeatureUsageBasedDeviceEligibilityReport.csv

  • FeatureUsageWithLastUsageDateReport.csv

  • UserWorksapceLastUsage.csv

  • DidUsageReport.csv

For details, see Migration Insights.

January 26, 2024

Adding additional audit logs to administrator activities through Control Hub

This feature provides audit event captures across all provisioning events related to Webex Calling. Webex Calling addresses capturing the provisioning events for administrator activities through provisioning APIs. This request tracks events in the Admin Audit logs to provide an audit trail on the event, the changes made, and the impacted resources.

For details, see Review your administrator activity log in Control Hub.

January 25, 2024

Provisioning API: Virtual Lines

Adding API support to create, delete, and modify settings for Virtual Lines. For details, see Webex for developers.

January 23, 2024

Webex Calling Market Expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence into these countries:

  • Afghanistan

  • Albania

  • Armenia

  • Kazakhstan

  • Kyrgyz Republic

  • Moldova

  • Uzbekistan

For details, see Where is Webex available?.

January 13, 2024

Events API support for Business texting

Cisco Calling Plan customers in the United States and Canada who have enabled Business Texting, can now work with third-party vendors for compliance archiving for Business Texting.

For details, see API Changelog.

January 9, 2024

Enhanced Singlewire integration for Webex Calling including group support

Simplifies the configuration and deployment for the Singlewire on Webex Calling platform and provides a mechanism to push a partial configuration to the Singlewire server to aid with the on-site provisioning of Singlewire.

For details, see Configure and modify device settings in Webex Calling

Support Line Assignments on the MPP Key Expansion Module (KEM)

Use this feature to map lines assigned to the MPP device to Line Keys on the MPP Key Expansion Module (KEM).

BEKEM doesn’t support adding new lines on KEM.

For details, see Configure layouts for Cisco MPP devices in Control Hub.


December 13, 2023

Launching the Webex Attendant Console

Introducing the Webex Attendant Console, which is a modern user experience for front office operators and receptionists. This web-based client seamlessly integrates into the Webex App.

Webex Attendant Console provides the following:

  • A comprehensive attendant experience

  • Attendants have visibility into incoming calls, calls waiting, call queues, parked calls, presence information, call control features, and key calling KPIs.

For more details, see Get started with the Attendant Console. See the Webex Receptionist Client Support FAQ document to know the changes in the Receptionist Client.


November 29, 2023

Additional feature support for Location Administrator

Location administrators can now configure additional features such as announcement repository, music on hold, call queue agent report, and virtual extension range.

For details, see Delegate location administration.

Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Call Pickup Notification on the Webex App

This capability allows Webex Calling users to monitor the line status of another user and receive notifications on their Webex App for any incoming calls to the monitored line. This notification is helpful for Directed Call Pickup scenarios where Calling users can answer calls coming to their coworker's phone line, if they aren’t available. Users can use the notification pop-up window to answer the incoming call on their Webex App.

For details, see Monitor other user's line status and call park extensions.

November 28, 2023

Webex Events API support for Webex Calling CDRs

Integrate third-party compliance tools with the Webex Events API and consume Webex Calling Call Events for eDiscovery and Archival.

November 27, 2023

Provisioning API: DECT Devices

Adding support to create DECT Networks, base stations, and handsets using API. For details, see Webex for developers.

November 16, 2023

Executive and Executive Assistant settings in the Calling User Portal are available in the Control Hub

Administrators can configure a user as an executive or an executive assistant in the Control Hub directly, without cross-launching to the Calling User Portal.

For details, see Configure executive or executive assistant services for users

November 15, 2023

Enforce Outside Access Code for PSTN calls

Webex Calling administrators can enable a configuration toggle that requires Webex Calling users to dial the Outbound dial digit before placing external calls.

For details, see Configure your Webex Calling dial plan.

November 7, 2023

Fixed an issue with the Answered Calls KPI in the Detailed Call History dashboard of Webex Calling analytics

We've released a fix to the Answered Calls KPI in the Detailed Call History dashboard of Webex Calling analytics. For users on mobile devices, the extra notification record included when the call was answered isn’t counted towards the total number of records. This change may cause a slight adjustment to the Answered Calls KPI.

November 1, 2023

Support monitored line displays on secondary devices.

Display monitored lines based on line key templates for secondary devices in addition to the primary device.

For details, see Monitor other user's line status and call park extensions, Configure layouts for Cisco MPP devices in Control Hub, Configure and manage line key assignments in Control Hub, and Configure and modify device settings in Webex Calling.


October 31, 2023

Webex Go with AT&T

Webex Go with AT&T integrates Webex Calling with the AT&T network to deliver an unrivaled mobility experience. Webex Go with AT&T extends Webex enterprise-grade calling capabilities to AT&T provided data plans and mobile phones through a single business phone number that becomes your identity for all Webex communications. You can make and receive calls using your mobile phone’s native dialer and stay connected on the go. All calls are routed through AT&T’s secure, fast, reliable 5G nationwide network providing clear audio quality when placing and receiving calls on your mobile device.

User settings in the Calling User Portal are available in the Control Hub

Administrators can configure the following user settings in the Control Hub directly, without cross-launching to the Calling User Portal.

  • Simultaneous Ring

  • Single Number Reach

  • Connected Line ID Privacy for Redirected Calls

  • Hoteling

  • Timezone for Virtual Line

For details, see Set up simultaneous ring for users, Configure single number reach (office anywhere), Specify caller ID options for users and workspaces, Hoteling in Control Hub, and Multi line support in Webex Calling using virtual lines.

Provision migration from Unified Communication Manager to Webex Calling Migrations Insights

Generate reports on Unified Communication Manager users, device eligibility, device pool numbers, and other data used in technical and business decision making when preparing for a migration to Webex Calling.

For details, see Migration Insights.

Enterprise Significant Numbers are now viewable in Control Hub

If location routing prefixes are configured for an organization, Control Hub now displays the Enterprise Significant Number (ESN) consisting of the location's routing prefix and the user extension, rather than only the user's extension

For details, see Configure your Webex Calling dial plan and Manage phone numbers in Control Hub

Deleting devices resets the device back to an activation state

When deleting a device, Webex Calling issues a factory reset to the device, returning the device to an activation state. The device is ready for a new activation request.

For details, see Factory reset your Webex Calling multi-platform phones, Delete a device, Delete a user from your organization in Control Hub and Add shared devices and services to a workspace (Delete a workspace)

October 30, 2023

Retiring the Webex Calling Engagement and Quality reports

The Webex Calling Engagement and Quality reports will retire on December 1, 2023. You can use the new Webex Calling Media Quality report to get call quality and usage information of call legs.

New fields in Webex Calling Detailed Call History report

The Webex Calling Detailed Call History report is updated with the following fields:

  • Ring duration

  • Release time

  • Answer indicator

  • Final local sessionID

  • Final remote sessionID

These new fields help to better assist customers by pinpointing when a call transfer happened, which you can then use to example the relevant records more easily to find the necessary information.

New API parameters in Webex Calling Detailed Call History report

The Webex Calling Detailed Call History report is updated with the following API parameters:

  • Ring duration

  • Release time

  • Answer indicator

  • Final local sessionID

  • Final remote sessionID

For details, see Webex Calling Detailed Call History Reports and Webex Calling API parameters

Unified Communications Manager to Webex Calling Migration Tool Enhancements

The Migration tool enhancements include retrieval of devices, identifying device eligibility, and bulk adding of devices. Additionally, the tool now supports creating Call Queues and Hunt Groups from Unified Communications Manager data.

For details, see Migration-Devices, Call Queue and Hunt Group.

October 27, 2023

Webex Calling Market Expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence into these countries:

  • Cameroon

  • Cote d'lvoire

  • Iraq

  • Mozambique

  • Turkmenistan

  • Tanzania

  • Uganda

  • Zambia

For more information, visit Where is Webex available?.

API to search for a device using MAC Address

The Webex Calling users can search devices by MAC address in developer.webex.com.

October 18, 2023

Legal Hold & eDiscovery for Webex Calling

Through eDiscovery Search and Extraction you can preserve Webex Calling CDRs using the Legal Hold. You require a Pro Pack add-on for Legal Hold.

Through eDiscovery Search and Extraction you can search Webex Calling CDRs and include in the eDiscovery reports. You require a Pro Pack add-on to search compliance data earlier than 90 days.

For details, see Ensure regulatory compliance of Webex Calling content, Manage compliance data for legal hold, Understand eDiscovery Reports, and Pro Pack For Control Hub

October 11, 2023

Cisco Calling Plans offers Inbound Toll-Free service

Inbound toll-free service is now available as part of Cisco Calling Plans in the U.S. and Canada. Use this service for both Webex Calling and Webex Contact Center.

Each inbound toll-free number comes with 250 inbound minutes and overages are billed at a per minute rate. The existing subscription changes to enable inbound toll-free number ordering and porting. Order or Port Numbers within the Control Hub just like standard telephone numbers.

For details, see Get Started with the Cisco Calling Plans, Cisco Calling Plan bill, Cisco Calling Plans Number Policy, and Toll-free and non-geographical numbers support for Webex Calling

October 9, 2023

Support for bulk updates of Calling schedules

Updating schedules across multiple locations is currently a tedious and manual process. This feature supports applying a schedule to multiple locations at the same time.

For details, see Create and configure a schedule in Control Hub

October 4, 2023

Allow extension dialing between Webex Calling locations

Webex Calling administrators can set up a policy to determine if users can dial extension numbers to reach individuals in different locations. This option is enabled by default. Leave the option enabled, if you do not have duplicate extensions across locations. If duplicate extensions exist in different locations, disable this option. When disabled, callers must dial the Enterprise Significant Number (Routing Prefix + Extension) to reach users in other locations.

For details, see Configure your Webex Calling dial plan.


September 25, 2023

Support for Music On Hold at the user level

Music on Hold is currently available for locations, where all users who are a part of the location inherit the music. With this feature, the administrators can provision music on hold for individual users.

For details, see Configure music-on-hold settings from Control Hub

September 22, 2023

All the call settings in Calling User Portal are available in User Hub (the new end-user portal)

To provide an intuitive and simplified experience, we’ve incorporated all the call settings, which are available in the Calling User Portal, into a new unified portal called User Hub. Users can access and configure the following call settings through the User Hub.

The cross-launch experience to the Calling User Portal from the settings.webex.com will be removed soon.

September 20, 2023

Webex Calling Site Survivability and Local Gateway collocation

This capability allows the concurrent operation (coresidency) of Webex Calling Site Survivability and Local Gateway on a single IOS-XE platform. The administrator onboards a gateway onto Control Hub as an "SGW" (Site Survivability Gateway) and then configures it as a Local Gateway during normal cloud connected operation and as a Site Survivability Gateway during a WAN (or cloud) outage. This significantly reduces the total cost of ownership for the end customer and also saves on administrative overheads since only a single gateway is configured and managed.

For details, see Colocation of Local Gateway and Site Survivability on Cisco IOS Managed Gateways

September 14, 2023

Some user settings in Calling User Portal are available in Control Hub

Administrators can configure the following user settings in the Control Hub directly, without cross-launching to the Calling User Portal.

  • Priority Alert

  • Sequential Ring

  • Selectively Accept Calls

  • Selectively Reject Calls

  • Selectively Forward Calls

For more information, see Set up priority alert for users, Set up sequential ring for users, Set up selective call acceptance for users, Set up selective call rejection for users, and Set up selective call forward for users.

September 12, 2023

Support for Third-Party DECT Devices

This feature adds third-party device support for Yealink DECT models such as W52B, W56B, W60B, and W70B.

For more information, see Supported devices for Webex Calling.

September 11, 2023

Enable Firmware Channel support for MPP Phones

This feature helps to self-manage the MPP firmware upgrades using the Control Hub. This feature allows you to:

  • Test early versions of MPP firmware.

  • Control production roll out of MPP firmware on the MPP firmware channel

For details, see MPP Software upgrade channels

September 9, 2023

Service Requests in Control Hub for Dedicated Instance Day-0 operations assistance

You can create a service request to get service assistance for DNS entry and Firewall update to setup a Dedicated Instance.

For more information, see How to raise a service request

September 7, 2023

Additional languages supported for voicemail transcription

Extending the voicemail transcription support to French, German, and Spanish, in addition to the English language.

For more information, see Voicemail transcription for Webex Calling

September 5, 2023

Allow extension-only users to move from one location to another

Administrator can move users (both Calling and non calling users) from one location to another without impacting their identity, and call and voicemail settings.

For more information, see Move users from one location to another.


August 31, 2023

Provisioning API: Device Activation

Adding support to activate devices through the Device Activation API in the Webex for Developers Platform.

For more information, see Webex for developers.

Provisioning API: Device Configuration Line Key Templates

Adding support for the Devices Configuration API to manage Line Key Templates in the Webex for Developers Platform.

For more information, see Webex for developers.

August 16, 2023

New call ID fields in Calling Detailed Call History report

Adding the following call ID fields to the Calling Detailed Call History report to help you correlate between originating and terminating call records:

  • Local call ID

  • Remote call ID

  • Network call ID

  • Related call ID

  • User number

  • Call outcome

  • Call outcome reason

For details see Calling Detailed Call History Report section in the Reports for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio.

August 11, 2023

Webex Calling Media Quality report

You can now find the media quality metrics of call legs, such as audio jitter, video packet loss, connection used, and more with the Webex Calling Media Quality report.

For details see the Calling Media Quality Report section in the Reports for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio and Troubleshoot Webex Calling Media Quality in Control Hub.

New global filters in Detailed Call History analytics

Adding the following global filters to the Detailed Call History section in Calling analytics:

  • User Name

  • Email

  • Endpoint Type

  • Device Type

For details see Calling Detailed Call History Report section in the Reports for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio.

August 9, 2023

Webex Calling Market Expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence into these countries:

  • Papua New Guinea

  • Timor-Leste

  • Vanuatu

  • Guyana

  • Fiji

For more information, visit Where is Webex available?.

Some user settings in Calling User Portal are available in Control Hub

Administrators can configure the following user settings in the Control Hub directly, without cross-launching to the Calling User Portal.

  • Schedules

  • Call notify

For details, see Create schedules for call settings and Enable call notification for users.

August 7, 2023

Call Recording on Virtual Lines

Call recording on virtual lines allows you to record calls on virtual lines. All conversations happening on the virtual lines are recorded and saved for later use. With this feature, you can keep a record of important business conversations, monitor customer interactions, and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

For details, see Manage call recording for Webex Calling users.

August 1, 2023

Add Polycom Sound Station IP 5000, 6000 to Webex Calling

Webex Calling now supports adding Polycom Sound Station IP 5000 and 6000 as Cisco Managed device in Control Hub.

For details, see Supported devices for Webex Calling


July 31, 2023

Enhancement to Custom Contact Group List

Webex Calling now allows adding location features like Hunt Group to the custom contact group list. The list is visible in the Receptionist Client.

For details, see Webex for developers

July 28, 2023

Webex Calling Market Expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence in Bangladesh.

For more information, visit Where is Webex available?.

July 26, 2023

Improvements to Webex Calling API Documentation Structure

Reorganized the Webex Calling API documentation for the developer’s ease of use. Also, we have added content to inform developers of changes, known issues, and new tools to help in building custom solutions using these APIs.

For details, see Webex for Developers

July 24, 2023

Some user settings in Calling User Portal are available in the Control Hub

Administrators can configure the following user settings in the Control Hub directly, without cross-launching to the Calling User Portal.

  • Do Not Disturb

  • Anonymous Call Rejection

  • Calling Time Zone for Users and Workspace

For details, see Turn on do not disturb for users, Prevent users from getting anonymous calls, and Change time zone of user and workspace devices.

July 19, 2023

Call Transfer and Visual Voicemail in Webex Calling for Chrome

As a Webex Calling for Chrome user, you can transfer calls using the consult transfer and blind transfer options. These options enable you to transfer calls to your coworkers or your mobile devices.

Webex Calling for Chrome also offers Visual Voicemail. If voicemail is enabled on the Webex Calling for Chrome client by using message waiting indicator, you can see the voicemail messages that you received. Also, you can listen to your messages or see a transcript of the voicemail anytime from the client.

For details, see Webex Calling for Chrome and Webex Calling for Chrome | Release Notes.

