What Email Addresses Should Be Allowed to Receive Emails for Webex Services?


The following email addresses should be allowed to receive emails for Webex services:

  • Webex Meetings: messenger@webex.com
  • Webex: webex_comm@webex.com
  • Cisco Webex: webex_comm@em.webex.com
  • Webex Calling: webex_comm@webex.com
  • Webex Communications: gss_optout.gen@cisco.com
  • Additional email addresses: noreply@cisco.com, no-reply@webex.com
Note: Cisco will update an email distribution system for Webex Calling services to accommodate the Google Gmail Email Sender requirements. We will update email headers, namely the FROM header where the sender’s name will be webex_comm@webex.com and the email address will be postmaster@<serverID>.bcld.webex.com.

Please get in touch with your IT department for help with allowing emails for Webex services.

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