Configure organizational settings for voicemail

Configure your organizational settings before managing the users’ voicemail settings. These configurations determine the users’ voicemail settings that you can set.

Before you begin

For the voicemail feature to work, you must set up the voice portal extension for the location. See Configure voice portals for Webex Calling for details.


Sign in to Control Hub.


Go to Services > Calling > Service Settings.


Go to the Voicemail section, and configure the following settings:

  • Voicemail Forwarding

  • Voicemail Deletion

  • Voicemail Passcode

Voicemail forwarding

When enabled, the settings allow users to forward a voicemail to another users’ number or extension. If disabled, this prohibits the user to forward voicemail, using an external mailbox, or sending a copy of the voicemail to a specified email address.

  • To enable this setting, click the toggle.

Voicemail deletion

Voicemails over 180 days old are archived automatically. If you require access to archived voicemails, you’re requested to raise a service request with Cisco.

Voicemail deletion allows you to set conditions for expired messages. When enabled, admins can specify the time frame when messages expire. You can enter the days (1-180) in the provided field. Admins can also set conditions for message deletion.

To enable this setting, click the toggle and choose one of the following options:

  • Permissive Deletion—This keeps all unread voicemails and deletes those voicemails that have expired when a user accesses their mailbox.

  • Strict Deletion—This deletes all read and unread voicemails based on the time frame you set.

Voicemail passcode

To set up the default passcode for your organization:

  1. Enable the Voicemail Passcode toggle.
  2. Enter the passcode in the Create default passcode.
  3. Confirm the passcode in the Confirm default passcode.

You can also create a time frame in which a person has to change their passcode and how often they can change their passcode again (once it’s changed):

  • You can set the minimum number of days (1–7) when a passcode can be changed by the user when enabled. When the toggle is off, they can change their passcode multiple times on the same day.

    Webex Calling prevents the user from setting one of the older passcodes making the users' passcode more secure.

  • You can set the number of days in which a passcode expires (between 15 and 180) when enabled. When the toggle is off, the passcode never expires.

    This feature also extends the passcode history 10–24. That is, it can store each user’s last 24 passcodes and prevent the user from reusing one of those stored passcodes.

Enable voicemail for a user

If you have call forwarding enabled, then those call forward settings override the voicemail settings you configured.


Sign in to Control Hub.


Go to Management > Users.


Select a user and click Calling.


Go to Voicemail, fax and annoucement language section and click Voicemail.


Turn on the Voicemail toggle, and choose from any of the settings you want to enable.

Voicemail toggle enabled options.

Some voicemail features may be unavailable due to organizational settings set.

Want to see how it's done? Watch this video demonstration on how to manage voicemail settings for a user in Control Hub.

Send a user's calls to voicemail

Configure these voicemail settings to direct incoming calls to users' voicemail.

Sign in to Control Hub.


Go to Management > Users.


Select a user and click Calling.


Go to Voicemail, fax and annoucement language section and click Voicemail.


Turn on the Voicemail toggle.


Go to the Send calls to voicemail section and choose from any of the following options:

  • Send all calls to voicemail—This option forwards all calls to voicemail.
  • Send calls to voicemail during a busy line—This option forwards calls to voicemail when the user is already on a call. Select the check box and choose to set up either default greeting or custom greeting.

    To set the default greetings, select the Default "busy" message option.

    To set your own custom personalized greetings, select the Custom message option and click Upload File to upload your audio (WAV) file or click the Record Message to record the message.

  • Send calls to voicemail when unanswered—This option forwards incoming calls to voicemail after a specified number of rings. Select the check box and the number of rings before playing the greetings from the drop-down list. You can choose to set up either a default greeting or a custom greeting.

    To set the default greetings, select the Default "busy" message option.

    To set your own custom personalized greetings, select the Custom message option and click Upload File to upload your audio (WAV) file or click the Record Message to record the message.

Once you've uploaded the file or recorded the greetings, you can update it by selecting Replace File or recording another message. Recording a new message or uploading a new file overrides the previous greetings.

The audio (WAV) file must be 8Khz, 8-bit mono, CCITT µ-law, 2MB max, .wav file format.

If you select Send all calls to voicemail, you can’t select the other two options. You can choose to direct to voicemail with both Send calls to voicemail during a busy line and Send calls to voicemail when unaswered options are selected together.


Click Save.

Reset/Set a temporary user's voicemail PIN

If the default voicemail PIN is enabled for your organization, you can reset a user’s voicemail PIN. For more information about how to set up a default voicemail PIN for your organization, see Configure a Default Voicemail PIN for All New Users.


Sign in to Control Hub.


To reset a voicemail PIN for a user:

  1. Go to Management > Users.

  2. Select a user and click Calling.

  3. Go to the Voicemail, fax and annoucement language section and click Voicemail.

  4. Turn on the Voicemail toggle.

  5. Go to the Voicemail PIN section and click Reset Voicemail PIN.

    Now the user can sign in to their voicemail portal and enter the default PIN set up for your organization.


To set a temporary passcode for a user:

  1. Go to Management > Users.

  2. Select a user and click Calling.

  3. Go to the Voicemail, fax and annoucement language section and click Voicemail.

  4. Turn on the Voicemail toggle.

  5. Go to the Voicemail PIN section, and enter a temporary passcode for voicemail access in Create new temporary passcode.

