Modify Single sign-on authentication in Control Hub

Before you begin

Ensure that the following preconditions are met:

  • SSO is already configured. For information on using the SSO configuration wizard, see the section "SSO Setup" here:

  • The domains have already been verified.

  • The domains are claimed and turned on. This feature ensures users from your domain are created and updated once each time they authenticate with your IdP.

  • If DirSync or AzureAD are enabled then SAML JIT create or update will not work.

  • "Block user profile update" is enabled. SAML Update Mapping is allowed because this configuration controls the user’s ability to edit the attributes. Admin-controlled methods of creation and update are still supported.

Newly created users won't automatically get assigned licenses unless the organization has an automatic license template set up.

User provisioning for SAML JIT provisioning of groups is limited to a single group only.


Sign in to Control Hub.


Go to Management > Organization Settings, scroll to Single Sign-On and click Manage SSO and IdPs.


Go to the Identity provider tab.


Go to the IdP and click More menu.


Select Edit SAML mapping.


Configure Just-in-Time (JIT) settings.

  • Create or activate user: if no active user is found, then Webex Identity creates the user and update the attributes after the user has authenticated with the IdP.
  • Update user with SAML attributes: if a user with email address is found, then Webex Identity updates the user with the attributes mapped in the SAML Assertion.
Confirm users can sign in with a different, unidentifiable email address.


Configure SAML mapping required attributes.

Table 1. Required attributes

Webex Identity attribute name

SAML attribute name

Attribute description

Username / Primary email address

Example: uid

Map the UID attribute to the provisioned user's email, upn, or edupersonprincipalname.


Configure the Linking attributes.

This should be unique to the user. It is used to lookup a user so that Webex can update all profile attributes, including email for a user.
Table 2. Linking attributes

Webex Identity attribute name

SAML attribute name

Attribute description


Example: user.objectid

To identify this user from other individual profiles. This is necessary when mapping between directories or changing other profile attributes.


Example: user.employeeid

The user's employee number, or an identification number within their HR system. Note that this isn't for externalid, because you can reuse or recycle employeenumber for other users.

Extension Attribute 1

Example: user.extensionattribute1

Map these custom attributes to extended attributes in Active Directory, Azure, or your directory, for tracking codes.

Extension Attribute 2

Example: user.extensionattribute2

Extension Attribute 3

Example: user.extensionattribute3

Extension Attribute 4

Example: user.extensionlattribute4

Extension Attribute 5

Example: user.extensionattribute5


Configure Profile attributes.

Table 3. Profile attributes

Webex Identity attribute name

SAML attribute name

Attribute description


Example: user.objectid

To identify this user from other individual profiles. This is necessary when mapping between directories or changing other profile attributes.


Example: user.employeeid

This user's employee number, or an identification number within their HR system. Note that this isn't for "externalid," because you can re-use or recycle "employeenumber" for other users.


Example: user.preferredlanguage

The user's preferred language.


Example: user.locale

The user's primary work location.


Example: user.timezone

The user's primary time zone.


Example: user.displayname

The user's display name in Webex.


Example: user.givenname

The user's first name.


Example: user.surname

The user's last name.


Example: user.streetaddress

The street address of their primary work location.


Example: user.state

The state of their primary work location.


Example: user.region

The region of their primary work location.


Example: user.postalcode

The zip code of their primary work location.


The country of their primary work location.

Example: work phonenumber

The work phone number of their primary work location. Use the international E.164 format only (15 digits maximum).


Example: mobile phonenumber

The work extension of their primary work phone number. Use the international E.164 format only (15 digits maximum).


Example: user.pronoun

The user's pronouns. This is an optional attribute, and the user or admin can make it visible on their profile.


Example: user.jobtitle

The user's job title.


Example: user.department

The user's job department or team.


Example: user.pronoun

This is the pronoun of the user. The visibility of this attribute is controlled by the Admin and the user


Example: manager

The user's manager or their team lead.


Example: cost center

This is the last name of the user also known as surname or familyname


Example: user.mailnickname

An alternative email address for the user. If you want the user to be able to sign in using it, map it to the uid.


Example: user.primaryauthoritativemail

An alternative email address for the user. If you want the user to be able to sign in using it, map it to the uid.


Example: user.alternativeauthoritativemail

An alternative email address for the user. If you want the user to be able to sign in using it, map it to the uid.


Example: user.othermail

An alternative email address for the user. If you want the user to be able to sign in using it, map it to the uid.


Example: user.othermail

An alternative email address for the user. If you want the user to be able to sign in using it, map it to the uid.

Configure Extension attributes.

Map these attributes to extended attributes in Active Directory, Azure, or your directory, for tracking codes.
Table 4. Extension attributes

Webex Identity attribute name

SAML attribute name

Extension Attribute 1

Example: user.extensionattribute1

Extension Attribute 2

Example: user.extensionattribute2

Extension Attribute 3

Example: user.extensionattribute3

Extension Attribute 4

Example: user.extensionattribute4

Extension Attribute 5

Example: user.extensionattribute5

Extension Attribute 6

Example: user.extensionattribute6

Extension Attribute 7

Example: user.extensionattribute7

Extension Attribute 8

Example: user.extensionattribute8

Extension Attribute 9

Example: user.extensionattribute9

Extension Attribute 10

Example: user.extensionattribute10


Configure Group attributes.

  1. Create a group in Control Hub and note the Webex group ID.
  2. Go to your user directory or IdP and set up an attribute for users who will be assigned to the Webex group ID.
  3. Update your IdP's configuration to include a claim that carries this attribute name along with the Webex Group ID (e.g. c65f7d85-b691-42b8-a20b-12345xxxx). You can also use the External ID for managing changes to group names or for future integration scenarios. For example, syncing with Azure AD or implementing SCIM group synchronization.
  4. Specify the exact name of the attribute that will be sent in the SAML Assertion with the group ID. This is used to add the user to a group.
  5. Specify the exact name of the external ID of the group object if you are using a group from your directory to send members in the SAML Assertion.

If user A is associated with groupID 1234 and user B with groupID 4567, they are assigned to separate groups. This scenario indicates that a single attribute allows users to associate with multiple group IDs. While this is uncommon, it is possible and can be considered as an additive change. For example, if user A initially signs in using groupID 1234, they become a member of the corresponding group. If user A later signs in using groupID 4567, they are also added to this second group.

SAML JIT provisioning does not support the removal of users from groups or any deletion of users.

Table 5. Group attributes

Webex Identity attribute name

SAML attribute name

Attribute description


Example: groupId

Map group attributes from IdP to Webex Identity group Attributes for the purpose of mapping that user to a group for licensing or the setting service.


Example: groupexternalId

Map group attributes from IdP to Webex Identity group Attributes for the purpose of mapping that user to a group for licensing or the setting service.

For a list of SAML assertion attributes for Webex Meetings, see