You can edit the nicknames and video addresses of your favorite contacts.
If you have marked a contact from the directory as your favorite, you can edit their nickname.
If you have marked a video address as a favorite from your Recents list, you can edit that address. You can also add a name to that address to find this contact easily.
To edit a favorite contact's nickname:
Tap the Call button on the device or Touch controller's homescreen.
Select a contact from your Favorites list and tap More
on the contact card.
Tap Edit nickname to change their name in your favorites list. A soft keyboard opens. Type in the name you want to use and tap Save on the keyboard.
To edit a recent contact's video address:
Tap the Call button on the device or Touch controller's homescreen.
If you haven't already favorited the recent call, open your Recents list and select the entry you want to edit and save. Tap the favorites button
on the contact card. Tap the arrow in the upper left corner to go back. Open the Favorites list. Scroll to see that your recent contact is now added.
Select the favorited recent contact and tap More
on the contact card.
You can now edit the contact's nickname and number.
Or, tap Edit and dial to edit the video address. When you're finished you can call it immediately by tapping the green Call button on the soft keyboard.
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Edit the name of a contact:
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Edit the name and video address of a contact:
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With your Touch controller, edit the name of a contact:
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With your Touch controller, edit the name and video address of a contact: