The Webex integration with Google Calendar for Google Workspace has the following known issues and limitations:

  • If you migrated to a different Webex site or your Webex site address changed, the Webex add-on doesn't update your site address automatically. You must change the Webex site that you use in Google Calendar.

  • When you schedule a Google Calendar event and add a Webex meeting, you can't change the meeting password. The meeting password generates automatically.

  • Customization of the email template won’t be reflected when a meeting is scheduled. This is due to a Google conference framework limitation. The Webex add-on won’t be able to insert the email template into the Google event details. Instead, the meeting information is passed to the Google conference framework as different parameters and displayed differently. The meeting information that is currently supported includes: meeting password, meeting number, toll and toll-free numbers, video address (IP address dialing is excluded), and global call-in number link.

  • When you duplicate a Google Calendar event that has a Webex meeting added, a new Webex meeting is created and attached to the duplicate event.

  • If someone copies an event with a Webex meeting to your Webex Calendar, you can make updates to the event in Google Calendar, but your updates don’t sync with the Webex meeting on the host’s Webex site.

  • If you add a Webex meeting to an event that you schedule in Google Calendar and change the owner of the meeting, the Webex meeting is removed from the event. The new event owner must add a new Webex meeting.

  • You can't delegate someone else to schedule meetings for you in a secondary calendar.

  • After you install the Webex for Google Calendar app, you can't customize the Add conferencing list. The list includes both the Webex meeting and Webex Personal Room meeting options. Administrators can't set a default meeting conference type.

  • On-premises Cisco TelePresence systems support a Join button when the Hybrid Calendar service connector is installed and enabled.

  • A Join button doesn’t appear 5 minutes before the meeting start time for cloud-registered Webex room and desk devices unless the administrator has enabled the Webex Hybrid Calendar Service.

  • When you schedule a recurring Google Calendar event and add a Webex meeting, and then update the meeting with multiple exceptions, guests receive multiple notifications for the update.

  • If you’re signed in to multiple Google accounts in the same browser, Webex for Google Workspace may have some display errors. Workaround: Sign out of the other accounts or open a new browser in Guest mode, and then try again.

  • After you select Save in the side panel to make the meeting setting changes take effect, you must wait until the side panel finishes updating before you send the invite.

  • To make the schedule meetings on behalf of feature work in Google calendar, make sure that the delegator sets scheduling permissions in both Google Calendar and the Webex site. Otherwise, the meeting belongs to the delegate even if the meeting displays in the delegator's calendar. To set permissions on the Webex site, sign in to the delegator's account, select Preferences > Scheduling, and enter the delegate's email address in the Scheduling permission field.

  • The minutes specified for the Join meeting before host setting in the side panel doesn't follow the setting in the meeting template. Workaround: Set the time manually.

  • If a meeting settings change is not reflected in the side panel, refresh the Google Calendar page.

  • The meeting settings in the side panel are not supported on mobile.

  • Guests that you invite to a Google Calendar event with a Webex meeting may receive an updated invitation email. The updated invitation gets sent for new events although you didn't make any updates to the invitation.

  • When you schedule a Google Calendar event and add a Webex meeting, the meeting doesn't appear on your Webex site until Webex receives the notification from Google.

  • If you schedule a meeting more than 90 days from the current date, the meeting shows the wrong year in the date on your Webex site. When the meeting is less than 90 days away, the date updates to show the correct year.

  • Webex for Google Workspace doesn't support Google Group accounts. You must use an individual account.

  • You cannot duplicate a Webex meeting on Google Calendar using an iOS device. Even when you duplicate the meeting, the new calendar event doesn’t include the Webex meeting details.