July 17, 2023

API to select Preferred Device for call handling

With the increase in use of Webex clients and hybrid work environments, it’s desirable for end users to choose their preferred device to handle API-based call handling. This feature provides a capability to let the administrator or end user select the device to use for auto answer and Remote Control forced answer.

Cisco MPP Firmware 12.0.2

The new firmware supports these features:

  1. Hot Desking feature support for 88xx desktop IP Phones.

  2. New soft keys to drop participants from the participant list in the ad-hoc conference functionality.

  3. New soft keys in a Webex meeting to list participants, mute/unmute oneself (88xx only except Cisco 8875)

July 14, 2023

Compliance Call Recording Announcements

Webex Calling now supports playing of "Compliance Announcements" for Call Recording. This can be enabled for inbound calls from PSTN, outbound calls to PSTN, or both. By enabling this feature, Webex Calling plays a compliance message to ensure that the PSTN party is aware that the call may be recorded. When this feature is enabled, it overrides the user-level announcement. When the call is transferred, picked up, or conferenced, the PSTN party doesn’t hear multiple announcements for call recording. The user-level announcement is upgraded to play for PSTN calls only, internal calls only, or both. This change helps customers who do not want announcements for internal calls to minimize the number of announcements played during the call.

For details, see Manage call recording for Webex Calling.

Webex Calling Market Expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence into these countries:

  • Cambodia

  • Haiti

  • Lao People's Democratic Republic

  • Mongolia

Modify Location Subscription ID

Administrators can now move locations between subscriptions with a Calling License from a suspended subscription to an active one without reaching to the support team.

For details, see Modify Location Subscription for Cisco Calling Plans from Control Hub.

July 10, 2023

New Auto-Attendant Announcement Options

Now Administrators can upload Announcements for use with their Webex Calling Auto-Attendants. Once uploaded, administrators can select the required announcements during the Auto-Attendant configuration in the Control Hub.

For details, see Manage auto attendants in Control Hub

July 7, 2023

API Provisioning: Announcement Repository

Adding support for administrators to create an organization-level pool of announcements and media. For details, see Announcement Repository.

July 3, 2023

Webex Calling Market Expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence in these countries:

  • Bhutan

  • Myanmar

  • Nepal

You can now sell and deploy Webex Calling in these countries:

  • Angola

  • Kenya

For more information, visit Where is Webex available?.


June 30, 2023

Webex Calling Location Admin

Webex Calling lets you assign location-specific administrators for Webex Calling services. Customer administrators can assign location administrators to manage many location and user features based on the location scope.

For details, see Delegate location administration.

Quality Insights for Webex Calling administrators

Helps administrators to get insights on the quality issues in these scenarios along with the possible resolution:

  • No media flowing through the calls

  • Unable to establish media path optimization.

For details, see Troubleshoot Webex Calling Media Quality in Control Hub

June 27, 2023

Webex Calling Hot-desking support for MPP

This feature integrates the calling capabilities into the Webex Hot Desking feature for the MPP devices. An MPP assigned to a Workspace enabled for Hot Desking allows user to acquire this device as their personal device. When Hot-desked, the user's Webex Meetings and Webex Calling features are available on this device. This feature updates the Webex Hot desking feature to provide Meetings and Calling capabilities to MPP devices.

For details, see Configure Hot Desking and Sign in to a shared phone (Hot Desking).

View Agent dashboard for Call Queues

With this feature, an administrator can view all the agents belonging to Call Queues and their status. Administrators can change the Join/Unjoin status of agents from the Call Queue.

For details, see Manage Call Queue Agents.

June 5, 2023

Receptionist Client now supports title and mobile for Webex Calling

The receptionist client now displays the title and mobile number for Active Directory customers (or similar Cloud Directory service).


May 24, 2023

Enhanced Survivability for Webex Calling Dedicated Instance

During a network outage, or cloud outage preventing users at the site from connecting to Webex Calling Dedicated Instance, the Enhanced Survivability Node takes the call routing responsibility. Throughout the outage, the Enhanced Survivability Node processes all internal, PSTN, and emergency calls for the users in that branch site which is experiencing the outage.

For details, see Enhanced Survivability for Webex Calling Dedicated Instance.

May 17, 2023

Provisioning API: Device Activation

Adding support for Device activation. This API allows administrators to add or remove Webex Calling Devices to Webex Calling users and places.

For details, see Device Call Settings

May 13, 2023

Webex Calling supports CallCabinet as a Call Recording Provider

Webex Calling supports multiple call recording providers for a single organization. CallCabinet is now a supported call recording provider for Webex Calling. CallCabinet is supported for organizations hosted in the United States. Support for CallCabinet as a call recording provider for other regions is done in phases.

CallCabinet is a cloud-native voice recording solution that offers future-proof regulatory compliance and next-gen conversation analytics with custom business intelligence reporting and quality assurance automation. The next-gen AI powers this solution and uses specialized machine learning algorithms to deliver unparalleled business intelligence in real time. CallCabinet offers unlimited cloud storage space or the option to move the recordings to customer on-premises local storage. Order this recording solution through Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW).

For more information, see Manage call recording for Webex Calling users and Enable Call Recording for an Organization.

May 9, 2023

Anti-Spam for Webex Calling - Block call (User Block)

Webex Calling users and administrators can block Spam, Telemarketer, and Harassment calls from PSTN callers by blocking their numbers. Webex Calling administrators can block numbers from Control Hub. Webex Calling users can block numbers from Webex App and Cisco devices.

For details, see Block Inbound Spam Calls and Webex App | Block calls.

May 3, 2023

Supervisor Filter to view Call Queue Agent Statistics

Administrators can use the Supervisor filter to look at the statistics of agents managed by a specific Supervisor in the Call Queue Agents. Download the filtered data and share with the Supervisor.

For details, see Analytics for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio.

May 2, 2023

Optimize Bulk CSV Requests

Optimizing the CSV export and import feature, to support updating individual fields for users across a location or organization.

For details, see Manage User Calling Data.

Hot Desking for Calling on MPP and RoomOS devices

Supports Hot Desking feature for Webex Calling on the MPP and RoomOS devices.

For details, see Webex Calling feature support matrix

Support for Announcement Repository

Administrators can now create an organization-level pool of announcements. You can later make these announcements available to Webex Calling services, such as:

  • Auto attendant greetings

  • Call Queue greetings

  • Music on Hold

  • End-user announcements such as voicemail

For details, see Manage Announcement Repository.

Support for Bring your own keys (BYOK) and Hybrid Data Security (HDS) in Webex Calling

The BYOK and HDS features are now available to secure Webex Calling user data including Voicemails, Voicemail Transcripts, and Fax messages. To enable these advanced security features, you require the Pro Pack for Control Hub add-in and administrator configuration. Without the BYOK and HDS configuration (or Pro Pack), you can secure user data with Cisco keys. The Webex Key Management System (KMS) manages the Cisco keys to enhance the security and privacy of Webex, by default.

For details, see Manage your own customer main key and Webex Hybrid Data Security.


April 29, 2023

UC Profile and Call Behavior are now part of the Calling template

The Calling Behavior and UC Profile settings are now configurable at the group template, allowing to configure on-premise call settings across groups within an organization.

Note: The Calling Behavior and UC Profile settings are added to the group template, and removed from the Bulk CSV. Download a new CSV (without these fields) to avoid encountering an error.

For details, see Set up calling behavior and Add multiple users in Control Hub with the CSV template.

Extensions are now viewable in the user contact card

With this feature, enterprise users can see the assigned extension for all calling users in the system. Previously there were some cases where the extension didn’t appear.

For details, see Set calling options for Webex App users.

April 28, 2023

Support Hoteling host for users and Call Forward Always for workspaces

You can now enable Hoteling Hosts on the Webex Calling Professional License. This feature also supports enabling workspaces to have Call Forward Always set in the Control Hub and on the device.

For details, see Hoteling in Control Hub and Configure call forwarding for users and workspaces.

April 27, 2023

Ability to restore Webex Calling service when deleted

If the administrators erroneously remove calling licenses for a user, the administrator can reassign the licensing within 10 days to establish existing services. If the administrator erroneously removes the entire calling subscription, the administrator has 10 days to restore service before permanently removing all calling configurations.

For details, see Restore Canceled Subscription.

April 26, 2023

Enable the Autoanswer option for the Receptionist client

The receptionist client now supports the autoanswer capability. This feature allows the receptionist client to turn the autoanswer option to on or off for outbound and inbound calls. This feature is currently available in the United States and Canada.

For details, see Get started with your Receptionist Client.

April 17, 2023

Support Hebrew prompts in Webex Calling

Hebrew language support allow customers in Israel and the users calling them to have a localized experience.

For details, see Languages Webex supports.

April 16, 2023

Enhanced feature support for Poly and Yealink devices

Adds the following feature support to Poly devices, which are already certified for Webex Calling:

  • Hoteling

  • N-Way Calling

  • Executive and Executive Assistant

  • Call Recording

  • Call Queue

  • Local device Speed Dials

For details, see Poly and Yealink support on Webex Calling

April 11, 2023

Support for Webex Calling API

You can now access the Webex Calling APIs using Service Apps. To start using the Service Apps, see Using Webex Service Apps.

April 4, 2023

Webex Calling supports multiple Call Recording Providers

Webex Calling supports multiple call recording providers for a single organization. Imagicle is now a supported call recording provider for Webex Calling. Imagicle is supported in the United States. Support for Imagicle as a call recording provider for other regions is done in phases.

Imagicle is a cloud-based voice recording solution that offers compliant voice recording with analytics transcriptions, and sentiment analysis. Imagicle offers unlimited storage space on Imagicle Cloud or the optional ability to move the recordings to customer on-premises local storage. To order the Imagicle call recording licenses, use the Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW). Administrators can now select the call recording provider at the organization level or choose a call recording provider for a specific location.

For more information, see Manage call recording for Webex Calling users and Enable Call Recording for an Organization


March 31, 2023

Webex Calling for Chrome

This edition offers full functionality and support for the features that were available in the Preview Release.

For details, see Webex Calling for Chrome | Release Notes and Webex Calling for Chrome.

March 22, 2023

Webex Calling Hot Desking support for 8875

This feature integrates the Calling capabilities into the Webex Hot Desking feature for the MPP 8875 devices. An MPP 8875 assigned to a Workspace enabled for Hot Desking allows user to acquire this device as their personal device. When Hot desked, the user's Webex Meetings and Webex Calling features are available on this device.

For more details, see Configure Hot Desking and Use a shared desk phone (Hot Desking).

March 21, 2023

Supporting Unified Call History on MPP devices for Workspaces

Currently all MPP devices use Webex Call History, but Workspaces with MPP can’t access Webex Call History. MPP devices must recognize when they are assigned to Workspace instances and use local call history.

For more details, see Webex Features available on Cisco MPP devices

March 17, 2023

Webex Meetings Integration on MPP 8800 Series

This feature integrates the MPP 8800 series phones with Webex Meetings capabilities. Introducing these Webex Meetings features on MPP:

  • Ability to join Webex Meeting via MPP by clicking on meeting join button.

  • Ability to join a meeting from Meeting Menu at any time while meeting in progress.

  • Disable telephony functions like hold, conference, and transfer while in a meeting.

  • Ability to view participants in the meeting.

For more information, see Cisco Video Phone 8875.

March 5, 2023

Location filtering for Devices in Control Hub

This feature significantly improves administrative experience for Webex Calling. It allows filtering the Devices tab by Webex Calling Location.

March 2, 2023

Multi line Support in Webex Calling using Virtual Lines

In today’s multitasking environment, power users like Contact Center agents may need to communicate on multiple lines. Multi line support on Webex Calling enables users to place and receive calls with different numbers, allowing users to manage their day efficiently. Users can see all the lines assigned to their devices in one place. Configure Call settings for each line, for example each line can have its unique caller-ID and voicemail with message waiting indication. Virtual lines enable Webex Calling administrators to create lines without requiring a license and user ID or email address. You can assign these lines to the user's devices and Webex App as multiline feature.

For more information, see Multi line support in Webex Calling using virtual lines.

Enable configuration of Multi line across Webex Calling locations

Webex Calling administrators can configure shared lines and virtual lines on the user’s devices and the Webex App for locations different than the user’s home location. When a call is placed by selecting the line, the call is routed from the PSTN connection to the location where the number belongs.

For more information, see Configuration of shared lines and virtual lines across locations

Webex Calling supports Virtual Extension Ranges

Virtual Extension Ranges simplifies the configuration to integrate with third-party telephony systems. It enables an option to define the mapping with a range of numbers, and prefix and route the numbers to the PSTN associated with the location.

For more information, see Virtual Extension Configuration in Control Hub.


February 28, 2023

Webex Concept of Locations

Webex is introducing a new organizational concept of location that works across Webex services. Webex administrators can assign users and workspaces to locations and use these locations to organize their overall organization. For specific Webex services, they can use locations to associate specific settings. This feature is rolled out in phases for different regions.

Enhance the Webex Calling CDR with additional fields

The Detailed Call Records report in the Control Hub now has new fields. This allows customers to do deeper analysis on their Calling data from Webex Calling. It also allows third parties to enhance their Webex Calling analytics and reporting integrations.

Here’s a list of new field added:

  1. Dialed Digits​

  2. Releasing Party​

  3. Redirecting Number​

  4. Location or Site UUID​

  5. Department UUID

  6. Transfer-Related Call ID

  7. Authorization Code​

For details, see Reports for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio

February 21, 2023

Site survivability for Webex Calling

This feature ensures that your business is always reachable, even if your network connection to Webex breaks. Site survivability employs a router in your local network as a Survivability Gateway, with the ability to provide a fallback calling service to on-site endpoints. Even if your network connection prevents you from reaching Webex, on-site endpoints can still make and receive calls through the Survivability Gateway.

This feature can colocate with Unified SRST for Unified Communications Manager. Endpoints from both systems can register to the same gateway, can call each other, and can use a common PSTN trunk during an outage.

For more information, see Site Survivability for Webex Calling.

February 9, 2023

Provisioning CSV: Call Park

Adding support for Call Park through CSV from Control Hub. This feature is available to partners and customers.

For more information, see Call Park in Control Hub.

February 2, 2023

Directory Service Support for Dedicated Instance

This feature allows you to synchronize and manage users from cloud into on-premises or cloud UC infrastructure like Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unity Connection with the Webex Calling Dedicated Instance Directory Service. During synchronization, the system imports a list of users and associated user data from the Azure Active Directory (or a similar Cloud Directory service) into the Webex Identity Service.

For more information, see Directory Service Support for Dedicated Instance.


January 31, 2023

Receptionist Client now supports creation of custom groups through API

A new set of APIs allow the creation of custom groups that the Receptionist Client can use to quickly process and manage calls for your organization.

For more information, see here.

User Sync from Control Hub to Dedicated Instance (South-bound sync)

This feature provides the following:

  1. Support for Cloud-based LDAP integration (Azure) for Control Hub

  2. Users who are synced from on-prem AD to Control Hub through Directory Sync or from Cloud LDAP, can be synced to Dedicated Instance.

January 30, 2023

Webex Call Integration with Microsoft Teams for Dedicated Instance

Seamlessly place Dedicated Instance calls within Microsoft Teams without interrupting your workflow or switching between applications.

For more information, see Webex Call Integration with Microsoft Teams for Dedicated Instance.

January 27, 2023

Anti-Spam mitigation: Block Inbound Calls

Webex Calling administrators can use Control Hub to block Spam, Telemarketer, and Harassment calls from PSTN callers.

For more information, see Setup Call Block List.

January 23, 2023

Webex Gateway Management through Control Hub

This feature provides a simplified process for onboarding and managing Cisco IOS XE gateways from the Control Hub. The gateway management connector maintains a connection between Control Hub and the gateway, letting you monitor gateway status and perform maintenance tasks from Control Hub. This feature provides the following benefits:

  • Simplified provisioning of gateway services

  • Simplified gateway maintenance from the Control Hub interface

  • Reduced dependence on Cisco TAC

For more information, see Enroll Cisco IOS Managed Gateways to Webex Cloud, Assign Services to Managed Gateways, and Validate Cisco Local Gateway Configuration through Control Hub.

January 19, 2023

Call Bridging for users on shared line appearance

Users on shared call appearance can bridge into an active call that is on the same shared line appearance. Users on the MPP device can use a programmable softkey to bridge into a call from the shared line appearance. On the Webex App, users can use the Feature Activation code (FAC) to bridge into the call.

