System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM)

The integration between users in the directory and Control Hub uses the System for Cross-domain Identity Management ( SCIM) API. SCIM is an open standard for automating the exchange of user identity information between identity domains or IT systems. SCIM is designed to make it easier to manage user identities in cloud-based applications and services. SCIM uses a standardized API through REST.

Entra ID doesn't synchronize null values. If you set an attribute value to NULL, it is not deleted or patched with a NULL value in Webex. If this limitation affects your users, contact Microsoft for support.

Entra ID (Azure AD) Wizard App

Use the Entra ID (Azure AD) Wizard App in Control Hub to simplify the synchronization of users and groups with Webex. The Wizard App allows you to easily configure which attributes, users, and groups to synchronize, and to decide whether to synchronize user's avatars to Webex. See Set up the Entra ID (Azure AD) Wizard App in Control Hub to learn more about the benefits of using the wizard.

Before configuring Control Hub for automatic user provisioning with Entra ID, you need to add Webex from the Entra ID application gallery to your list of managed applications.

If you already integrated Webex Control Hub with Entra ID for single sign-on (SSO), Cisco Webex is already added to your enterprise applications and you can skip this procedure.


Sign in to the Azure portal at with your administrator credentials.


Go to Entra ID for your organization.


Go to Enterprise Applications and then click Add.


Click Add an application from the gallery.


In the search box, type Cisco Webex.


In the results pane, select Cisco Webex, and then click Add to add the application.

An example of the Add an application screen with the Cisco Webex application highlighted.

A message appears that says the application was added successfully.


To make sure that the Webex application you've added for synchronization doesn't show up in the user portal, open the new application, go to Properties, and set Visible to users? to No.

A screen of the properties page highlighting the location of the Visible to users toggle. It can be found towards the bottom of the screen, just above the Notes field.

This procedure lets you choose users to synchronize to the Webex cloud.

Entra ID uses a concept called "assignments" to determine which users should receive access to selected apps. In the context of automatic user provisioning, only the users and/or groups of users that are "assigned" to an application in Entra ID are synchronized to Control Hub.

Use the Entra ID (Azure AD) Wizard App in Control Hub to synchronize both users within Entra ID groups and individual group objects. Webex can't synchronize individual groups outside the Entra ID (Azure AD) Wizard App.

If you are configuring your integration for the first time, we recommend you assign one user for testing, and then add other users and groups after a successful test.


Open the Webex application in the Entra ID portal, then go to Users and groups.


Click Add Assignment.


Find the users/groups you want to add to the application:

  • Find individual users to assign to the application.
  • Find a group of users to assign to the application.

Click Select and then click Assign.

Repeat these steps until you have all the groups and users you want to synchronize with Webex.

Use this procedure to set up provisioning from Entra ID and obtain a bearer token for your organization. The steps cover necessary and recommended administrative settings.

If your organization enforces that all users must have a verified domain, then future sync doesn't allow user creation for unverified domains. Most Webex for Government organizations require verified domains.

Before you begin

Get your organization ID from the customer view in Control Hub. Click your organization name on the bottom left and then copy the Organization ID into a text file. You need this value when you enter the tenant URL. We use this value as an example in this article: a35bfbc6-ccbd-4a17-a488-72gf46c5420c


Sign in to the Azure portal and then go to > Enterprise applications > All applications.


Choose Cisco Webex from your list of enterprise applications.


Go to Provisioning, and then change the Provisioning Mode to Automatic.

Cisco Webex provisioning screen in Entra ID. Click the Provisioning Mode drop-down menu to select Automatic.

The Webex App includes some default mappings between Entra ID user attributes and Webex user attributes. These attributes are enough to create users, but you can add more as described later in this article.


Enter the Tenant URL.

The following table shows the URL for your Webex offer. Replace OrgId with your specific value.

Table 1. Tenant URLs for Webex
Webex offerTenant URL to use
Webex (default)
Webex for Government

For example, your tenant URL might look like this:


Follow these steps to get the bearer token value for the Secret Token:

  1. Copy the following URL and run it in an incognito browser tab:

    The above URL applies to the default Webex ID broker. If you’re using Webex for Government, use the following URL to get the bearer token:

    An incognito browser is important to make sure you sign in with the correct admin credentials. If you’re already signed in as a less privileged user who can't create users, the bearer token that you return can't create users.

