Users receive a message that the meeting will end in x minutes.

Users receive a message that the meeting will end in x minutes.

Meetings start without a host and automatically end 40 min after starting.

The host never joined my meeting, and it ended automatically.

Attendee(s) / Host receive prompt advising the meeting will end in x minutes.

To prevent unauthorized access, Webex will automatically end meetings in the following scenarios:

#Scheduled Meeting with Join Before Host (JBH) Enabled:

  1. The meeting is started without the host. Webex will not end the session unless the meeting's max duration reaches 24hrs*. However, if all participants leave the meeting, Webex will end the meeting after 30 mins.
*The max meeting duration is a configurable value in session type, default is 24 hours. For the free meeting session type, it is 40 min.

#Scheduled Meeting with Join Before Host (JBH) Disabled:
  1. The meeting won't start without the host. All meetings must need a host.
  2. The host begins the session but leaves the meeting abnormally (due to network issues, etc.).  Webex will auto-assign the host role to another participant. Still, if there is no other participant who can be assigned the new host (lobby user, attendees in event), Webex will close the meeting in 5 minutes. If a phone-only user is in the session, it will continue to run regardless of the host being in the meeting.
  3. The host starts and ends appropriately.  When all participants leave the meeting, Webex will end the meeting immediately, but will keep this instance (conference ID) for four (4) more minutes. During these 4 minutes, any participant can start the meeting again.
#Personal Meeting Room (PMR) meeting:
  1. When the host is on a SIP video endpoint, and the host disconnects the call on their device, Webex will close the meeting immediately.  Because SIP video endpoints will not send an end meeting request to Webex, Webex cannot differentiate whether this user is trying to leave or end the meeting. Therefore, Webex will close the session directly.
#One participant in the meeting:
  1. When only one participant (host/attendee) is in the meeting, and the session reaches its scheduled end time + X mins (configurable by site admin), a popup message will warn the user, and the host can extend the meeting via a warning message. Otherwise, the meeting will be closed.
#One participant in the meeting using a Cloud registered device:
  1. When there is connected to the meeting, just one cloud registered device. It will end sessions after 30 min*. This behavior is as expected by design. Do not follow the logic when the option is unchecked under Control Hub / Webex Site Administration > Configuration > Common site settings > Security Options > "Automatically end meetings if there is only one participant (Meetings, Training, and Events)." Each time a new interaction occurs, the timer is reset. If there is no interaction for 30 minutes, the timer expires, and the device will disconnect.
 *Do not apply to SIP devices.

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