For more information, see Shared line appearance for Webex App, Set up your Webex Calling features, and Shared Lines on Your Multiplatform Desk Phone.

January 17, 2023

Call Park Feature Experience Improvements in Webex Calling

Enhancements to the Call Park feature allow administrators to add Call Park Extensions as park destinations in a Call Park Group. This feature simplifies the Call Park experience as users don’t have to remember the Call Park Extension to park a call. They can use the Group Park option on both desk phones and the Webex App to park the call.

For more information, see Call Park in Control Hub.

January 12, 2023

Ad hoc Conferencing (3-Way Calling) Enhancements

Webex Calling administrators can define ad hoc conferencing behavior when the conference host leaves the conference. On enabling this setting, the conference continues when the host drops out of the conference, leaving other participants. On disabling this setting, the conference drops when the host leaves.

For more information, see Control termination of Ad hoc conference.

January 8, 2023

Support Don’t Disturb Synchronization (DND) in Dedicated Instance

If you need time to focus on a task or need time away from work, enable DND from either the Webex App, or the phone to pause Calling and Messaging notifications. When a user enables DND on the phone, this state integrates with the Webex App of the user. Hence this option pauses call and message notifications. When ready, the user can disable DND from either the Webex App or the phone. On disabling the DND option, call and messaging notifications resume on all the devices.


December 16, 2022

Ribbon Core SBC support for Webex Calling Local Gateway

Ribbon Core Session Border Controllers are validated for use with Webex Calling as approved Local Gateways (LGWs) for Premises-based PSTN.

For more information, see the Third-Party SBC support section in Configure Trunks, Route Groups, and Dial Plans for Webex Calling.

Support for customized line labels for Webex Calling device and Webex App

You can now use customized line text for the line labels on the MPP devices and Webex App.

For more information, see Configure and manage Webex Calling devices.

Improve onboarding experience for device migration

Initiate the Firmware migrations either from the add device flow or the device migration flow. Also, you can enable the MPP migration license, and later onboard to Webex Calling.

For more information, see Migrate Your Phone to Webex Calling.

December 9, 2022

Support for shared line appearance on Webex App

This feature allows the Control Hub administrator to assign shared line appearances to the end user's Webex App, to provide the following capabilities:

  • Support a fixed number of assignable lines in the Webex App.

  • Ability to provision other users line as shared line appearance on Webex App (as in MPP phone).

For more details, see Shared line appearance for Webex App.

Support for Call Presence Synchronization in Dedicated Instance

With this feature, your desk phone on-call status is synchronized with the Webex App, enabling your coworkers to see your desk phone status on their Webex App. When you're on an active call, your presence status changes to 'On Call'. This status changes back to available when your call ends.

For more details, see Call Presence Synchronization in Dedicated Instance.

Webex Calling Organization Settings

Administrators require Webex API capability to retrieve or change setting in a Customer's organization. This API allows partner administrators to read, write, and modify the Webex Calling settings for a particular organization.

For more information, click here.

December 8, 2022

Identify call redirection from Call Queue, Hunt Group, Exec-Assistant

This functionality enables Webex App users to look at the Call History and differentiate calls coming in from Hunt Group and Call queue. Executives and Assistants can use the Exec-Assistant feature on Webex App to view the call history and identify, if an incoming call was answered by an executive or assistant.

December 6, 2022

Webex Calling for Chrome (Preview)

Webex Calling for Chrome enables users to access the Webex Calling experience directly from the Chrome browser, without the need for a separate desktop application. Coming soon as an extension in the Chrome Web Store, Webex Calling for Chrome delivers a powerful suite of enterprise calling features through an intuitive, browser-based softphone. The floating Webex Calling for Chrome softphone looks and feels just like a desktop application and delivers the enterprise-grade calling features you need including click to call, extension dialing, directory integration, and live presence, all through a Chrome extension that eliminates the need to switch between separate applications.

This is a preview release.

For more details, including release, and feature support, see Webex Calling for Chrome | Release Notes and Webex Calling for Chrome (Preview release).

Business Texting for Cisco Calling Plan Customers in US and Canada

Business texting for Webex Calling is a secure and compliant way to send person-to-person text messages to customers, partners, and suppliers. Business texting is seamlessly integrated throughout the Webex App experience, enabling users to easily send and receive text messages through the familiar experience that they're used to, without switching between applications.

For more details, see Enable Business Texting, Webex App | Send a text message and Webex App | Text messages.

December 5, 2022

AudioCodes SBC support for Webex Calling Local Gateway

AudioCodes Session Border Controllers is validated for use with Webex Calling as approved Local Gateways (LGWs) for Premises-based PSTN.

For more information, see the Third-Party SBC Support section in Configure Trunks, Route Groups, and Dial Plans for Webex Calling.

Webex Calling Analytics - Near Real Time Detailed Call Records Delivery

The Detailed Call Records API allows customers to query call records within 5 minutes of ending the call, for up-to-date information on their Webex Calling deployment. Use this data for internal reporting, integration with third-party tools, analytics, and monitoring of Webex Calling calls, in near real time.

For more information, see here.

December 2, 2022

Webex Calling Market Expansion

Expands the presence of Webex Calling in the following countries and regions:

  • Lebanon

  • Monaco

  • Mauritius

For more information, visit Where is Webex available?.

Provisioning API Enhancements—Move numbers across locations

Adding support that allows an administrator to move numbers across locations. This API facilitates users to retain their number once they change the location.

For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

South Korea Media PoP

Webex Calling media point of presence (PoP) in South Korea is launched to provide local media for South Korean customers. This reduces latency and improves call quality while demonstrating Cisco's commitment to South Korea as a key growth market for Webex Calling.

December 1, 2022

Trigger auto firmware migration of enterprise phones

Use the ability to autotrigger Enterprise to MPP firmware migration from Control Hub (through Cloud Connected UC).

For more information, see Migrate your phone to Webex Calling.


November 29, 2022

Webex Go

Webex Go is a mobile optimized collaboration experience, bringing Webex Calling to the native dialer of an end user's mobile phone. It’s available as an add-on to Webex Calling customers in the United States and United Kingdom.

For more information, see Webex Go.

Webex Go: Improved mid call experience with Webex App

Mid call functions such as mute, 3-way calling, hold or resume are available from the built-in dialer interface. Webex Go users who have Webex App 42.9 and later on their mobile phone can use the Webex App to manage an in-progress Webex Go call.

For more information, see Use Webex Go on Mobile Phone.

Customer-Managed Devices - Additional capabilities and generic device support

Enabling capabilities such as the ability to assign Customer-Managed Devices to User profiles, allowing to add shared lines, and adding a Generic device profile.

For more information, see Add your customer managed device.

Support for digital fax partner solutions

Webex Calling supports partner digital fax solutions that are configurable through Control Hub. Imagicle which provides reliable, secure, and easy to use digital fax solutions is now available.

For more information, see Add your customer managed device.

November 22, 2022

Webex Calling is now available in the French Overseas Territories

Expands the presence of Webex Calling in the following countries and regions:

  • French Guiana

  • Guadeloupe

  • Martinique

  • Mayotte

  • Reunion

  • Saint Pierre And Miquelon

For more information, visit Where is Webex available?.

November 3, 2022

Certify VG420 ATA devices with Webex Calling

Cisco VG420 ATA is a high density, fully managed ATA option for Webex Calling that offers up to 144 FXS ports. Cisco VG420 is a modular ATA that provides analog services through Amphenol connectors that are designed to provide high-density analog services to large enterprise and campus environments.

For more details, see Configure Your Cisco Voice Gateway VG420/VG400 ATA in Control Hub.

Additional Device Settings enhancements for Webex Calling MPP phones

Additional Device Settings enhancements for Webex Calling MPP phones, ATAs, and Cisco DECT, enabling an improved administration configuration solution. Also a new device settings tab is added for the 840/860 Wifi phones.

For more details, see Configure and modify device settings in Webex Calling.

November 1, 2022

Full Screen Experience for Administering Users

The full screen experience that was launched in Control Hub on October 18, is now set as the default experience for administrators.

Consistent search for workspace devices across Webex App and devices

This feature provides a consistent experience across Webex App and devices when performing a search for workspace devices.


October 31, 2022

Support Cisco MPP 8875 on Webex Calling

The new MPP 8875 video phone has these features:

  • Rich Webex Calling feature support

  • Onboarding to Webex Cloud for serviceability features such as Reboot and remote PRT

  • Initial Webex Meetings integration with One button to join and view the participant list.

  • Webex Directory Search

  • Webex Unified Call History

For more details, see Supported devices for Webex Calling, and Cisco Video Phone 8875.

October 28, 2022

Oracle SBC support for Webex Calling Local Gateway

Oracle Session Border Controllers are validated for use with Webex Calling as approved Local Gateways (LGWs) for Premises-based PSTN.

For more information, see the Certificate Based Trunks section in Configure Trunks, Route Groups, and Dial Plans for Webex Calling.

October 26, 2022

Native Webex Calling registration for Webex video devices

This feature provides native registration for Webex video devices (Desk Pro/Hub, Room Systems). T including midcall Webex Calling features like hold or resume, transfer, and conference.

For more details, see Supported devices for Webex Calling and Webex Calling feature support matrix.

October 25, 2022

Group Call Management

Group Call Management feature set is now available. Free call center capabilities that are easy to set up and use. The advanced call queue capabilities provide easy and affordable methods to support team call handling services with high call volume, as part of Webex Calling.

For more details, see Overview of Group Call Management.

Here is a collection of call queue features:

  • Allow agents to join or unjoin a specific Call Queue

    This feature provides flexibility for an administrator to configure the call queue for the agent to service calls or an agent can select the specific queue to service calls when they are available.

    For more information, see Manage Call Queue Agents.

  • Manually manage outgoing calls to agents

    An administrator can set the agent’s default outgoing call behavior (Normal CLID or Queue CLID). The agents are capable to call customers and present the CLID from a Call Queue. This hides the CLID of the agent. When the customers call the queue back, they are provided with proper service instead of being directed to a specific agent who may not be available.

    For more information, see Manage Call Queue Agents.

  • Additional policies for Call Queues

    Configure call queues with a holiday or night service, and manage stranded calls. It provides the ability for an organization to manage their call configuration.

    For more information, see Manage call queue policies.

  • Skill-Based Routing for Call Queues

    Allows call queues to distribute calls to agents based on their skill instead of a static pattern such as linear or uniform. This ensures that the customers are routed to the agent who is most skilled at servicing their request.

    For more information, see Create and manage call queue.

  • Full Queue IVR Capabilities

    Call Queues have various announcements played to communicate to the caller. These announcements are an important part of the call center queues. This feature supports Call Whisper and Comfort Bypass policies.

    For more information, see Manage Call Queue Announcements.

  • Supervisor takes over agent calls

    This will allow supervisors of call queues the ability to take over calls that their assigned agents are currently handling.

    For more information, see Manage Call Queue Supervisors.

  • Introduction of supervisors to call queues

    Introduces the concept of supervisors to call queues. You can associate agents in a call queue with a supervisor, and the supervisors can silently monitor and barge in to calls.

    For more information, see Manage Call Queue Supervisors.

  • Enhancing the Callback feature for Webex Calling

    Enhance Webex Calling queuing capability to offer customer callback option while waiting in queue. Callback is an option that is available to customers when their estimated call wait time exceeds a certain threshold. Customers can choose to call back and be in a virtual queue. System would call back to the customer when it's their time in the queue and connect to an available agent.

    For more information, see Manage Calls in Call Queue

October 21, 2022

Migrating CUP My contacts to Webex App

Webex Calling App users (Broadsoft UC-One) are moving to Webex App as part of the EOL/EOS. A new process is now available for partners and customers to migrate their CUP contacts "My Contacts" to the Webex Contact Service so that they are accessible from the Webex App.

  1. Send an email to webexcalling-phd@cisco.com requesting for CUP contact export. Include the organization ID in the email.

  2. The exported contact list is provided as a csv file to the requestor along with instruction to import the contacts through Control Hub.

October 18, 2022

Webex Calling call queue analytics and reports are now available

You can now view data for call queues set up in your organization, such as how many calls were abandoned, the average time that the callers spent waiting in call queues, total number of incoming calls, and more.

For more information, see Call Queue section of Analytics for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio and the Webex Calling section of Reports for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio for details.

Call feature Dashboards in Control Hub: Auto Attendant

You can now view data for auto attendants set up in your organization, such as number of calls during and after business hours, number of calls routed to auto attendants, busiest time of the day, and more.

For more information, see Auto-Attendant section of Analytics for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio and the Webex Calling section of Reports for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio for details.

Full Screen Experience for Users

The right-hand panel (RHP) experience currently in Control Hub is migrated to a full-screen experience. Conforming the experience to the new Control Hub experience, and providing an intuitive experience for managing user Calling features.

Firmware distribution server

A new firmware server is added to the Webex Calling infrastructure to provide firmware downloads to devices.

For more information, see Firmware Distribution Server for details.


September 30, 2022

Enhanced line key management for Cisco MPP

Building on the existing Configure Layouts feature, Line Key Templates adds a new administrator experience, which allows to create and manage Line Key templates (Layouts that can be applied to many devices). The new user interface allows an administrator to create multiple templates per Cisco MPP model and provides a way to apply templates to devices at the Organization and Location levels.

  • Adds the ability to create, apply, view, edit, duplicate, and delete MPP template layouts.

  • Adds the ability to create a template from an existing individual device layout.

  • Allows to use multiple templates per MPP model.

  • Allows a quick way to revert MPPs back to their default state.

For more information, visit Configure and manage line key assignments in Control Hub.

September 15, 2022

Webex Calling is now available in China

Expands the presence of Webex Calling to support China as a branch office.

For more information, visit Where is Webex available?.

Webex Calling is now available in additional countries

Expands the presence of Webex Calling in the following countries and regions:

  • Jordan

  • Oman

  • Pakistan

For more information, visit Where is Webex available?.

September 13, 2022

Webex Feature Integrations on MPP Phones

Enabling these features on the MPP devices:

  • Webex Unified Call History—MPP device call history displays calls made from user's Webex Devices and Webex App.

  • Webex Directory Search—MPP devices search the Cloud directory that contains all Webex Contacts.

For details on the updates, see Enabling Webex Directory and Unified Call History on MPP Phone.

September 6, 2022

MPP Line Key LED pattern and Dial from Call History updates

This feature updates the default setting for the MPP line key LED pattern to align with the pattern used on Cisco Enterprise phones. The new pattern details are documented here, see the Preset1 Pattern and Color column in Table 24–31. This change only impacts new organizations or existing organization not using the Device Settings feature. Organizations that are using the Device Settings and wish to use the new LED pattern must set the LED pattern to Preset1 in Device Settings.

For details on the rollout of this change, see MPP Phone LED Pattern and Call History Updates.


August 24, 2022

Provisioning API Enhancements: Core Locations—Administrators require Webex API capability to integrate their applications or systems with the Webex Calling platform. This API helps to configure, create, or modify a Webex Calling location.

For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

August 18, 2022

Automated E911 Account Creation

Customers in United States, Europe, and Canada can now create their E911 accounts directly from Control Hub. The new wizard-based workflow provides details about the actions that an administrator must perform in the E911 administrator portal. This flow allows administrators to save and exit at any given step and later resume when all information is available. Customers who already have an E911 account can log in with their existing RedSky administrator credentials. A status indicator in the E911 settings tracks organization-wide progress in configuring E911.

For details, see Enhanced Emergency Calling for Webex Calling.

August 16, 2022

Today all Workspaces must be created and assigned to a device. Because Workspaces can only support one line, this auto-device-assignment makes it difficult for administrators to assign workspaces to shared lines on other devices. This feature now allows to create Workspaces without devices, which can then be assigned as shared lines on other devices.

For more information, see Add Shared Devices and Services to a Workspace.

August 15, 2022

Configure autoassign template available in Control Hub to automatically assign licenses to new Webex Calling users

Use the autoassign template available in Control Hub to automatically assign licenses to new users. You can assign licenses to users who are added manually, through CSV, or through an Active Directory synchronization. This requirement allows administrators to assign a professional license to newly added users.

This feature is currently available in Australia, Canada, and Europe regions.

For more information, see Set up automatic license assignment templates for Webex Calling users.

August 1, 2022

Retiring Webex Calling Webex App

We’re retiring the legacy Webex Calling App that is formerly known as BroadSoft UC-One. New customers can access the Webex App experience, which provides the latest collaboration innovation from Cisco. This update applies to new customers deployed on Webex Calling and isn’t applicable to Webex Carrier customers (AKA BroadCloud Carrier).

