You can add a contact from your Recents or Directory list to your Favorites.

  1. Tap the Call button on your device or Touch controller's home screen. Start typing your contact's name in the Search or dial field to get suggestions from the directory. You can also look for a contact in the Recents list.

  2. Tap the contact's name to open a contact card. Tap the Favorite button there, or tap More and toggle Favorite on or off in the options.


Tap Call on the home screen. Start typing your contact's name in the Search or dial field to get suggestions from the directory. You can also select a contact from the Recents list.


Tap on your contact's name and tap More (…).


Tap Mark as favorite.


Tap Call on the home screen. Start typing your contact's name in the Search or dial field to get suggestions from the directory. You can also select a contact from the Recents list.


Tap your contact's name and tap Add to favorites .


Open the Call menu with the remote control's OK button, or by pressing the green button on the remote. Use the cursor keys to navigate between Favorites, Recents, and Directory and then down in one of the lists.


Press OK on the remote control to select a contact. Use the cursor keys to navigate to More (…) and press OK.


Navigate down to Mark as favorite.