  6. Confirm the passcode in the Confirm new temporary passcode.

  7. Click Save.


To set a temporary passcode for virtual lines:

  1. Go to ServicesCalling > Virtual Lines.

  2. Select a virtual line and click Calling.

  3. Go to Voicemail, fax and annoucement language section and click Voicemail.

  4. Turn on the Voicemail toggle.

  5. Go to the Voicemail PIN section, and enter a temporary passcode for voicemail access in Create new temporary passcode.

    • The passcode must be between 6 and 30 digits.

    • Cannot contain 5 or more repeated digits.

    • Cannot be repeated patterns.

    • Cannot contain consecutive 4 digits in a row.

    • Cannot contain any part of your phone number or extension.

  6. Confirm the passcode in the Confirm new temporary passcode.

  7. Click Save.

Users can also reset their voicemail PIN in User Hub following the specified criteria set at the organization level. For details, see Set or reset your Voicemail PIN.

Enable voicemail notifications for a user


Sign in to Control Hub.


Go to Management > Users.


Select a user and click Calling.


Go to Voicemail, fax and annoucement language section and click Voicemail.


Turn on the Voicemail toggle.


Go to the Notifications section and toggle on Receive voicemail notifications.


Choose one of the following options:

  • Via email—Select this option and enter the email address to send the notification.

Receive voicemail notifications toggle enabled with via email field.

  • Via text—Select this option, enter the phone number to send the notification, and then select the network provider from the drop-down menu.

    Receive voicemail notifications toggle enabled with via text field.


Click Save.

Manage a user's voicemail message storage

You can specify where users can access their voicemail—on their phone, in the User Hub or through a specified email address as a .tiff file.

If the location assigned to the user has voicemail transcription that is enabled and you'd like the user to receive voicemail transcriptions, email a copy of the message and select the Use the internal mailbox option. For details on turning on the voicemail transcription for your location, see Enable or Disable Voicemail Transcription for a Location.


Sign in to Control Hub.


Go to Management > Users.


Select a user and click Calling.


Go to Voicemail, fax and annoucement language section and click Voicemail.


Turn on the Voicemail toggle.


Go to Message Storage section and choose one of the following options:

  • Use internal mailbox—If you choose this option, users can access their voice messages from phone, Webex App, and User Hub. Select Use new message indicator on phone to enable the indicator.

    If the location assigned to the user has voicemail transcription, you must select Use internal mailbox for this user to receive voicemail transcription that’s enabled.

    Message storage: Use internal mailbox radio button selected.

    The internal mailbox has the following storage limitations:

    • Single message limit of 10 minutes

    • Total mailbox limit of 100 minutes

  • Use external mailbox—If you choose this option, all the voice messages are sent to a specified email. Users can't access voice messages from their phone, Webex App, or User Hub. Also, voicemails aren’t transcribed.

Message storage: Use external mailbox radio button selected.

This option may be unavailable if voicemail forwarding is disabled.


Click Save.

Configure additional voicemail settings for a user

These additional settings can be configured with other voicemail settings for users in the Control Hub.

Sign in to Control Hub.


Go to Management > Users.


Select a user and click Calling.


Go to the Voicemail, fax and annoucement language section and click Voicemail.


Turn on the Voicemail toggle.


Go to Additional Settings section and choose one or both of the following options:

  • Select Transfer on '0' to another line and enter the phone number to which the callers will be transferred.

    If you select this option, make sure that your voicemail greeting informs callers that pressing '0' will transfer them.

  • Select Email a copy of the voicemail message and enter the email address to which the recording of all voicemails will be sent.

This option may be unavailable if voicemail forwarding is disabled.

If the location assigned to the user has voicemail transcription enabled, select the Email a copy of the message option for the user to receive voicemail transcriptions.


Click Save.

Configure fax messaging settings for a user

Fax messaging allows a user to receive direct inbound faxes from their voicemail service.

Before you begin

Consider these pointers before you configure this feature:
  • Faxes are collected by the Webex Calling platform and stored in a shared storage area along with voicemail messages. Storage capacity is 100 minutes of voicemail, or 1000 pages of fax messages. Make sure that users are aware of the space available, and must allocate space for new fax messages and archive wisely.

  • Fax messages are stored for an unlimited amount of time.


Sign in to Control Hub.


Go to Management > Users.


Select a user and click Calling.


Go to the Voicemail, fax and annoucement language section and click Voicemail.


Turn on the Voicemail toggle.


Go to the Fax Messaging section and turn on the Receive fax messages toggle.


Enter the phone number assigned for fax messaging.


Enter an extension, if needed.

Receive fax messages toggle enabled.


Click Save.

Enable voicemail transcription for a user

With voicemail transcription, the user receives an email with the voicemail transcription in the body of the email and .WAV file as a voicemail attachment.

For a user to have voicemail transcription, the following conditions apply:

  • Enable voicemail transcription for the user’s location. For details, see Voicemail transcription for Webex Calling.

  • Select Email a copy of voicemail message and Use internal mailbox in the user’s voicemail settings area of the Calling profile.

Email a copy of the voicemail message toggle selected Message storage: Use internal mailbox radio button selected.

A user can also configure all the voicemail settings on their own in the User Hub. For details, see Configure your voicemail settings. Any changes made to these settings by the user will be reflected in both the User Hub and Control Hub.