For more information, see End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the BroadSoft UC-One based Webex Calling App.

Provisioning new customers by default in the EUN datacenters

The default datacenters for provisioning net-new EMEAR calling customers (apart from UK customers) is now changed. The net-new calling customers are now provisioned in the EUN datacenters (AMS/FRA) instead of the EU(UK) datacenters (LON/FRA) for Webex Calling. Previously this capability was behind an optional toggle. All net-new UK customers continue to be provisioned in the EU(UK) datacenters, by default. If partners and customers don’t want to be provisioned by default in EUN and wish to continue with the earlier behavior, they must contact the Partner helpdesk or their partner.

For more information, see Webex Calling Data Center in the European Union.


July 27, 2022

Integrate Cisco 840/860 Wireless Handsets with Webex Calling

Webex Calling platform now supports the registration and integration of the Cisco 840 and 860 wireless handsets. Administrators can use Control Hub to configure these devices’ native dialer, generate the MPP-based device templates that are based on Webex Calling settings, and certify the device.

For details, see Integrating Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860.

India as a sell-in country

Webex Calling is available in India as a sell-in country. This functionality enables organizations with locations only in India to subscribe for Webex Calling services. Organizations can also provision Webex Calling’s first location (also known as headquarter location) in India.

For details, see Where is Webex available?.

Support for India toll bypass provisioning in Control Hub

Webex Calling administrators can now provision settings that are required for India toll bypass using Control Hub. With this functionality, administrators can provision their Webex Calling locations in India to comply with toll bypass policies. Toll bypass settings are applicable for Webex Calling locations in India that is configured as branch location and as a sell-in location

For details, see Enable Webex Calling for India locations.

July 25, 2022

Certificate based (high capacity) Local Gateway

Certificate based trunks can now be onboarded to Webex Calling. This type of Local Gateway is perfect for larger organization looking to integrate their on deployment, or premise-based PSTN connection with Webex Calling.

The Cisco Unified Border Element (CUBE) is currently supported as a Certification-based trunk. Official support for Oracle, Ribbon, and Audio codes devices is coming soon. For details on network requirements and configuration information, see Configure Trunks, Route Groups, and Dial Plans for Webex Calling.

To avail the higher concurrent call capacity of Certificate based trunks, it is necessary to redeploy an existing Local Gateway.

MPP Firmware Upgrade to 11.3.7

This feature certifies and supports deploying the MPP 11.3.7 firmware. See Announcements for Webex Calling Devices and Configure and modify device settings in Webex Calling for details.

July 22, 2022

Provisioning API Enhancements—Numbers for Local Gateway—Administrators require Control Hub API capability’sy to integrate their applications or systems with the Control Hub platform. Th API helps to integrate Telephone Numbers (TN) needed for Control Hub service, and manage TN functions that are currently available in Control Hub for Local Gateway such as:

  • Add or Remove TNs to/from Location.

  • Activate or deactivate a TN.

For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

July 15, 2022

Customer-Managed Device - CyberData support

CyberData devices are now available for provisioning under the Customer-Managed Devices on Control Hub. For details on CyberData, see Add your customer managed device.

July 11, 2022

Share Settings that are enabled on the Calling Template

Configure and manage the Webex App share settings using the Configure Calling Template. Share settings can be enabled as part of the Enable or dable screen sharing for calling in Webex App.

July 8, 2022

Webex Calling is now available in additional countries

Expands the presence of Webex Calling in the following countries and regions:

  • Egypt

  • Nigeria

  • Türkiye

For more information, visit Where is Webex available?.

July 7, 2022

Provisioning User Features through CSV

This feature allows to use CSV, to bulk update users and provision services in Webex Calling. With this capability, Webex Calling administrators have a simplified way to export existing data, import new data, and update data into the Webex Calling platform.

For more information, see Manage User Calling Data.

Calling template for groups

Webex Calling administrators are able to set RDC, video, and call behavior settings through a group template. With the group templates feature, administrators are able to centrally manage and apply these call settings across an entire group. For more information, see Configure Calling Template.

July 1, 2022

Device Migration tool enhancement

The Device Migration tool allows to configure the device migration licenses for devices which are configured in Webex. This tool also provides an option to configure device migration license from Updates and Migrations > Device Migration Tool on Control Hub.

For more information, see Migrate Your Phone to Webex Calling.

Integrated audio for Webex Calling (Callback)

Integrated audio for Webex Calling allows you to join Webex Meetings using the call-in and call back features without incurring PSTN charges.

When you use your Webex Calling device or soft client to join a meeting by calling in or selecting the callback option, your media stays in the Cisco Webex cloud, for improved latency and savings PSTN charges.

For more information, see Configure a Webex Meeting site to use Integrated Audio for Webex Calling.


June 29, 2022

Voicemail transcription (Webex App)

Voicemail transcription-premise now has the capability to automatically detect languages such as English, French, German, and Spanish. Voice message retention policy is applied to transcript, this implies that on deleting the voice message, the associated transcript is also deleted.

For more information, see the Webex Calling Security Whitepaper for Voicemail Transcription/Encryption enhancement.

June 28, 2022

Webex Calling Analytics - user information

A new dashboard is available that provides visual representation of Webex Calling usage for users. You can see graphical representation of usage and quality of all calls under this graph. You can now filter the information that is displayed on the graphs for selected users, multiple users at a time, and based on User Name and Email. The new dashboard is available in the Control Hub under Webex Calling.

For more information, see Analytics for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio.

June 22, 2022

Ability to view Call Recording Terms of Service in Control Hub

Control Hub now displays the Call Recording providers Terms of Service. Customer Administrator or Partner Administrators must accept the terms of service the first time when they enable call recording. The administrators can view the terms of service anytime in the users call recording page.

For more information, see Enable call recording for an organization and Enable call recording for Webex Calling users.

June 20, 2022

Retiring Webex Calling App

Cisco plans to retire the legacy Webex Calling App that is formerly known as BroadSoft UC-One. All customers and partners can upgrade to the Webex App experience that provides the latest collaboration innovation from Cisco. This announcement applies to customers deployed on Webex Calling and isn’t applicable to Webex Carrier customers (AKA BroadCloud Carrier). For more information, see End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the BroadSoft UC-One based Webex Calling App.

June 17, 2022

Antispam indication for Webex Calling

Webex Calling is capable of labeling the calls that will reduce time in answering unwanted calls and potential security risks. The administrators can now block these calls using the organization policies. For more information, visit Spam or fraud call indication in Webex Calling.

This feature is supported in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

June 10, 2022

Integrated audio for Webex Calling Dedicated Instance

Integrated audio allows you to join Webex Meetings using the call-in and call back features without incurring PSTN charges. For more information, visit Integrated Audio configuration for Webex Calling Dedicated Instance.

June 9, 2022

Virtual Connect a new private cloud connectivity add-on for Dedicated Instance

Virtual Connect is a new private cloud connectivity add-on for Dedicated Instance. This is an additional cloud connectivity option for smaller customers or remote sites to privately peer in to their Dedicated Instance. The advantages are:

  • Activate and manage Virtual Connect from Control Hub.

  • An optional flex add-on option for Cloud Connect

For more information, visit Dedicated Instance-Virtual Connect.

June 2, 2022

Webex Calling is now available in additional countries

Expands the presence of Webex Calling in the following countries and regions:

  • Saint Maarten

  • Trinidad & Tobago

  • Turks & Caicos Islands

  • US Virgin Islands

For more information, visit Where is Webex available?.

June 1, 2022

Enable on-demand PRT collection for MPP devices Webex Calling devices

On-demand PRT collection allows administrators and technical support engineers to flexibly collect logs from the MPP devices. Using this feature, the administrators can collect logs and create a case on Control Hub. The support team can collect logs through helpdesk and aid in resolving the cases. This capability improves the time that is taken to resolve cases. For more information, visit Demand PRT (problem report tool) collection in Control Hub


May 31, 2022

Webex Calling Suicide Prevention Hotline

Beginning July 16, 2022, dialing 988 will route calls to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted rules to establish 988 as the new nationwide easy-to-remember 3-digit phone number for Americans in crisis to connect with suicide prevention and mental health crisis counselors.

For more information, visit Enhanced 988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for Webex Calling.

May 25, 2022

Webex Calling with Local Gateway support is now available in the following countries:

  • Bermuda

  • British Virgin Islands

  • Cayman Islands

  • Dominica

  • Grenada

  • Guam

  • Jamaica

  • Montserrat

  • Northern Mariana Islands

  • Saint Kitts & Nevis

  • Saint Lucia

  • Saint Vincent & The Grenadines

For more information, visit Where is Webex available?.

Alert framework for Dedicated Instance in Control Hub

Dedicated Instance alerts are presented and notified in Control Hub. For more information, see Get Started for Administrators.

May 24, 2022

Provisioning CSV-Auto Attendant

Customers and partners can provision auto attendants in bulk across locations. This capability allows administrators to provision auto attendant menu options, call flow management, caller ID settings, and scheduling for multiple auto attendants through a file upload.

For more information, see Manage auto attendants in Control Hub

May 17, 2022

Webex Calling Analytics - path optimization ICE/PNC

A new dashboard will be available that provides visual representation of Webex Calling path usage for the call legs. You can see graphical representation of usage and quality of all calls under this graph. It includes filtering, which allows users to filter the call legs for path optimization directly from a graph. The new dashboard would be available in the Control Hub under Webex Calling.

For more information, see Analytics for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio.

User Interface Enhancements

Experience the updated Calling portal user interface with improved overall usability of the calling administration in Control Hub. The calling elements such as Numbers, Locations, Call Routing, Features, PSTN orders, Dedicated Instance, Service Settings and Client Settings have a consistent look and feel with improved page layout. This aims to improve the overall commitment to quality and an enhanced administrator experience.

May 16, 2022

Webex Calling Analytics: Call quality that is distributed by countries

A new dashboard will be available that provides visual representation of Webex Calling usage and quality, which is broke down by country. It includes contextual filtering, which allows users to filter the entire dashboard by selecting one or more countries directly from a graph. The new dashboard is available in the Control Hub under Webex Calling.

For more information, see Analytics for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio.

May 12, 2022

Enhanced line key management for Cisco MPP

The line key management enhancement is delivered in two phases. The first phase provides administrators with the ability to define model-specific button layouts to individual devices. Administrators can apply functions such as primary line, shared line, and speed dial (with optional value, monitor, open, and closed).

For more information, see Configure Layouts for Cisco MPP Devices in Control Hub.

May 3, 2022

Enable or disable sharing for calling in Webex App

As part of the in-call experience settings for the Webex App (for Webex Calling), the Control Hub administrator can disable sharing for Webex App users in a call. For more information, see Enable or disable sharing for calling in Webex App.


April 28, 2022

Change in dialing behavior, number presentation and outbound call screening for Webex Calling

Webex Calling external dialing is changing to ensure consistent behavior for call routing, number presentation and call screening. For details on this change, Dialing behavior, number presentation and outbound call screening for Webex Calling.

April 27, 2022

Detailed Call History dashboard in Control Hub

The new Detailed Call History dashboard in Control Hub allows you to quickly and easily see full call details for every call on your Webex Calling deployment. Top-level KPIs for total calls, answered calls, calls in your busiest location and active users give you detailed insight for your Webex Calling deployment from Control Hub. Use the dashboard to view the types of calls users make, whether they're internal, local, or international to optimize PSTN costs. Powerful filters let you filter and find specific calls in the table view.

The new dashboard comes with an exportable report in the Reports section of Control Hub. This dashboard allows you to export daily, weekly, monthly, or custom reports of your call records, create scheduled reports, and for Webex Pro Pack users, export call records via API.

April 22, 2022

Synchronize Don’t Disturb (DND) between Webex App and phone

If you need time to focus on a task or need time away from work, you can now pause calling and messaging notifications by enabling DND from either the Webex App or the phone. When user enables DND on the phone, the state is integrated with user's Webex App, user Webex and both call and message notification is paused. When the user is ready, DND can be disabled from either Webex App or the phone. Once disabled, call and messaging notifications resume on 's devices. For more information, see Do Not Disturb Sync (DND) between Webex App and desk phone

April 21, 2022

MPP User Menu Updates

This feature removes the settings from the MPP user menu, which are set through the Device Settings feature on Control Hub. Also, these settings are now inaccessible to the user. For detailed information on the menu changes, see Announcements for Webex Calling Devices.

April 19, 2022

Unified CCPP for Webex Calling and Dedicated Instance

Cloud Connected Webex Calling PSTN partners (CCPP) will be able to leverage their existing peering with Webex Calling for Dedicated Instance. For detailed information on the menu changes, see Cloud Connected PSTN.

Change in from address for Webex Calling emails

The from address for the notification emails that is received from the Webex Calling platform is changed to webex_comm@webex.com and with the name Webex. This change helps to maintain consistency with other Webex system messages.

Enhanced Cisco Webex cloud experience for Cisco MPP devices on Webex Calling and Webex for BroadWorks in Control Hub

Setting the foundation for ensuring an enhanced and superior Cisco on Cisco experience with MPP and Webex Calling or Webex for BroadWorks. Webex features that are supported on MPP in this feature include:

  • Cisco Webex cloud Onboarding - all 6800/7800/8800 series

  • Webex Serviceability requests (Reboot and Report Problem) - all 6800/7800/8800 series

MPP devices onboarded to Cisco Webex cloud displays a cloud icon indicating a successful onboarding.

Here are the availability dates:

  • US, Canada, and EMEA regions on April 20, 2022

  • APAC and Japan regions on April 21, 2022

For more information, see Webex Features available on Cisco MPP devices.

April 15, 2022

Provisioning API - Locations

Administrators require Webex API capability to integrate their applications or systems with the Webex Calling platform. This API helps to configure Webex Calling location features. For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

April 8, 2022

Provisioning API: Read Numbers

Administrators require Webex API capability to support enabling location for Webex Calling numbers in the Webex for Developers Platform. For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

April 7, 2022

Move numbers between locations

You can now move numbers from one location to another when both locations are within the same PSTN connection. For more information, see Manage phone numbers in Control Hub.

April 5, 2022

Migrating Organization Contact

Use Control Hub to migrate your organization contacts. This migration facilitates to import and export of organization contacts into Control Hub comma-separated value (CSV) files. Once imported into Webex, users in your organization can access the organization contacts through the Webex App. For more information, see Manage organization contacts in Control Hub.

Enhanced person and contact search

You can now use the Webex App to search for administrator-defined organization contacts in addition to Webex users. Organization contacts can be defined for suppliers, customers, or any contacts needed by your organization. When searching for people in the Webex App, any contacts that are defined by the administrator is displayed in the People view. This capability allows users to search and call the contacts. For more information, see Search and Call Contacts on Your Phone.

Organization contacts can be created by the administrator with phone numbers, SIP address and other attributes. An administrator can view and import organization contacts using a new view in Control Hub.

This feature is introduced in phases, administrator defined contact search will also be available on Webex Calling phones later in the year.


March 31, 2022

Webex Go

Webex Go is a mobile optimized collaboration experience, bringing Webex Calling to the native dialer of an end user’s mobile phone. It is available as an add-on to Webex Calling customers in the US. For more information, see Webex Go.

Supporting Generic Import of Personal Contacts

This feature provides a mechanism for Webex Calling administrators to import any user's contacts into the Webex personal contact (contact service) database. This is generic in that the source of the contacts may be from on-premises deployments, cloud-competitor contact systems, or even the Webex Calling MT deployments. It opens up the migration scenarios to support any personal contact import case, not just Unified CM. For more information, see Migrate Personal Contacts to WebEx.

March 30, 2022

Location-based routing for toll bypass regulation compliance

telecommunication regulations in some countries like India, require that PSTN network is not bypassed to decrease cost associated with long distance calls. In order to enable Webex Calling service for these countries, it is required that Webex Calling supports location-based routing based on user's geographic network. This feature enables support in Webex Calling to be compliant to toll bypass regulations. For more information, see Enable Webex Calling for India location.

Configure Emergency Call Notifications in Control Hub

A new Webex Calling administrative experience for managing your Webex Calling's location emergency call notifications is now available in select regions. For more information, see Configure Emergency Call Notifications in Control Hub.

