Where Can I Find a List of App Errors for Webex Meetings for Android?

Where can I find a list of app errors for Webex Meetings for Android?

Where can I find a list of Android error codes?

I am receiving an error message or number when joining on an Android.

Unable to start or join a meeting from an Android device.

Android error list.

Webex Android App Error Codes:

Common Error

ErrorAndroid Webex client error messageSolution
1An unknown error occurredContact technical support.
6Cisco Webex Meetings has stopped unexpectedlyContact technical support.
8We cannot connect to your Webex service. Contact your administrator for help.Error code:8
9We cannot verify the site because the certificate is not trusted. Do you want to continue? 

Meeting Manager
ErrorAndroid Webex client error messageSolution
501Unable to join meeting. Please try again later.Contact technical support.
502Unable to start meeting. Please try again later.Contact technical support.
503End-to-end encrypted meetings are not supported on your mobile device. 
504The meeting host has restricted access to this meeting. Please contact the meeting host. 
505Your Webex site administrator has turned on automatic recording for this meeting. However, this feature is not supported on your mobile device. 
507The host key you typed is not valid. 
508Unable to connect to the Webex server.Try again or check network settings.
509The meeting has ended. 
511Cannot join meeting. A problem has occurred. 
512This registration ID has already been used. If you are trying to rejoin the session, wait a few minutes and then try again. 

Server SSL certificate
ErrorAndroid Webex client error message
701You cannot connect to audio or video because the security certificate for your Webex site cannot be validated.
702You cannot connect to audio or video because the security certificate for your Webex site is not trusted.
703You cannot connect to audio or video because the security certificate for your Webex site is expired, or because the certificate has been modified and is no longer valid.
704You cannot connect to audio or video because the security certificate for your Webex site has been revoked, or because  the name on the certificate is incorrect.
705You cannot start or join the meeting because the security certificate for your Webex site cannot be validated.
706You cannot start or join the meeting because the security certificate for your Webex site cannot be validated.
707You cannot start or join the meeting because the security certificate for your Webex site is expired, or because the certificate has been modified and is no longer valid.
708You cannot start or join the meeting because the security certificate for your Webex site is expired, or because the certificate has been modified and is no longer valid.

Join Meeting Failure (JMF)
ErrorConstant NameAndroid Webex client error message
1001WBX_JMF_TRACE_MEETING_CANCEL_BY_USERAll Join meeting failed error send to server for analysis. No error message

User Interface
ErrorAndroid Webex client error message
20102Check your email address or password and try again.
20103Check your email address or password and try again.
20105Your password is incorrect.
20223You are trying to schedule a meeting through a Webex service that is not yet supported on your mobile device. To schedule a meeting now, please use a computer.
20301Meeting password is required.
20302You have specified a start time for the meeting that is before the current time. Please specify a different starting time.
20303The Webex site does not support the Cisco Webex Meetings application.
20304The meeting type that you selected doesn't support your mobile device. To schedule a meeting, you must use a computer.
20305Reduce your meeting duration and then try again.
20502Password requires mixed case.
20503Password must contain at least %s characters.
20504Password must contain at least %s numbers.
20505Password must contain at least %s letters.
20506Password must contain at least %s special characters.
20507Password cannot be the URL, host name, or username.
20508Password cannot be the URL, host name, username, or meeting topic.
20509Password does not meet the password criteria.
20510The user password cannot contain space.
20511The meeting password can contain neither spaces nor any of the following characters: \ ` " / & < > = [ ].
20629The Webex site does not support the Cisco Webex Meetings application.
20700This site requires a later version of Cisco Webex Meetings.

ErrorAndroid Webex client error messageSolution
31000An error has occurred on the server.Contact technical support.
31001An error has occurred on the server.Contact technical support.
31003Unable to connect to the Webex server.Network is down or Webex site URL is incorrect. Try again or check your account information.
31004An error has occurred on the server.Contact technical support.
31006Meeting not found. Check your meeting information and then try again. 
31010Unable to connect to the Webex server.Try again or check network settings.
31012The meeting is in progress. 
31013Your administrator requires that you sign in to join this meeting. 
31015An error has occurred on the server.Contact technical support.
31050An error has occurred on the server.Contact technical support.
31051You cannot sign in to this mobile application with your account type. However, you can still attend meetings. 
31052An error has occurred on the server.Contact technical support.
31053An error has occurred on the server.Contact technical support.
31054An error has occurred on the server.Contact technical support.
31100Your subscription has expired. 
31101Your subscription is inactive. 
31102Incorrect Webex site URL.Check your email address or password and try again.
31103 Contact your site administrator.
31104 Contact your site administrator.
31105The password does not meet the site password criteria. 
31106To join this meeting, your administrator requires that you sign in to %1$s. However, you are currently signed in to a different site. Do you want to sign in to the correct site? 
31150 Check your email address or password and try again.
31151 Check your email address or password and try again.
31152Cannot validate your account.Contact your site administrator.
31153Your account has expired.Contact your site administrator.
31154Your host account is inactive. To sign in, contact your site administrator to activate your account.Contact your site administrator.
31155Your account is locked.Contact your site administrator.
31156You are required to change your password on a computer. 
31157Your password has expired.Contact your site administrator.
31158Your password has been reset.Contact your site administrator.
31160Because of too many invalid attempts to sign in, try again in 10 minutes or sign in using a computer. 
31161There is a problem with your account. To learn more, sign in using a computer. 
31162Your password has expired. 
31163Enter required information, such as the meeting topic and password, on the \"Meet Now\" Settings page on your Webex site. Then try again. 
31164Meet Now is not supported on your site. Contact your administrator for more information. 
31165The meeting has been updated. Refresh the meeting and try again. 