  2. From the Webex sign in page that appears, sign in with a full admin account for your organization.

    An error page appears saying that the site can't be reached, but this is normal.

    The error page's URL includes the generated bearer token. This token is valid for 365 days (after which it expires).

    An example of the error page url with the generated bearer token highlighted. Copy your bearer token value found between "access_token=" and "&token_type=Bearer".

  3. From the URL in the browser's address bar, copy the bearer token value from between access_token= and &token_type=Bearer.

    For example, this URL has the token value highlighted: http://localhost:3000/auth/code#access_token={sample_token}&token_type=Bearer&expires_in=3887999&state=this-should-be-a-random-string-for-security-purpose.

    We recommend that you save this value in a text file as a record of the token in case the URL isn't available any more.


Return to the Azure portal and paste the token value into Secret Token.


Click Test Connection to make sure that Entra ID recognizes the organization and token.

A successful result states that the credentials are authorized to enable user provisioning.


Enter a Notification Email and check the box to get email when there are provisioning errors.


Click Save.

At this point, you've successfully authorized Entra ID to provision and synchronize Webex users, and completed the steps to set up synchronization.

What to do next

If you want to map more Entra ID user attributes to Webex attributes, continue to the next section.

For info on making changes to the synchronized organization, see the Manage Synchronized Entra ID Users help article.

Follow this procedure to map additional user attributes from Entra ID to Webex, or to change existing user attribute mappings.

Entra ID to Webex mapping does not synchronize every single user detail. Some aspects of user data are not synchronized:

  • Avatars

  • Rooms

  • Attributes not listed in the table below

We recommend that you do not change the default attribute mappings unless absolutely necessary. The value that you map as the username is particularly important. Webex uses the user's email address as their username. By default, we map userPrincipalName (UPN) in Azure AD to email address (username) in Control Hub.

If the userPrincipalName does not map to the email in Control Hub, users are provisioned into Control Hub as new users instead of matching existing users. If you want to use another Azure user attribute that is in email address format instead of UPN, you must change that default mapping in Entra ID from userPrincipalName to the appropriate Entra ID user attribute.

Before you begin

You have added and configured the Cisco Webex app to your Entra ID, and tested the connection.

You can modify the user attribute mappings before or after you start synchronizing users.


Sign in to the Azure portal and then go to Enterprise applications > All applications.


Open the Cisco Webex application.


Select the Provisioning page, expand the Mappings section, and click Provision Azure Active Directory Users.

A screen of the Provisioning page with the location of the Mappings tab highlighted. The Mappings tab can be found directly beneath the Admin Credentials tab a the top of the Provisioning page.


Check the Show advanced options check box and then click Edit attribute list for CiscoWebEx.

An image of the options that appear when you click "Show advanced options" on the Provision Azure Active Directory Users page.

Choose the Webex attributes to be populated from Entra ID user attributes. The attributes and mappings are shown later in this procedure.

An image of the attribute list. The list includes attribute name and types, in addition to letting you select whether the attribute is a primary key or required.

After selecting the Webex attributes, click Save, and then Yes to confirm.

The Attribute Mapping page opens, so you can map Entra ID user attributes to the Webex user attributes you chose.


Near the bottom of the page, click Add new mapping.


Choose Direct mapping. Select the Source attribute (Azure attribute) and the Target attribute (Webex attribute), and then click OK.

An example of how the new mapping attribute should look. Under Mapping type, select Direct. The source attribute and target attributes are required.

Table 2. Entra ID to Webex Mappings

Entra ID Attribute (source)

Webex User Attribute (target)

Attributes Populated by Default



Switch([IsSoftd], , "False", "True", "True", "False")










Additional Available Attributes




addresses[type eq "work"].country


addresses[type eq "work"].locality


addresses[type eq "work"].streetAddress


addresses[type eq "work"].region


addresses[type eq "work"].postalCode


phoneNumbers[type eq "work"].value


phoneNumbers[type eq "mobile"].value


phoneNumbers[type eq "fax"].value


Repeat the previous two steps until you have added or modified all the mappings you need, then click Save and Yes to confirm your new mappings.

You can Restore default mappings if you want to start again.

Your mappings are done and the Webex users will be created or updated on the next synchronization.