Provisioning API: Workspaces

Administrators require Webex API capability to integrate their applications or systems with the Webex Calling platform. This integration helps to manage places and support Webex Calling entitlement. For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

Voicemail transcription

Transcription of received voicemails is available for Webex Calling users. On enabling voicemail transcription, you receive an email notification with the voicemail transcribed in the body of the email for every new voicemail message and the voicemail is attached as a .wav file. For more information about voicemail transcription, see Voicemail transcription for Webex Calling and Configure and manage voicemail settings for a Webex Calling user.

Provisioning API: Call Park extension

Adding support for call in the Webex for Developers Platform to support integration of external tools and automatic provisioning of the call extension. For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

Provisioning API: Remaining user features

Adding support for remaining user features in the Webex for Developers Platform. For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

March 29, 2022

Media Quality Troubleshooting

A new way to visualize your Webex Calling calls. Use the troubleshooting tool to look up Webex Calling calls, and see hop-by-hop packet loss, jitter, and latency information. The troubleshooting view displays call information, pinpoints media quality issue, and aid in speedy resolution. This feature is available in all regions and for calls involving desk phones and soft clients both desktop and mobile. For more information, see Troubleshoot Webex Calling Media Quality in Control Hub.

New Media Quality tab in Calling analytics

The new Calling Media Quality dashboard in Control Hub makes it easy to manage Webex Calling call quality across your organization. High-level key performance indicators (KPIs) give administrators a quick view of global call quality. Our charts provide detailed views of this data by location, IP address, media type, connection type, codec, endpoint type, and IP phone model. Data is available for Webex Calling calls and not for Call on Webex calls and is updated near real time. You can see call quality data within 15 minutes of when a call ends.

Administrators can use filters for even more granularity, such as isolating call quality data by location and IP phone type in just seconds. These tools enable our customers to deliver a consistent, high quality calling experience, and resolve issues before users complain. For more information, see the Calling section of Analytics for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio

March 25, 2022

Calling Behavior Settings

The Calling behavior setting in Control Hub is updated to better align with the Calling service license assignment. This feature streamlines the calling behavior through API to on board users to Control Hub. For more information, see Call behavior and assign calling entitlements.

March 23, 2022

Updated Webex Calling first-time setup wizard experience

Webex Calling administrators can use the new flow to set up the first location of Webex Calling. Use the updated first-time setup wizard experience for configuring the Webex services.

March 21, 2022

Add support for PLAR/Ringdown for Cisco ATA and MPP devices

This feature provides administrative control to enable a PLAR/Ringdown service on specific phones. For more information, see Configure Hotline (PLAR) on Cisco MPP, ATA19x and Audiocodes ATA devices.

March 17, 2022

MPP DECT Firmware Upgrade to v5.0.1

MPP DECT Firmware is upgraded for Cisco DECT DBS-210 from v480b20 to v501. Introducing these features as part of this firmware upgrade:

  • Support Call Statistics on the SIP Signaling and Media

  • Support for Ringer Volume Adjustment - Louder options

  • Support for the Hungarian Language

  • Support for Expansion of the Multicell Feature for Calling

    • The multicell solution will be expanded for up to 50 base stations and 120 lines.

    • The Control Hub Capacity Increase will be available from February 28, 2022 for EU/EN regions and on March 7 2022 for NAMER/CA/AU/JPN regions.

  • Support for DHCP Option 150 granularity.

Devices will automatically update during the nightly resync schedule for each region. For additional information, visit Cisco IP DECT 6800 Series Release Notes for Firmware Release 5.0(1). If the DBS-210 is on 4.5.x or 4.6.x firmware, upgrade it to 4.8.1 SR1 (v480b20) manually before onboarding to Control Hub. You can download the firmware using the Software Download link.

The DBS-110 base firmware is planned to be updated during a separate maintenance activity.

Applying more than one line to a DECT handset, using the Manage Handset option under the Build DECT Network feature is currently not supported. This may cause the base to reboot when it receives the updated configuration file. A fix is planned and will be deployed during a separate firmware maintenance event. We recommended provisioning a single line to each handset, until the fix is deployed.

March 1, 2022

Rich call presence in Webex App

Call presence integration between user's desk phone and Webex App feature gives you tactical advantage in effectively connecting inbound callers with employees, which will reduce hold times and hang-ups. For more information, see Call presence synchronization in Webex Calling.

Provisioning API: Paging Groups

Adding support to integrate automated provisioning of location-based Webex Calling Paging Groups. This feature allows the creation, deletion, and editing of Paging Groups. For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

Full Screen Device Experience

The MPP device management view for devices is launched. Navigate from the Control Hub , go to Management > Devices. Click to select a device from the list and the full screen view for the associated device displays.

Webex Calling administrators can use the full screen view to configure devices similar to other Webex services.


February 25, 2022

Provisioning API: Auto attendant

Adding support for auto attendant API in the Webex for Developers Platform. For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

February 18, 2022

Cisco MPP Firmware Upgrade to v11.3.6

Multiplatform firmware will be upgraded for Cisco MPP 6800, 7800, and 8800 series phones from 11.3.5 to 11.3.6. As part of this firmware upgrade, no new calling features are being introduced for Webex Calling. This firmware release contains bug fixes, which are documented in the 6800 release notes, 7800 release notes, and 8800 release notes. If customers are interested in participating in the EFT program, they can request it to be enabled with the TAC team.

  • Support for French Canadian language on the IP Phone.

  • Enable ICE on WxC in APAC and Japan KDDI (except for Cisco video phones – Cisco 8845 and Cisco 8865).

  • 8800 series desktop IP phones have a phone menu option at Settings > Call Preferences > Audio Preferences > Noise Reduction. By default noise reduction is Off, but the user has the option to turn it On, on their phones.

February 15, 2022

Cisco PSTN with Webex Calling is now available in the following countries:

  • Greece

  • Poland

  • Switzerland

For additional information, visit Get Started with the Cisco Calling Plan.

Additional languages for announcements

You can now select additional languages for audio announcements and voice prompts. Languages included in this enhancement are:

  • Arabic

  • Bulgarian

  • Catalan (Spain)

  • Croatian

  • Danish

  • Dutch

  • Finnish

  • Hungarian

  • Indonesian

  • Norwegian

  • Polish

  • Romanian

  • Russian

  • Serbian

  • Swedish

  • Turkish

  • Thai (Thailand)

  • Vietnamese

  • Spanish (Latin America)

February 14, 2022

Webex Calling Dedicated Instance is available in Australia region

Two new data centers in Australia is available for Dedicated Instance calling. Partners and Customers can now activate Dedicated Instance in "AUS" region from the First Time Setup Wizard (FTSW). For more information, see How to Activate Dedicated Instance.


January 31, 2022

Provisioning API: Call park

Adding support for Call Park in the Webex for Developers Platform. For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

Provisioning API: Location schedules

Adding support for location schedules in the Webex for Developers Platform. For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

January 28, 2022

Configure call intercept for a location

Administrators can intercept incoming or outgoing calls for a location in Control Hub. Disconnect a location’s phone lines and play a detailed announcement for callers and provide alternate routing options. This feature is available in all regions. For more information, see Configure Call Park intercept for a location in Cisco Webex Control Hub.

January 27, 2022

Extend call decline to all devices

Default behavior change for all Webex devices and Webex App: Call decline actions are extended to all devices or applications where the line is present. This stops the Call Park ringing on other devices or applications once the call is declined.

The default behavior has changed retrospectively for existing devices except where more than one MPP/ATA device exists for a particular user.

This new default behavior can be changed in Control Hub on a per-line basis for MPP/ATA devices, on adding the device. This may be desirable for shared line scenarios.

This feature is available in all regions. For more information, visit Decline a ringing call on all devices for a user.

January 19, 2022

Integrated audio for Webex Calling

Webex Calling now allows you to dial in to Webex Meetings dial in numbers, both toll and toll free, without incurring PSTN charges. When you dial in to a meeting from your Webex Calling device, your media stays on net in the Cisco Webex cloud, for improved latency and reduced PSTN charges. For more information, see Integrated Audio for Webex Calling.

January 6, 2022

Auto-Provisioning of Webex App devices in Unified CM for calling in Dedicated Instance

The auto provisioning feature in Control Hub enables self-provisioning of the user's devices for Webex Calling in Unified CM, without any administrator's intervention. When a user provisioned for Webex Calling in Dedicated Instance signs in with their registered email address or User ID into Webex App, the corresponding device types are auto that is created in Unified CM. For more information, see Auto-Provisioning of Webex App Devices in Unified CM for Calling in Dedicated Instance.


December 22, 2021

Bulk delete numbers

Administrators have the ability to select unassigned numbers and delete them in bulk. For more information, see Bulk delete phone numbers in Control Hub.

December 21, 2021

Video for N-way calling

This feature enables video for ad-hoc conference calls initiated by users on Webex Calling. Video conference calls are now enabled where audio-only conference calls previously existed for video-enabled devices.

Webex Calling partner model consolidation

Partners: The Webex Calling for SP offer will be consolidated for a simplified, single offer, to provide expanded addressable markets and PSTN options for partners and customers. For Webex Calling SPs, a Cisco representative will contact you with additional details and conversion scheduling.

December 16, 2021

Specify external caller ID name

Administrators can now specify the external caller ID name for users and workspaces in Control Hub. For more information, see Specify caller ID options for users and workspaces.

Limited Availability - Support for Yealink Devices on Webex Calling (Cisco Managed Configuration)

Customers who have already purchased Yealink devices and need T-Series or CP conference devices exposed to their Organization in Control Hub should contact their Cisco Account Manager for approval. Please see the Webex Calling Support Device List for available models.

Feature Access Code (FAC) cleanup and documentation

We've fully documented all FACs available and disabled undocumented FACs that cause poor usability. For more information, see Feature access codes for Webex Calling.

December 15, 2021

Increase awareness on E911 changes in the U.S

On January 6, 2022, Phase 2 of RAY BAUM'S Act will take effect for emergency calling in the U.S. Webex Calling recently introduced the ability to support "Nomadic E911 with Dynamic Location Support in Webex Calling". This feature increases awareness around E911 by displaying Control Hub banner, notification and providing a checklist of steps a customer needs to perform to meet the needs of the upcoming regulation. For additional information, see: Enhanced Emergency Calling for Webex Calling.

December 14, 2021

Web RTMT for Dedicated Instance/UCMC

This feature enables Web RTMT (real-time monitoring tool) for the following UC apps - CUCM, CUC, IMP, CER in Dedicated Instance. It also enables OTT access to this tool through Control Hub.

December 8, 2021

Call Recording enablement made easier

Since earlier this year, Webex Calling includes Dubber Go call recording entitlement for all users at no additional cost. Prior to this feature, a customer admin had to wait for the Partner to enable the call recording feature before they could assign this service to users. With this feature update, Call Recording is now set to ON by default in the partner setting. As the administrator, you can enable or disable call recording for each specific user easily without having to wait for your partner to enable this feature. This service is available for all regions. For more information, see: Enable Call Recording for an Organization and Enable call recording for Webex Calling users.

UCM migration of personal contacts

Provide Jabber personal contact migration for large user counts that doesn't require end-user to do anything on their device.

December 3, 2021

Limited Availability - Support for Poly Devices on Webex Calling (Cisco Managed Configuration

Customers who have already purchased Poly devices and need Poly VVX or Trio devices exposed to their Organization in Control Hub should contact their Cisco Account Manager for approval. Please see the Webex Calling Support Device List for available models.

Call Control API: Call pickup and mute transfer

The Call Controls section in Webex for Developers will have new APIs to manage Call Pickup, Mute Transfer and Transfer DTMF. A new section for Webex Calling Voice Messaging is introduced in Webex For Developers API Reference that covers new APIs for Voice Messages and Message Waiting Indicators. These new APIs allow users to get a summary of all their voicemail messages and set the message waiting indicator status programmatically. The Webhooks APIs is updated with telephony_mwi, a new resource, for users to get event notifications when changes happen to users voice messaging service.

December 2, 2021

Enhancements to voicemail policies

Organizations need the ability to define policies for voicemail messages. With this feature, a Webex Calling Administrator can now have more control on Voice Message Retention period, Voice Message Forwarding Rules and stricter Passcode rules. If enabled, the Voice Message Retention policy allows the administrator to choose how long voice messages are stored before they are automatically deleted. With Voice Message Forwarding Rules, administrators can allow or disallow users to forward the voice message file to an email. In addition, we have enhanced passcode rules around how frequently the user has to change the PIN, the length of PIN, and the ability to avoid users setting simple passcodes. This feature allows administrators to define Voice Message settings in order to meet the organization's compliance needs.

Availability: This feature is available in all regions.

December 1, 2021

Ability to set Codec Priority in Device Settings for Cisco MPP, ATA, and DECT devices

We added the ability to set the Codec Priority in Device Settings for Cisco MPP, ATA, and DECT devices at the individual device and location levels only. This feature is available in all regions.

Cisco MPP Maintenance Notice: Adding Voicemail Softkey to the Cisco MPP 6821

Currently, the Cisco MPP 6821 does not have a physical voicemail button and there is no messages softkey for quick access to the voice portal.  This effort will add a Messages softkey for users to access their voicemail box on the voice portal.

Per the schedule listed below, Devices will automatically update during the nightly resync schedule for each region:

  • CANADA — December 1, 2021

  • EMEA — December 1, 2021

  • NAMER — December 1, 2021

  • JAPAN — December 2, 2021

  • APAC — December 2, 2021


November 30, 2021

Provisioning CSV: Call queues and hunt groups

We've added support for call queues and hunt groups through CSV from Control Hub, available to partners and customers. For more information, see Webex Calling call queue CSV file format reference and Webex Calling hunt group CSV file format reference.

Updated names and descriptions in calling user portal content

The calling user portal for Webex Calling will have several content updates to make the Webex Calling features more understandable to the end user. In-line help videos are now incluced. Office Anywhere is now Single Number Reach (Office Anywhere), and Remote Office features are now supported through Single Number Reach (Office Anywhere).

Availability: This feature is available in all regions.

November 24, 2021

Provisioning CSV: Call pickup

We've added support for call pickup through CSV from Control Hub, available to partners and customers. For more information, see Webex Calling call pickup CSV file format reference.

November 15, 2021

Webex Calling Singapore data center

Webex Calling Media Pop data center in Singapore is a new calling data center that offers edge services, media services, and interconnections with partners such as Cloud-Connected PSTN Partners (CCPP) to customer locations in Southeast Asian countries. Clients in the region can connect to the Singapore data center as their closest entry point to the Webex network, minimizing latency and improving media quality. For more information, see Singapore data center for Webex Calling.

November 15, 2021

Nomadic E911 with Dynamic Location Support in Webex Calling

On January 6, 2022, phase 2 of RAY BAUM’S Act, will take effect, which requires that a dispatchable location for non-fixed and off-premises devices be conveyed with all 911 calls to the appropriate Public Safety Access Point (PSAP). Webex App and devices, when on campus, provide location information based on the network topology configured by the system administrator. The system detects the network identity for their connection, such as BSSID from wireless access point, device physical (MAC) address or IP subnet and uses the mapping configured by administrators to accurately identify a user’s location. For the Nomadic off-premises user, the Webex App will prompt these employees for their current address and validate it, to be used as part of the emergency call. Nomadic E911 is now included with your existing Webex Calling (multi-tenant and Dedicated Instance) and UCM Cloud subscription for all your U.S based users.

Availability: Available in all regions. Only applicable to organizations with US locations. For more information, visit Enhanced Emergency Calling for Webex Calling

Webex App E911 support

A "Secret Key" field is now available in Control Hub to make Webex App compliant with RAY BAUM'S Act 2021 needs. This is used by the Webex App to determine the location of user both on-permise (enterprise wiremap) and off-premise. The Webex App uses this to communicate with RedSky, an E911 provider, to determine the users location when the app detects any network change. The app is now able to automatically detect wiremapped location (locations provisioned by admin in RedSky) or prompt for the address for any non-premise location.

Availability: Available in all regions. Only applicable to organizations with US locations. For more information, visit Enhanced Emergency Calling for Webex Calling

November 4, 2021

Webex Setup Assist

Cisco experts assist partners and customer administrators in the migration and implementation of Webex Calling services through the Webex Setup Assist service. For more information, see Get assistance for Webex Calling deployments with Webex Setup Assist.