ErrorAndroid Webex client error messageSolution
31200An error has occurred on the server.Contact technical support.
31201An error has occurred on the server.Contact technical support.
31202Unable to connect to the Webex server. 
31203An error has occurred on the server.Contact technical support.
31204Meeting password incorrect. Try again or contact your host. 
31205Meeting not found. Check your meeting information and then try again. 
31206 Check your account information.
31207 Check your email address or password and try again.
31208Your host account is inactive. To sign in, contact your site administrator to activate your account. 
31209Your account is locked. 
31210Your password has been reset.Contact your site administrator.
31211 Change your password on a computer.
31212Your password has expired. 
31213Pay-Per-Use meetings are not supported on your mobile device. 
31214Pay-Per-Use meetings are not supported on your mobile device. 
31215Personal Conference meetings are not supported on your mobile device. 
31216Personal Conference meetings are not supported on your mobile device. 
31217End-to-end encrypted meetings are not supported on your mobile device. 
31218End-to-end encrypted meetings are not supported on your mobile device. 
31219The meeting has not started. 
31220You may leave this meeting, but only the host can end the meeting. 
31221The option of joining meetings from your mobile device has been turned off on the Webex site.Please join the meeting on a computer.
31222The option of joining meetings from your mobile device has been turned off on the Webex site 
31223The Webex site is not compatible with the Cisco Webex Meetings application.Contact your site administrator.
31224An error has occurred on the server.Contact technical support.
31225You are about to exceed the number of meetings you can run at the same time. To start this meeting, close one of the meetings you have started. 
31226Unable to connect to the Webex server. 
31227Webex Event Center and Support Center are unavailable on mobile devices.Please join the meeting on a computer.
31229The Webex site does not support joining meetings from mobile devices.Please join the meeting on a computer.
31231You do not have the privilege to schedule meetings. Contact your administrator for help. 
31232You are about to exceed the number of meetings you can run at the same time. To start this meeting, end one of the meetings you have started and then try again. 
31233You do not have permission to start this meeting. For more information, contact the meeting host. 
31234Check your meeting information and try again. 
31235Re-enter registration ID dialog 
31236The host has not yet started the session. Try again later or contact the host. 
31237Each session of this recurring class requires a unique registration ID. To join this session, <a href="https://www.cisco.com" >register</a> for it. 
31238You do not have permission to start this meeting. For more information, contact the meeting host. 
31239You do not have permission to start this session. For more information, contact the session host. 
31240You can't edit this meeting because it is already in progress. 
31241Check your email address or password and try again. 
31242Your password has expired. 
31243The meeting time overlaps with a scheduled service maintenance window. Schedule a different time and try again. 
31244Invalid panel list password dialog. 
31245You cannot yet start events on your mobile device. 
31246Check your event information and try again. 
31247Invalid panel list email dialog 
31248This is a future meeting of a recurring meeting series. You can only start the next upcoming meeting. 
31249This is a past meeting of a recurring meeting series. You can only start the next upcoming meeting. 
31250Meeting password is required. 
31251Cannot start meeting. Your Meet Now preferences are set to Support Center, which is not supported on mobile devices. Start your meeting from a computer. 
Cisco Webex Meetings 
ErrorAndroid Webex client error message
17001You can't edit this meeting because it is already in progress.
17002You have specified a start time for the meeting that is before the current time. Please specify a different starting time.
17003The meeting has ended.
17004You can't cancel this meeting because it already occurred.
17005You can't edit this meeting because it already occurred.
17006You can't edit this meeting because it already occurred.
17007You are about to exceed the number of meetings you can run at the same time. To start this meeting, close one of the meetings you have started.
17008The meeting has not started.
17009The meeting host has restricted access to this meeting. Please contact the meeting host.
17010Meeting password incorrect. Try again or contact your host.
17011You are about to exceed the number of meetings you can run at the same time. To start this meeting, close one of the meetings you have started.
17012Check your meeting information and try again.
17013You can't cancel this meeting because it already occurred.
17014No message
17015No message
17016No message
17017No message
17018Meeting password is required.
17019No message
17020No message
17021Check your email address or password and try again.
17022You can\'t cancel this meeting because it is already in progress.
17023You can't cancel this meeting because it already occurred.
17024You can't edit this meeting because it is already in progress.
17025You can't edit this meeting because it already occurred.
17026You can't join this meeting because it already occurred.
17027No message
17028You do not have the privilege to schedule meetings. Contact your administrator for help.
17029You are trying to schedule a meeting through a Webex service that is not yet supported on your mobile device. To schedule a meeting now, please use a computer.
17030The option of joining or starting meetings from your mobile device was turned off. For more information, contact your site administrator.</string>
17031No message
17032You can't start this meeting because it already occurred.
17033You can't join this meeting because it already occurred.
17034Your account is inactive. Contact your administrator for help.
17035Try signing in again or contact your administrator.
17036The Webex site does not support the Cisco Webex Meetings application.
17037You are trying to schedule a meeting through a Webex service that is not yet supported on your mobile device. To schedule a meeting now, please use a computer.
17038You are about to exceed the number of meetings you can run at the same time. To start this meeting, close one of the meetings you have started.
17039You are about to exceed the number of meetings you can run at the same time. To start this meeting, close one of the meetings you have started.
17040You are about to exceed the number of meetings you can run at the same time. To start this meeting, close one of the meetings you have started.
17041You are about to exceed the number of meetings you can run at the same time. To start this meeting, close one of the meetings you have started.
17042You do not have the privilege to schedule meetings. Contact your administrator for help.
17043No message
17044No message
17045No message
17046You can't cancel this meeting because it already occurred.
17047Cannot join the meeting. The meeting was scheduled through a Webex service that is not yet supported on your mobile device. To join the meeting now, please use a computer.
17048Finish meeting client

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