Add, edit, or delete a category

Optionally, you can guide attendees to specific or related live and recorded training sessions by grouping them in a category. Categories can be listed (public) or unlisted (private). You can assign one category to each session or recording.

This task describes how to add a category from Host a Session > Manage Categories. You can also add a category when you schedule a training session.

Before you begin

To make Categories available, your Site Administrator must enable this feature.

Sign in to your Webex site and select Host a Session > Manage Category.


Do one of the following:

To add a category
  1. Click New Category.

  2. Enter a name and, optionally, a description.

  3. For Category status, select whether you want the category to be public (Listed) or private (Unlisted).

  4. Click Create.

    Categories are listed alphabetically.

To edit a category
  1. Click the category.

    You can edit the categories that you own.

  2. Click Edit Category.

  3. Edit the name, description, or status.

  4. Click Update.

To delete a category
  1. Select the categories that you want to delete.

    You can delete the categories that you own.

  2. Click Delete Category.

    The category is deleted from each training session to which it was applied.

Add or delete a training session or recording from a category

The following includes instructions for adding a category after a training session has been scheduled. You can also add a category when you schedule a training session.

Before you begin

To make Categories available, your Site Administrator must enable this feature.

Sign in to your Webex site and select Host a Session > Manage Category.


Click the name of the category.


Do one of the following:

To add a session or recording to a category
  1. Click Add live session or Add recorded session.

  2. Select the session that you want to add and click Add.

  3. Click Continue.

    Sessions are added in reverse chronological order.

To delete a session or recording from a category
  1. Click the More (…) button next to the session or recording.

  2. Click Delete.

To assign a session or recording to a different category
  1. Click the More (…) button next to the session or recording.

  2. Click Reassign.

  3. Select the category to which you want to assign the session or recording, and click Assign.

Provide users with a URL to a category of training sessions

If the category is unlisted (private), you can share a URL that lists all of the live and recorded training sessions in the category.

Before you begin

To make Categories available, your Site Administrator must enable this feature.

Sign in to your Webex Training site and select Host a Session > Manage Category.


Click the name of the category.


Copy the Category URL.


Email the link to users directly or post the link to a website.