November 3, 2021

Cisco MPP Firmware Upgrade to 11.3.5

Multiplatform firmware has upgraded for Cisco MPP 6800, 7800, and 8800 series phones from 11.3.4 to 11.3.5. As part of this firmware upgrade, no new calling features are being introduced for Webex Calling. This firmware release contains bug fixes, which are documented in the 6800 release notes, 7800 release notes, and 8800 release notes. If customers are interested in participating in the EFT program, they can request it to be enabled with the TAC team.

Headset firmware upgrades for the following models:

  • Cisco 520 and 530 -> 15-18-26

  • Cisco 560 -> 2-3-0001-13

Availability: Available in all regions.


October 29, 2021

Provisioning API: Call Pickup

We've added support for Call Pickup API. For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

Removal of access to users and workspaces in the Calling Admin Portal

Configuration for users and workspaces is completely migrated to Control Hub, so access and editing in the Calling Admin Portal is removed.

October 22, 2021

Voicemail group

This feature enables Webex Calling customers to create and manage a voicemail and fax inbox that can be shared by multiple users. Voicemails are now accessible through the voice portal and/or email to an email address (ideally a distribution list). The voicemail group can be utilized for several applications such as call queue or hunt group overflow, an option on the auto attendant, or even as an inbox for contractors.

Availability: This feature is available in all regions.

For more information, see Manage a Shared Voicemail and Inbound Fax Box for Webex Calling.

October 7, 2021

Singlewire/Informacast integration with Webex Calling

This feature will allow a Webex Calling user to dial and connect to a Singlewire/Informacast server to play a pre-recorded message or a live announcement. The message is broadcast to the MPPs associated with the defined message. This feature is now available in all regions. For additional information, visit Add Your Customer Managed Device.

October 6, 2021

Webex Calling Private Network Connections

Private Network Connect (PNC) enables customers to access Webex Calling more securely and reliably than over the top Internet (OTT). Key options for private access are per customer VLAN over a partner's interconnect or a dedicated interconnect for a customer. Once an interconnect is established, customer PNCs are easily entered in Control Hub, with automated provisioning of network elements and updates to device configurations.

Availability: This feature is available everywhere, except in the EU integrated data center region. Interconnect is required prior to ordering.

For additional information, visit Connect Customer Private Network to Webex Calling.

October 5, 2021

Room systems for users (personal mode)

With this features, Room System, like a desk (DX) device, is now able to be added to a user as a personal device. When added as a personal device, users can use it just like a fixed device, including making PSTN calls directly from the device.

For more information, see Deploy Your Webex Room Phone.

October 4, 2021

Cisco Calling Plan availability

Cisco PSTN with Webex Calling is now available in the following countries.

  • Belgium

  • Denmark

  • Finland

  • France

  • Germany

  • Ireland

  • Luxembourg

  • Sweden

For additional information, visit Get Started with the Cisco Calling Plan.


September 30, 2021

New integrated EU native data center

Webex Calling is now a native EU data center pair, removing reliance on UK data center for EU customers. New EU customers are now hosted in that data center pair, if the first calling location they create is in an EU country. Pre-existing customers have the option to request a migration to the new data center pair in the EU.

For more information, see Webex Calling Data Center in the European Union.

Dubber call recording integration

Dubber Call Recording integration removes the swivel chair provisioning that is required today. When call recording is enabled for a user, the user will be created in Dubber automatically, requiring no additional administrator actions. This feature is available for all regions. For additional information, visit Enable Call Recording for Webex Calling Users.

Call Recording: Enable dual stream recording

Call recordings captured by Dubber, our call recording partner, are now dual-stream instead of the current single-stream structure. Dual-stream allows Dubber to process the recordings by what the Webex Calling user heard or by what the Webex Calling user said, instead of only reviewing what was heard and said together. This feature is available for all regions. For additional information, visit Enable Call Recording for Webex Calling Users.

September 29, 2021

Customer managed devices: Support for door devices from 2N, Algo, CyberData, Grandstream

With the new Customer Managed Devices feature, administrators can assign a pre-certified SIP device to a workspace and then use the information provided to manually provision and deploy the device. Customer Managed Devices will be added in phases including, 2N, GrandStream, CyberData, and Algo devices.

Availability of this feature, per vendor, is as follows:

  • Algo — All regions

  • 2N — All regions

  • Grandstream — All regions

  • Cyberdata — Coming soon

For additional information, visit Add Your Customer Managed Device.

Expanded device portfolio: DECT-210 Multi-cell - build and manage DECT network

Cisco IP DECT DBS-210 Multi-Cell allows provisioning of up to 30 handsets across up to 5 base units. Administrators build and manage Cisco DECT network settings within Cisco Webex Control Hub. This feature is available for all regions.

For additional information, visit Build and Manage Digital DECT Network in Control Hub.

September 23, 2021

Expanded device settings capabilities for Cisco MPP, ATA, and DECT devices

With the expanded Device Settings (previously Phone Settings) capabilities in Control Hub, administrators have the ability to customize a wide range of configuration options for Cisco MPP, ATAs, and DECT devices. This feature is available in all regions.

Newly introduced Device Settings include:

  • ATA - Set the DTMF Mode/Method

  • MPP - Provide a Customer Background Image URL (Select Models)

  • MPP - Set the Phone Language

  • MPP - Set the Screen Timeout (Screen Saver)

  • MPP - Change the default CQ Agent Softkey location

  • MPP - Enable/Disable Web Access (User Level)

  • MPP - Set the Off-Hook Timer

  • MPP - Set the Default Logging Level

  • MPP - Set a Wi-Fi Network SSID and Authentication Method

  • MPP - Set the POE Mode

  • MPP - Enable/Disable DND Services

  • MPP/ATA - Enable/Disable 802.1x

  • MPP/DECT - Set up to 10 Multicast groups for MPP, 3 for DECT

  • MPP/ATA/DECT - Set a VLan

  • MPP/ATA/DECT - Enable/Disable QOS

  • MPP/ATA/DECT - Enable/Disable CDP & LLDP

  • MPP/ATT/DECT - Set Codec Priority Options: Coming soon

For more information, visit Configure and Modify Device Settings.

September 22, 2021

Webex Edge Connect for Webex Calling

Webex Calling has been added to Webex Edge Connect. Customers can now use a single Webex Edge Connect for both Calling and Meetings traffic. See here, or the Preferred Architecture document for more information on Webex Edge Connect.

September 8, 2021

Enable and disable video on the Webex App

Control Hub now includes the ability for a customer administrator to enable or disable video for Calling and other Webex services on the Webex app. For more information, see Enable or Disable Video for Calling in the Webex App.

September 7, 2021

Integrated Cloud-Connected PSTN for Webex Calling

Integrated Cloud-Connected PSTN for Webex Calling is a new integrated PSTN provisioning experience that provides comprehensive end-to-end provisioning and management of Cloud-Connected PSTN Partner (CCPP) -provided PSTN on a single pane of glass in Control Hub.

It builds upon Webex Calling's industry leading Cloud-Connected PSTN infrastructure to automate what has traditionally been a manual, swivel-chair process.

Customers and partners can now select a CCPP provider within Control Hub to order, port, and manage telephone numbers directly in Control Hub.

Availability: This capability is currently available in the US and Canada in partnership with Intelepeer. It will progressively be extended to other partners.

September 1, 2021

Cisco Calling Plans in UK

Cisco PSTN with Webex Calling is now available in the United Kingdom. For more information, visit Get Started with the Cisco Calling Plan.


August 31, 2021

Support for distinct time zone settings on location services

Through Control Hub, location services, including hunt groups, call queues, and auto attendants, now have a separate time zone field independent of the time zone set for a location. To edit the time zone for a location service, go to the General Settings area of the specific feature you would like to update the time zone for and edit and save there. For more information about how to edit these services, see the following:

Availability: Available in all regions.

August 30, 2021

Expanded devices portfolio: Cisco VG400 Gateway

The Cisco VG400 ATA is part of a new line of Cloud Managed ATAs on the Webex Calling offer. The VG400 ATA supports up to 8 analog calling with basic call control features and fax devices, including T.38 support. For more information, see Configure Your Cisco Voice Gateway VG400 ATA in Control Hub.

August 20, 2021

Dual identity support (flexible interoperability policies for managing multiple PSTN providers)

Dual Identity Support setting impacts the handling of the From header and P-Asserted-Identity (PAI) header when sending an initial SIP INVITE to the trunk for an outbound call. When enabled, the From and PAI headers are treated independently and may differ. When disabled, the PAI header is set to the same value as the From header. For more information, see Configure Trunks, Route Groups, and Dial Plans for Webex Calling.

Existing Trunks are set either to enabled or disabled state, as per current system-level setting, to avoid any change in behavior when this feature is released.

August 18, 2021

Enable and disable remote desktop control on the Webex App

Control Hub now includes the ability for a customer administrator to enable or disable the client controls for Remote Desktop Control (RDC) of Cisco room devices. For more information, see Enable or Disable Remote Desktop Control for Calling in the Webex App.

August 9, 2021

Native support for toll-free numbers

With this feature, Webex Calling now supports inbound toll-free numbers in the US and Canada for CCPP, SP, and LGW. You are now able to assign toll-free numbers to entry points such as auto attendants, hunt groups, and call queues. You are able to use a toll-free number as the outgoing calling line ID (CLID) for users, when making external calls.

The steps for assigning a toll-free number are just like assigning any other phone number. The toll-free number has a toll-free tag next to it, so that you can easily identify it. For more information about how to manage phone numbers in Control Hub, see Manage Phone Numbers in Control Hub.

Migration of features in Control Hub: Users and workspaces

More features are now available for user and workspace management in Control Hub, including user language settings, and alternate phone numbers you can assign to users. All Webex Calling user management can now be done in Control Hub.

For more information on how these features are now configured in Control Hub, see the following:

Availability: Available in all regions.


July 27, 2021

Media optimization for Webex Calling (ICE)

Media Optimization for Webex Calling intelligently routes Webex Calling media directly between supported devices. When making calls within your org between Webex app, desk phones, or Local Gateways, media will attempt to use ICE to route media directly rather than routing via the cloud. For more information, please see the documentation here.

Media Optimization is currently rolling out globally and will be enabled across devices and apps in the coming weeks. Enablement has already happened in Canada for desk phones and will progress as follows:

  • Canada — Desk phones: July 21, Webex App: November 16

  • Europe — Desk phones: July 29, Webex App: November 18

  • United States — Desk phones: *August 12, Webex App: November 22

  • Japan — Desk phones: *August 19, Webex App: November 28

  • Australia — Desk phones: *August 26, Webex App: November 25

*Updated desk phone dates. These dates have shifted by one week.

July 1, 2021

MPP accessories added to device inventory

This feature allows the addition of the connected MPP accessory devices to an inventory item within the Devices page on Control Hub. The supported MPP accessories are Cisco Headsets (500 Series) and Cisco Key Expansion Modules (KEM). For more information, visit Configure and Manage Webex Calling Devices.


June 30, 2021

Update to several administrative features in Control Hub

Several administrative controls in Webex Calling have been removed. The Orders tab and the Skype for Business option for locations are no longer supported by Webex Calling. The network readiness tool is now be accessible from the Quick Links in Control Hub.

June 29, 2021

Flex 3.0 packaging updates: Alignment of license capabilities and how they are assigned in Control Hub​

Enterprise is now Webex Calling Professional or Professional. Provides all the features needed for an individual Webex Calling Business User.

Enhanced (Flex 3.0)/Common Area (Flex 2.0) and Places in Control Hub is now Webex Calling Workspace or Workspace. Built for shared use and common area locations (for example, lobby phones), ATA devices and place assignments when needing PSTN for Webex Room devices. Limited to a single device. Workspace license is not intended for an individual user's calling needs.

Basic user licenses purchased on Flex 2.0 subscriptions remain Basic. However, Basic licenses are not in Flex 3.0 and are no longer available when creating a new trial.

With these changes, there is no change in capability, pricing, or function within Control Hub.

June 25, 2021

Send-to-voicemail for user selectively forward calls

When configuring an internal number or extension as a destination for selectively forwarded calls in the Calling User Portal, users are able to send the call directly to voicemail. This behavior is consistent with other types of call forwarding.

June 3, 2021

Call queue and agent stat reports

Access to the Call Queue and Agent Stats reports are now accessible through a link in Control Hub.

Availability: Available in all regions. For more information, see Manage Call Queues in Cisco Webex Control Hub.

June 2, 2021

Free "Dubber Go" call recording subscriptions

Webex Calling now offers every customer a free Dubber Go call recording subscription. With this subscription, customers are able to enable all of their users for Call Recording. This offers unlimited recordings. Each recording is stored for a 30-day period and is automatically deleted after 30 days. Users can access and manage their recordings from their Dubber portal. For more information about how to enable call recording for users, see Enable Call Recording for Webex Calling Users.


April 30, 2021

Regional media for Cloud Connected PSTN (CCP)

Multinational Webex Calling customers are now able to use CCP providers in home and remote regions; improving media quality and simplifying deployments. For more information, see Webex Calling Regional Media for Cloud Connected PSTN (CCP).

Cisco MPP DBS-110 DECT product release

This feature adds four new products to the Webex Calling offer:

  • Cisco DECT DBS-110 Base - Delivers a best-in-class DECT offering for smaller deployments with up to 40 lines and 20 active handsets. The new DBS-110 Base can be deployed in Single Cell mode or in a two node Multicell mode (Dual Cell).

  • Cisco DECT DBS-110 Repeater - The new Repeater can be used in conjunction with both DBS-110 and DBS-210 Base units and extends the DECT radio footprint. Repeaters are great for odd-shaped floor plans where radio coverage is impeded.

  • Cisco MPP 6825 Ruggedized DECT Handset - The 6825 Ruggedized Handset is rated for IP65 Deployments. IP65 rating means “dust tight” and protected against water projected from a nozzle.

  • Cisco MPP 6823 Lightweight DECT Handset - The 6823 is a lighter weight, lower cost handset with the following differences from the standard 6825 handset version, a lower resolution display, no Backlit keypad keys, no Bluetooth LE 4.1 for headsets, no emergency button for inter-network notifications.

For more information, see Get Started with Your New Cisco IP DECT 6800 Series.

April 26, 2021

Enhanced calling analytics

A new Calling Analytics dashboard is now available. The new dashboard provides organization-level insights and trending Key Performance Indicators, similar to other Webex collaboration products. The new dashboard loads lightning quick and is more responsive. For Webex Calling organizations, you can easily track quality by filtering across sites and endpoint types, while tables highlight your most engaged users and any users that may be experiencing poor media quality. For more information, see Analytics for Your Cloud Collaboration Portfolio.

April 9, 2021

Migration of features in Control Hub: Number management

The administrative setup and configuration of phone numbers assigned to users, services, and devices is now accessible in Control Hub. Administrators no longer have to go to the Calling Admin Portal to assign or configure these features.

Availability: Available in all regions. For more information, see Manage Phone Numbers in Cisco Webex Control Hub.


March 31, 2021

Change in default settings for Canadian data center

When an existing US VAR partner selects Canada (CA) in the Data Centre Country Selection drop-down in Control Hub, the new default behavior provisions these customers in the Canada Data Center. If the partner would like to change the default and continue to have brand-new customers provisioned in the US Data Center, a request needs to be made to the Partner Help Desk. This is a partner-level setting. Once enabled, no additional action is needed on the part of the partner.

Call Control: Calling behavior API

Calling Behavior API is essential for large partners, migrating from UCMC or UCM to Webex Calling giving them ability to automate the user onboarding process assigning a UC profile to a user.

Migration of features in Control Hub: Call queues

Call queues temporarily hold calls in the cloud when an agent assigned to receive calls from the queue are unavailable. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin Portal to set up and configure call queues for your locations. You are now able to complete call queue configuration in Control Hub under the settings for features.

For more information, see Manage Call Queues in Cisco Webex Control Hub.

March 30, 2021

Call Control: Call recording API​

We've added Call Recording APIs to the Webex for Developers platform. This will allow applications to start, stop, pause, and resume recordings. For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.

User experience enhancement: Webex App and Webex Calling App download

We updated the Webex Calling app download experience. Based on your organization's settings users will automatically see either the Webex Calling app or the Webex app. You can download either app from settings.webex.com.

March 26, 2021

Support for on-demand call recording

This feature is to enable the "On-demand / User Initiated" call recording option that allows an end-user to start, pause, resume, stop call recording. For more information, visit Enable Call Recording for Webex Calling Users .

March 24, 2021

User experience enhancement

Ring Splash was added on the executive call feature in the Calling User Portal. This also introduced silent versus ring splash alerting options for the executive assistant service.

For more information about how to configure the executive and executive assistant service in the Calling User Portal, see this article.

March 15, 2021

Trunks, route groups, and dial plans

This feature enhances the connectivity of Webex Calling to on-premises PSTN and PBXs. The enhancement includes trunks, groups of trunks (route groups), and a centralized dialing plan to add scale and redundancy for trunks to premises with priority, failover, and load balancing. This feature routes calls between Webex Calling users and one-to-many on-premises PBXs. It supports both premises-based PSTN and cloud-connected PSTN for Webex Calling users. With this enhancement, we can clarify the definitions of Local Gateway, Premises-based PSTN, and Trunks. Local Gateway refers to on-premises gateway. Premises-based PSTN and Trunks describes the PSTN and connectivity in Webex Calling.

For more information, see Configure Trunks, Route Groups, and Dial Plans for Cisco Webex Calling.

Reset voicemail PIN

Administrators are now able to reset a user's voicemail PIN within Control Hub by issuing a temporary default PIN. Users continue to have the ability to reset their voicemail PIN in settings.webex.com or by changing their PIN using the voicemail portal.

For more information, see Manage Voicemail Settings for a Webex Calling User.

March 5, 2021

Bulk enhancements

User Features API - Updated user features including Barge-In, Call Forwarding, Call Recording, Voicemail, Do Not Disturb, Caller ID, and Intercept. For more information about Webex Calling APIs, click here.


February 16, 2021

Sell-in countries added

Calling services are now also available for sale in the following countries: Indonesia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, South Africa.


January 28, 2021

Language enhancement for announcements and emails

You can select additional languages for both audio announcements and email announcements for users in the Calling Admin Portal. For more information, see this article.

Languages included in this enhancement are:

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • European Portuguese

  • Spanish

  • Korean (new)

  • Czech (new)

  • Brazilian Portuguese (new)

January 26, 2021

Office Anywhere

This feature allows users to make, receive, and move calls to or from any designated device. Office Anywhere is now available to configure in Control Hub. Administrators no longer have to go to the Calling Admin Portal to set up and configure Office Anywhere.

For more information, see Office Anywhere in Cisco Webex Control Hub.

Emergency callback number

Webex Calling Emergency Callback Number (ECBN) manages the Calling Line ID (CLID) that is presented to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for emergency calls. Administrators can configure a location and users with a specified Emergency Callback Number (ECBN) within Control Hub. This configuration is independent of the configurable CLID, which will continue to be used for non-emergency call.

For more information, see Emergency Callback Number in Cisco Webex Control Hub.

January 21, 2021

Device overrides

The device overrides enhancement provides a way for administrators to manage their device configurations from Control Hub. It adds greater device provisioning flexibility by allowing enterprise customers to customize their devices to fit their business needs. Capabilities include: phone background image, long interdigit timer, short interdigit timer, display name, line key labels, and line key LED pattern.

Available in all regions. For more information, see Configure and Update Phone Settings for Your Organization.

January 19, 2021

Device management

We've enhanced device management throughout Control Hub. You can now assign and manage devices for users and workspaces, and you no longer have to go to the Calling Admin Portal to manage line orders, devices and clients, or other configuration options for your Cisco phones and ATAs. Cisco devices can be assigned Webex Calling services from Control Hub. Available in all regions.


December 9, 2020

Support for Non-Latin Characters

Non-Latin characters now display correctly for incoming calls on the Cisco IP Phone Multiplatform Phones and devices.

This improvement is for customer in the Asia-Pacific region only, including Japan, China, and Hong Kong.

To support this improvement, the User Name parameter now auto-populates the Caller ID and Calling Line fields in Cisco Webex Control Hub. The auto-populated fields are read-only.

This improvement affects the following call features:

  • Auto Attendant

  • Hunt Group

  • Paging Group

  • Call Queues

The name of the Workspace also auto-populates the Place Name in Caller ID.

December 3, 2020

Hunt Groups

Hunt groups are calling groups that can distribute a single call across a specific group of users. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure hunt groups for your locations. You can complete application services configuration in Control Hub under the Features section.

For more information, see Hunt Groups in Cisco Webex Control Hub.


October 2, 2020

Call Park Extensions

Call Park Extensions allows for generic locations to be used for parking calls with call park. Administrators can define up to 100 extensions within call park for parking calls. These call park extensions can be monitored by users within the organization through the monitoring service.

For more information, see Call Park Extensions.

October 1, 2020

Virtual Extensions

Virtual extensions allow organizations to include non-Webex Calling locations in their dial plan. Administrators can assign virtual extensions to users that aren’t on their organization’s, supplier’s, or business partner’s network. Dialed Virtual Extensions are translated to routable numbers and then sent to the dialing user's PSTN connection for outbound handling.​


September 30, 2020

Bulk Update Phone Numbers and Caller IDs

You can bulk update phone numbers and caller ID information, such as the caller ID number and first and last name associated with a caller ID. You can use the Modify Users with a CSV Template process in Control Hub to bulk update numbers and caller IDs.

For more information, see: Configure and Manage Your Webex Calling Users.

September 23, 2020

Auto Attendant

Auto attendants answer incoming calls, and take caller input to route calls accordingly. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure auto attendants for your locations. You can complete auto attendant configuration in Control Hub under the Features settings section.

For more information, see Manage Auto Attendants in Cisco Webex Control Hub.

Scheduling and Office Hours

Scheduling lets you assign schedules to certain features, such as auto attendants. For example, you can set holiday hours for auto attendant services. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up schedules and office hours for your locations. You can complete scheduling and office hour configuration in Control Hub under the settings for each Location.

For more information, see Create and Configure a Schedule in Cisco Webex Control Hub.

Default Voicemail PIN

Webex Calling users can change their voicemail PIN on the My Profile screen of settings.webex.com, and Administrators can set a default PIN for users. Emails to users now include information on setting up this PIN. This makes it easier for users and administrators to manage voicemail.


August 19, 2020

Application Services

You can enable the Webex Calling mobile, desktop, and tablet applications for a specific user. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure application services for each user. You can complete application services configuration in Control Hub under the settings for each user.

For more information, see: Manage Application Services for a Webex Calling User in Control Hub.

August 7, 2020

Receptionist Client

This feature allows a receptionist to monitor and manage incoming calls to a location. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure the receptionist client for your users. You can complete the receptionist client configuration in Control Hub under the settings for each user.

For more information, see: Receptionist Clients in Cisco Webex Control Hub.

Group Paging

Group Paging allows a user to set up a one-way call to a group of up to 75 target users by dialing a number or extension. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure originators and targets of group pages. You can complete the configuration of the Group Paging service in Control Hub under the Features settings section.

For more information, see: Configure a Paging Group in Cisco Webex Control Hub.

August 5, 2020

Analog Hotline

Analog Hotline is a user-level service that was accessible through the Calling Admin Portal. This feature was removed from the Webex Calling offer and is no longer accessible in either the Calling Admin Portal or Control Hub.


July 8, 2020

Personal Mode for Devices

Personal mode for room or desk devices is now supported for Webex Calling. When you activate a device in Control Hub, users of the device can start or receive Webex Teams calls. Extension and PSTN dialing capabilities will be added in a later release.

For more information, see: Set Up a Room or Desk Device as a Personal Device.

July 6, 2020

Bulk Activate Phone Numbers

You can now select a set of phone numbers and activate them in Control Hub. You have the option of loading deactivated phone numbers and quickly activating them through Control Hub at any time.

For more information, see: Configure Cisco Webex Calling for Your Organization.

July 2, 2020

Voice Portals

Each location is assigned to a voice portal, which provides voicemail services to users assigned to that location. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure a location's voice portal. You can complete the voice portal password and number assignment in Control Hub under the settings for each Location.

For more information, see: Configure Voice Portals for Cisco Webex Calling in Control Hub.

July 1, 2020

User and Workspace Intercept

User and workspace intercept lets you reroute any incoming or outgoing call for a user to a number that you choose. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure user intercept. You can complete user and workspace configuration in Control Hub under the settings for each user or workspace.


June 16, 2020

Webex Calling Analytics in Control Hub

Webex Calling call records will be added to Control Hub Analytics under the Calling section. You'll be able to view engagement details for your organization to track the adoption of Webex Calling. You can also view media quality data for all calls made from MPP devices and soft clients to triage issues with packet loss, latency, and jitter.

For more information, see: Webex Calling Analytics in Control Hub.

June 4, 2020

Call Park and Call Park Group

Call park is when someone places a call on hold on an extension. Call park group allows call recipients to place a call on hold so that it can be retrieved from another device. For calls parked with a call park group, the system chooses to park the call against any extension from the list of users who are assigned to the call park group. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure call park or call park group. You can complete call park and call park group configurations in Control Hub.

For more information, see: Call Park in Cisco Webex Control Hub.

Call Pickup

Call pickup allows one person to answer someone else's phone call. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure call pickup. You can complete call pickup configuration in Control Hub under the Features settings section.

For more information, see: Call Pickup in Cisco Webex Control Hub.

Music on Hold

Music on hold plays music for callers who are on a parked call. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure music on hold. You can complete music on hold configuration in Control Hub under the settings for each Location.

For more information, see: Configure Music on Hold Settings for your Location.

Calling Permissions for Locations

You can determine what calling permissions each location has. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure calling permissions for locations. You can complete calling permission configuration in Control Hub under the settings for each location.


May 29, 2020

Places License Updates

The places license now includes busy lamp monitoring, call forward for busy or unanswered calls, call hold/ resume, call transfer, and hoteling for hosts. This update saves cost for customers and enhances user interactions with Places.

May 28, 2020

Call Forwarding, Voicemail, and Caller ID

You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure user features for Call Forwarding, Voicemail, and Caller ID. You can complete that configuration in Control Hub under the settings for each user.

For more information, see:

Calling Permissions for Users

You can determine what calling permissions each user has. You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to set up and configure calling permissions for a user. You can complete calling permission configuration in Control Hub under the settings for each user.

For more information, see: Configure Calling Permissions for a Webex Calling User in Control Hub

May 26, 2020

Change License Types

Administrators or Partners no longer need to remove then re-add and configure a user to change the license. You can now upgrade Webex Calling licenses to enterprise, or downgrade the license to basic all from Control Hub. Upgrading and downgrading licenses maintains user’s feature settings and assigned device/clients.

May 21, 2020

RedSky Integration with Webex Calling

We now support RedSky integration for Webex Calling, a feature that replaces a customer's use of the cloud PSTN provider or the on-premise PSTN provider (through local gateway) with RedSky's Horizon Mobility Service for emergency calls. RedSky Horizon Mobility provides an E911 solution for Webex Calling that lets you take advantage of user mobility instead of traditional static offerings. Horizon Mobility can track soft client users (using the MyE911 app) and HTTP-Enabled Location Delivery (HELD) compatible devices as they move around the organization's location. When the MyE911 app is unable to automatically determine a soft client users' location, the app prompts the user to input their location. Horizon Mobility provides email and SMS notifications for events including emergency calls and test (933) calls. Optional services include emergency call monitoring with barge-in and emergency call recording. This integration is only available for Webex Calling locations based in the US and Canada.

For more information, see RedSky Emergency 911 Service for Webex Calling.

May 15, 2020

Updates to The First Time Setup Wizard for Webex Calling

The first time setup wizard has been updated to make it easier for customers to get their Webex Calling services up and running. Several fields have been removed from the first time setup wizard including the assign phone number to a location requirement. Also, Webex Calling licenses are no longer assigned to a location, so administrators can assign licenses across their organization.

For more information see: Configure Cisco Webex Calling for Your Organization and Set Up Your Webex Calling Features.

May 11, 2020

New devices including Cisco IP Phone 6861 (Wi-Fi) and 6871 (with color display) Multiplatform Phones and AudioCodes MediaPack 1288 and 17 are now supported.

May 5, 2020

The Dubber Call Recording solution for Webex Calling is being readied now as a Cisco Solutions Plus Partner with pricing planned for access in the Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW). Dubber's SaaS-based call recording subscription option for Webex Calling provides enterprises with a strategic cloud-based service with unlimited scale to meet regulatory compliance with actionable insight into their voice communications like never before.

For more information, see Enable Call Recording for an Organization.

May 4, 2020

Regional Media for Endpoints and Local Gateways

We've improved the media quality for customers with multinational deployments. Multiplatform phones, analog telephone adapters (ATAs), soft clients, and local gateways will register to Session Border Controllers (SBCs) in their local regions. Keeping media in the local Webex Calling region helps to improve media quality by reducing latency and jitter.


April 29, 2020

Audio Quality Enhancements

Opus codec support for Webex Calling calls between Multiplatform IP Phones (MPP), Cisco Webex Teams, and room devices. This improves sound quality and lowers bandwidth usage for call flows involving those clients.

For more information, see Audio Specifications for Webex Calling.


March 24, 2020

CScan for Webex Calling

CScan, the network readiness test for Webex Calling, now tests more network characteristics. Run the Advanced Diagnostic Test at https://cscan.webex.com/ to test packet loss and jitter in both directions between your computer and the Webex Calling data centers.

March 16, 2020

Regional Media

In preparation for the upcoming Regional Media feature, we've combined North America, EMEA, Australia, and Japan into one Port Reference table for SPs and VARs called Production. To avoid a service outage, we strongly recommend that you update your firewalls accordingly before the upcoming release of Regional Media for Endpoints and Local Gateways.

New Phone Support

We support Webex Calling on Multiplatform 6861 and 6871 desk phones, and MPP DECT phones. These phones can be activated the same way you activate any other device.

We've added these phones to the devices list here.

March 6, 2020

Power-Up Webinars


February 25, 2020

Optional Extensions

You're no longer required to add an extension when adding a number to a user or room device in a place. It's now just an option that's available to you if you need it.

For more information, see the following articles:

February 24, 2020

Call Waiting

You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to enable Call Waiting for users. You can complete that configuration right in Control Hub.

Call Waiting allows people to take multiple calls at once. With call waiting, users can place a call on hold to answer a different call.

For more information, see Enable Call Waiting for Cisco Webex Calling.


You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to enable Push-to-Talk for users. You can complete that configuration right in Control Hub.

Push-to-Talk connects users in different parts of your organization. For example, you can create a list of customer service representatives who can chat with Jim in the warehouse using Push-to-Talk on their phones.

For more information, see Configure Push-to-Talk for Webex Calling Users.

February 17, 2020

Local Gateway for Service Providers

Service Providers (SPs) can now leverage the same local gateway configuration that used to be only available to Value Added Resellers (VARs).

For more information, see the following articles:

February 11, 2020

CUBE High Availability as LGW

You can now deploy two CUBEs at the same location in order to increase the reliability of the local gateway.

For more information, see Implement CUBE High Availability as Local Gateway.


January 21, 2020

Monitoring Configuration

You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to enable Monitoring for users. You can complete that configuration right in Control Hub.

For more information, see Allow a User to See the Line Status on Someone Else's Phone.

Privacy Configuration

You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to enable Privacy for users. You can complete that configuration right in Control Hub.

For more information, see Prevent Someone from Monitoring a User's Line Status.

January 16, 2020

Cloud Connected PSTN Provider (CCP) Program Expansion

In addition to having a certified PSTN provider for Australia and New Zealand, the CCP program has been expanded further to include another provider for United States, Canada, and Latin America.

To keep up-to-date about the CCP program and get a current list of certified CCP providers, refer to the CCP Community.


December 16, 2019

Hoteling Guest Configuration

You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to configure a user as a hoteling guest. You can complete that configuration right in Control Hub.

For more information, see the following Help articles:

Barge-In Configuration

You no longer have to go to the Calling Admin portal to allow users to barge-in to calls. You can complete that configuration right in Control Hub.

For more information, see the following Help articles:

December 6, 2019

Support for PSTN on Cisco Webex Room Devices

Room devices now support multimedia calling in a place. Administrators can now assign Webex Calling and phone numbers to room devices, giving users in a place the ability to make and receive phone calls from these devices.

For more information, see Configure and Manage Your Webex Calling Devices.

Assign Locations when Adding Users in Bulk

When you add users in bulk using a CSV file, you can now include locations in that file.

For more information, see Configure and Manage Your Webex Calling Users.


November 21, 2019

Delete a Location

Available in the following regions: North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Japan. Coming soon to Australia.

If you have a location that's either no longer in use or was configured incorrectly, you can now delete that location but only after you first delete the users and places associated with it. When you delete a location, you delete all of its assigned services and numbers. Any location can be deleted except the default location (usually the first location you created).

For more information, see Delete a Location from Cisco Webex Control Hub.

Support for Special Characters in User's First and Last Name

You'll soon be able to enter special characters as part of someone's first and last name and have them be reflected in Caller ID.

Call Recording

Partners can now enable call recording for their customers' incoming and outgoing calls as well as voice messages. Customers can choose which users to enable the feature for and customize settings such as Pause and Resume, recording announcements, and more.

We've created the following articles:

Support in Even More Countries

We now support the following sell-in countries: Japan and Mexico.

And we support the following branch office-only countries: Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey and Vietnam.

We've updated the following articles:

Secure and Simplified Device Onboarding

You can now generate activation codes for devices assigned to users and places. Users can now register their own phones to the cloud. All that's required is to unpack the device, enter a code, and their MPP device is fully operational with Webex Calling. You can also add and assign devices in bulk, making device onboarding even easier!

We've updated the following Help article:

Basic License for Users and Places

The Basic Station adds a new user license type to Webex Calling that enables limited calling-only capabilities to a user while offering more functionality than a Place.

We've updated the following Help articles:

New Phone Support

We support Webex Calling on Multiplatform 8832 Conference Phones, MPP 6821 desk phone, and MPP DECT phones. These phones can be activated the same way you activate any other device.

We've added these phones to the devices list here.

Client Support for Tablet and Chromebook

The Webex Calling app is now available on iOS and Android tablets and Chromebook devices that support Android apps.

We've added this capability to the Webex Calling App section of the System Requirements article.

Enterprise Dial Plan

You can now update your dial plan to add a unique routing prefix to each one of your locations, add a steering digit to a routing prefix, change internal extension lengths, and much more.

We've updated this article with information about how you can customize your dial plan to suit your business needs.

Multi-PSTN for Webex Calling for Service Providers (SPs)

You now have the option to select a different PSTN provider when you set up the calling plan for each of your locations in Control Hub. Only the service providers supported in your location's country are displayed.

We've updated this article with the information you need to get started.

Cloud Connected PSTN Provider (CCPP)

As a Webex Calling for VARs customer, you can now choose between the following calling settings:

  • Cloud Connected PSTN—A cloud solution that doesn't require a significant investment in local hardware.

  • Local gateway—Allows you to keep your current PSTN provider or maybe you want to be able to connect non-cloud sites with cloud sites and have a common dial plan (hybrid option). You may choose this option if you have multiple locations and you don't want to go all cloud, all at once.

We've updated this article with information about how you select these options in Control Hub:

Language Settings

You now have more ways to specify your preferred language in Webex Control Hub, such as when you create a new customer using the First Time Setup Wizard or add a location.

We've added these settings to the following Help articles:

Calling in Webex Teams

We've changed the default calling behavior that's integrated with Webex Teams.

Check out this article for more information.

Connect Line Enhancements

Delivers a better and more transparent user experience. Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP) enhances transparency displaying the caller ID of the actual connected party and provides the terminating party with the ability to prevent the presentation of their identity to the caller.

Enhanced Telephone Number Search

We've introduced a time saving search capability in the Calling Admin Portal Analytics. In addition to being able to retrieve call analytics by all location numbers and extensions or up to 50 individual site numbers or extensions, you can now search for a single external number.

Provides a time-saving benefit to administrators by showing only desired calls. Eliminates the need to download the full list via export and use an external program to filter the calls.

Service Assurance Enhancements

We expanded visibility of the Service Assurance widget in the Calling Admin Portal (previously only available in Webex calling for VAR). CScan is a tool that can be used to check the status of location ports and bandwidth.

For more information, see this article.

We're sharing details about our planned feature releases that are coming out soon. Keep in mind that we might need to make changes to release dates and the features themselves. You can subscribe to this article to get updates on any changes.

Some of the following features are available in Beta if you've accepted the Cisco Beta Participation Agreement and participate in the Beta Program.


Allow users to route calls and set up greetings when Away

When users step away from their desk, they can route the calls to another number and set up greetings from a set of predefined greetings that the caller hears.

Enable a cost-free hotdesk only license

Webex Calling provides a new licensing and onboarding model for devices that enables workspace devices with hotdesking.

Enhanced Outgoing Call Permissions

The Enhanced Outgoing Call Permissions offers great flexibility for Webex Calling administrators to manage international Calling, calls to particular numbers, and a range of numbers using digit patterns. Also, this feature enhances the Authorization Codes to support a maximum of 1000 codes allowing organizations to scale the use of authorization codes without any limitation. Management of Authorization codes is simplified by supporting bulk provisioning.

Hunt Group Analytics in Control Hub

Provide an analytics view with detailed reporting information on Webex Calling Hunt Groups.

Manage end user access to additional call settings

Allow the administrator to enable or disable access to additional Calling features for end user access.

Migrate a location to the Cisco Calling Plans

Today, you can assign Cisco Calling Plans to a net new location, and there are limitations in porting existing Webex Calling phone numbers to Cisco Calling Plans.

This new feature provides a managed, self-served plan to migrate a location (as a whole) from Premises-based PSTN, or from nonintegrated Cloud Connected PSTN, to Cisco Calling Plans.

Schedule-based Call Routing

This feature enables a Webex Calling administrator to create rules based on the time of day and day of the week and with an associated routing action for each of the rules.

Supporting Click-to-call in Webex Calling

Click-to-call (Guest Calling) streamlines customer communication by offering prompt responses and guiding customers to reach Sales, Support, and other Business-to-Consumer (B2C) communication using their web browser. Customers need not create an account or download plugins on the browser for using this feature.

Summary, action items and transcript for recorded calls

When a user plays call recordings on the Webex App, they also get the summary, action item and transcript from the call. Administrators can manage user's access to summaries, transcript, and action items in a recorded call at the organization level and the user level.

Note: This feature applies to Webex native call recording.

Update Control Hub Online Status for MPP and RoomOS devices

Enables MPP devices to connect to the Webex Cloud and RoomOS devices and register to Webex Calling. This feature updates the Control Hub Online status indicator to reflect the devices connection to the Webex and Webex Calling platforms.

Webex Calling market expansion

Webex Calling expands its presence into these countries:

  • Samoa

  • DRC

  • Namibia

  • Eswatini

Webex Calling supports MiaREC as a Call Recording Provider

Webex Calling supports multiple call recording providers. MiaREC call recording provider will be supported for Webex Calling organizations hosted in the U.S., EU, and EUN regions. MiaREC is a cloud-native voice recording solution that offers regulatory compliance capability. Partners can order this recording solution through Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW).


Calling Name (CNAM) Lookup

Webex Calling supports the lookup for a Calling Name (CNAM). This feature ensures that the calls delivered to the receiver are with the correct Calling name of the caller.

Service Numbers for Cisco Calling Plans

Service Numbers are local telephone numbers which are considered high-utilization or high-concurrency. Assign the service numbers to on site services, such as Auto Attendant, Hunt Group, and Group Call Management/Call Queue.

Webex Calling supports ASCTech as a Call Recording Provider

Webex Calling supports multiple call recording providers. ASCTech is now a supported call recording provider for Webex Calling organizations hosted in the EU and EUN regions. ASCTech is a cloud-native voice recording solution that offers regulatory compliance capability. Partners can order this recording solution through Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW).

Features in development

CX Essentials - Call Queue report in Control Hub

A new Call Queue report that contains one entry per call session and details on call handling is available.

Deleting devices resets the device back to an activation state

When deleting a device, Webex Calling issues a factory reset to the device. Thus returning the device to an activation state. The device is ready for a new activation request.

Enhancements to Unified Communication Manager to Webex Calling Migration Insights

Ability to generate the following reports:

  • On location

  • Usage of features

  • Relevance of feature

  • Active or inactive users

  • Active or inactive devices

  • Active or inactive workspace

Improved IP Phone onboarding experience

We’ve improved the usability and reliability of the device onboarding process. A combined migration and onboarding experience, improved warning messages, and better guided experience in the Control Hub make onboarding Cisco IP phones easier than ever.

Local Gateway Status & Troubleshooting Improvements

This feature provides the connectivity status including call failures and certificate issues in the troubleshooting information.

Migration Tool: Carrier and BroadWorks to Webex Calling (Flex plan)

The Migration Tool supports customer migrations from BroadCloud Carrier and BroadWorks to Webex Calling

Supporting multiple lines on Webex App for mobile users

Manage multiple lines on Webex App from a single interface by switching between lines with a single tap. You’ll never miss an important call, always be productive, and manage multiple calls from your mobile device.

Supporting Wrap Up Codes and Automated wrap up timer

Using this feature, the Customer Experience Essentials agents can now apply a wrap up code to a call received on the Webex App. Administrator can get insights using the reports for the wrap up codes.

The administrator can also configure a timer for wrap up, with an optional default wrap-up code selected for the queue.

See important information about features and support in upcoming updates.

Plan ahead and get ready for the scheduled maintenance, see Service Status on Control Hub for details. You can subscribe to the service status page to receive updates.

August 2024

Changes to Business Texting

Existing Business texting customers must note these important pointers:

  • Business texting is disabled on phone numbers that aren’t registered to the 10DLC campaign by December 1st, 2024.

  • Any new numbers ported or ordered won’t have business texting enabled by default after August 26th, 2024.

  • Trial subscriptions aren’t eligible for Business Texting after August 26th, 2024.

  • Start the 10DLC registration process before November 1st, 2024 to avoid any disruption to the business texting service. The 10DLC registration process takes 3-4 weeks and therefore it’s crucial to act immediately.

For details, see Business Texting 10DLC registration FAQ and watch the 10DLC Campaign registration requirements for Webex Calling video.

May 2024

Updating the Webex Calling email distribution system

Webex Calling sends emails for various calling-specific services, including voicemail attachments and call event notifications. Cisco is updating an email distribution system used for Webex Calling services to accommodate the Google Gmail email sender requirements. The changes are as follows:

  • Email headers particularly the FROM header where the sender's name will be webex_comm@webex.com, and email address will be postmaster@<serverID>.bcld.webex.com

  • Reply-To and X-From header will have webex_comm@webex.com

In addition, the infrastructure will be updated to support email authentication using DKIM, monitor outgoing email traffic, and conforming to message format standards (RFC 5322).

Partners and customers may need to update the SPAM filter to continue receiving emails from Webex Calling services. Additionally, end users may need to modify their email filter or rules to continue receiving emails from Webex Calling services.

If users were receiving emails from the webex.com domain successfully without any configured filters or rules, then no action is required.

For more information, see Webex Calling update for email distribution

April 2024

We’re making some changes to the article categories that you see at the top of our articles, these changes are rolling out over the coming months. We’re working to make it easier for you to see if an article applies to you.

February 2024

Removed cross-launch access to Calling User Portal from the Control Hub

The administrator’s cross-launch access to Calling User Portal from Control Hub is removed on January 31, 2024 as we migrated all user settings from the Calling User Portal to Control Hub. Administrators can configure the user settings directly from the Control Hub.

Redirecting settings.webex.com to User Hub

The settings.webex.com is redirected to User Hub on June 5, 2024 and all the options in settings.webex.com have migrated to User Hub.

December 2023

Restriction on using cross-location numbers for caller ID

The upcoming Caller ID Number Selection feature allows to select an external caller ID number while making an outgoing call. The user can decide whether to use their own direct line number, location number, call queue number or hunt group number based on the purpose of the call.

The administrator can define the numbers available for external caller ID selection. Numbers can be cross-location numbers for caller ID with the restriction of both caller's location and the number's location having the same PSTN provider, country, and zone (applies to locations in India only). This restriction helps to prevent call failure, potential billing issues and adhere to country specific telecom regulations.

While the system enforces this restriction for any new cross-location numbers administrator configures for caller ID selection, there are numbers existing in the system that don't adhere to this restriction or rule. A true procedure will be run on January 10, 2024 to remove the reference to such numbers. It’s recommended that the administrators remove such numbers proactively before the previously said date to prevent issues.

Examples of invalid cross-location number usage:

  • Agent in United States location using United Kingdom location call queue number

  • Agent in San Jose, California location with PSTN provider 1 using Richardson, Texas call queue number with PSTN provider 2

August 2023

Retiring the Webex Calling Engagement and Quality reports

The Webex Calling Engagement and Quality reports will be retired on December 1, 2023. You can use the upcoming Webex Calling Media Quality report to get call quality and usage information of call legs.

July 2023

Accessing the Webex Calling partner content

All the Webex Calling partner content will be moved to the Webex Help Center by July 30, 2023. Go to the Webex Calling home page and click on the Partner tab to access the content.

Cisco DECT DBS firmware upgrade to v5.1.1

This upgrade supports these features:

  1. Support for Ringer Volume Adjustment

  2. Support for Hungarian Language

  3. Support DECT 6825 HandSet Emergency Button

  4. E911 Ray Baum's Act support (United States and Canada only)

For more information, see Cisco DECT DBS firmware upgrade to v5.1.1

One-Button-To-Push and ICE Feature Roll out

This upgrade supports new features for Cisco MPP devices:

  • Local Media for MPP 8845/8865

  • One-Button-To-Push for MPP 8800 Series

  • ACD Settings per line with Virtual Lines

For more information, see One-Button-To-Push and ICE Feature Rollout.

January 2023

Cisco 840 or 860 devices Firmware Maintenance

The new firmware for the Cisco 840/860 Wi-Fi phones contains these features:

  • Customer ringtones per line

  • LDAP directory integration

  • Call Pull support

For more information, see Cisco 840/860 firmware upgrade 1.7 to 1.8 for details.

Outgoing call permission changes

The outgoing call permissions no longer support separate values for local and long distance outgoing call permissions. This is replaced by a single setting, National outgoing call permission.

The following User feature calling data csv fields for local and long distance are removed:

  1. Outgoing Calls Local Action

  2. Outgoing Calls Local Transfer Enabled

  3. Outgoing Calls Long Distance Action

  4. Outgoing Calls Long Distance Transfer Enabled

These fields are replaced with the National field.

Cisco DECT DBS210 Firmware Upgrade- Version 5.1.1

Cisco has certified the new v5.1.1SR1 firmware for the Cisco DECT DBS210 devices and will stage the new firmware on the platform per region starting on January 25, 2023. The new firmware for the phone can be downloaded during its scheduled nightly maintenance.

For more details on the announcement, see Cisco DECT DB210 Firmware Upgrade.

December 2022

Cisco MPP Firmware Upgrade - Release 12.0.1

The Cisco MPP Firmware 12.0.1 Release includes features to support Webex Meetings integration and the Webex Calling Survivability functionality.

For more details on the announcement, see Cisco MPP Firmware Upgrade - Release 12.0.1.

Migrate "My Contacts" from the Calling User Platform (CUP) to the Webex App

Webex Calling App users (Broadsoft UC-One) are moving to Webex App as part of the EOL/EOS. A new process is now available for partners or customers to migrate their CUP contacts "My Contacts" to the Webex Contact Service, so they are accessible from the Webex App. To request for migration, do the following:

  • Send an email to webexcalling-phd@cisco.com requesting CUP contact export and include the organization ID.

  • Receive a CSV file of the exported contact list. Follow the instructions to import the contacts to Control Hub.

November 2022

Cisco ATA 11.2.3 Firmware Upgrade

Cisco has certified ATA 191/192 ATA firmware 11.2.3MPP0001-02. This new ATA firmware load contains several bug fixes for known issues. After the firmware is staged on the Webex Calling servers on Nov 29 2022, ATA 191/192 devices will automatically upgrade to the latest load during their scheduled nightly maintenance window.

For more details on the announcement, see Cisco ATA 11.2.3 Firmware Upgrade.

Cisco MPP Firmware Upgrade - Release 11.3.7SR1

Cisco has certified the new 11.3.7SR1 firmware for the Cisco MPP devices and will stage the new firmware on the platform per region starting on November 7, 2022. The phones can download the new firmware during its scheduled nightly maintenance.

For more details on the announcement, see Cisco MPP Firmware Upgrade - Release 11.3.7SR1.

August 2022

Retiring Webex Calling App for all partners and customers

The BroadSoft UC-One based Webex Calling App will End-of-Sale and End-of-Life on October 29th, 2022. Ensure you move to the Webex App. For more information, see End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the BroadSoft UC-One based Webex Calling App.