Use this article to configure your Microsoft Teams app with Webex Calling options. The icon is added to the left navigation and as a Messaging extension. Teams 통화 옵션이 꺼진 경우, 조직에 있는 모든 사람은 동일한 플랫폼을 사용하여 전화를 걸고 받을 수 있습니다.

전제 조건

  • Make sure you’re a Microsoft Teams administrator.

  • Make sure you have access to the Control Hub.

  • Verify that  users have assigned licenses in Control Hub and registered to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, or Webex Calling for making calls.

  • Users must have Webex App and Microsoft Teams installed.

  • For the Webex Calling for Microsoft Teams integration to work with the Unified CM call control backend (on-premises, Webex Calling Dedicated Instance or UCM Cloud), ensure you are on Unified CM 12.5 SU7 or 14 SU3, Cisco Unity Connection (CUC) 12.5 or 14.

  • For On-prem Unified CM customers, ensure Unified CM & CUC clusters are on-boarded to Webex Cloud-Connected UC (CCUC).

  • 사용자는 온-프레미스 Active Directory 또는 Azure와 같은 클라우드 AD에서 Control Hub 공통 ID(CI)로 동기화되어야 합니다.

  • For on-premises, Webex Calling Dedicated Instance, and UCM Cloud customers, Configure Cisco Unified CM—The line number on Cisco Unified CM needs to be associated to the User ID for the Call History to be populated with the username. From Cisco Unified CM Administration, use the Device → Phone, select the phone and click on the Device Name (Line) and then click the required line from Association panel to get to User Associated with Line.

  • Make sure that the Unified CM Mail ID matches the Control Hub Primary email which is used to obtain the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).

  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI): When Webex Calling integration for Microsoft Teams is used in a VDI environment, both Webex Calling and Microsoft Teams must be running in the same virtual machine.

Microsoft Teams configuration


Sign in to Teams admin center to manage your apps and allow Webex Calling.

  1. 대시보드 메뉴 에서 Teams 앱 으로 이동하고 > 관리합니다.

  2. In the search box, enter Webex Callingand select the app name, then click Allow > Allow.

    앱 관리 페이지에서 앱을 허용 하면 전사적으로 허용됩니다.


Manage third-party apps in your Permission policies to allow Webex Calling.

  1. 대시보드 메뉴 에서 Teams 앱 및 > 선택합니다.

  2. 기본 정책을 선택합니다( 또는 새 정책 만들기).

    조직에 있는 사용자는 사용자 정의 정책을 만들고 지정하지 않는 한 자동으로 글로벌 정책을 확인하게 됩니다. 사용자에 대해 자신의 권한을 적용하고, 앱 설치 및 조직에 대해 사용자 정의 앱을 적용하기 위해 새로운 정책을 만들 수 있습니다. 정책을 편집하거나 지정한 후 변경 사항을 적용하려면 몇 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다.

  3. 타사 앱 드롭 다운을 선택한 후 특정 앱 허용을 선택하고 다른 모든 앱을 차단합니다.

  4. Click Allow apps and search for Webex Calling.

  5. Hover over Webex Calling and click Add > Allow > Save.

    조직에 대해 타사 앱을 관리하는 방법에 따라 다를 수 있습니다. Specifically add Webex Calling if you restrict access to other third-party apps.


Install Webex Calling, then add the icon to the Webex App and unpin the built-in calling option.

  1. In the Dashboard menu, go to Teams apps and click Setup policies > + Add. Give the new policy a name.

  2. Under Installed apps, click +Add apps and search for Webex Calling.

  3. 앱 이름 위에 마우스를 후 클릭하고 앱 추가를 > 클릭합니다.

  4. Under Pinned apps, click +Add apps and search for Webex Calling.

  5. 앱 이름 위에 마우스를 후 클릭하고 앱 추가를 > 클릭합니다.

  6. 내장된 통화 옵션의 표시줄을 제거하려면 앱 표시 줄 목록에서 통화 를 제거 합니다.

    Make sure Webex Calling is added to the top of both the App bar column list, and to Messaging extensions column.

  7. 저장을 클릭합니다.

    Webex Calling은 모든 사용자에 대해 앱 메뉴 및 메시징 내선으로 고정됩니다.


Optional––disable the built-in calling option org-wide and make Webex Calling the only call option:

  1. 대시보드 메뉴 에서 음성 전화 > 이동하십시오.

  2. 기본 정책을 선택합니다( 또는 새 정책 만들기).

    사용자에 대해 자신의 권한을 적용하고, 앱 설치 및 조직에 대해 사용자 정의 앱을 적용하려면 새로운 정책을 만드하십시오.

  3. 비공개 전화 걸기 기능을 끄고 저장을 클릭합니다.

Accept presence sync permissions

Review and accept the presence sync permissions in Microsoft Teams to bidirectionally synchronize the user’s presence status between Microsoft Teams and Webex.


In the Dashboard menu, go to Teams apps > Manage apps > Webex Calling and Contact Center > Review Permissions and check if the following permissions are included.

  • Read Presence information of all users in your organization

  • Read and write Presence information for all users.


Click Accept to accept the permissions.


Perform one of the following ways to ensure that new permissions are showing up as granted:

  • Click the Microsoft Entra ID link under Org-wide permissions and then click Webex Calling.


  • Sign in to the Azure portal and then go to Microsoft Entra ID > Enterprise applications > Webex Calling > Security > Permissions.

The following permissions should be observed in the admin consent:

  • Presence.ReadWrite.All

  • Presence.Read

  • Presence.Write

Once you've verified the permissions, enable the presence sync in the Control Hub. Refer Enable bidirectional presence sync section.

Permissions for Webex Calling and Microsoft Teams integration

The integration service uses Webex and Microsoft APIs to access data, such as call history, for displaying and updating statuses, such as marking voicemails as read, without storing any user data. All data transfers between the integration and the Webex/Microsoft backends occur over encrypted HTTPS channels. Thereby, the service ensures that user data are not stored in the cloud, strengthening the data privacy and security.

We request the minimum required permissions from Microsoft to call Microsoft API for enabling the integration functionality. The following table describes each permission that we request and why it's required.

offline_accessAllows the integration service to generate a new access token without asking the user to re-authorize often
User.ReadAllows the integration service to read the user's basic information such as the email address
User.ReadWriteAllows the integration service to store speed dials in user profiles
User.Read.AllAllows the integration service to search for users in the active directory to make calls
Contacts.ReadAllows the integration service to search for the user's outlook contact to make calls
Presence.Read.AllAllows the integration service to subscribe for presence status changes
채널멤버.읽기.모두Allows the integration message extension to read members of a channel so that the user can search for a specific channel member to call
Chat.ReadBasicAllows the integration message extension to read members of a group chat so that the user can search for a specific member to call
Presence.ReadWrite.AllAllow the integration service to subscribe for presence status change notifications

Control Hub configuration

You can configure and enable the following features in Control Hub to make them available for Microsoft Teams users.

Enable multi call window

Multi call window is a separate, floating window that helps users to manage multiple or shared lines in a single window. Users can make and receive calls, see the status of all lines, and have better access to features like hold, transfer, and barge, without changing to another window.


From the customer view in, go to Services > Calling > Client Settings.


Go to In-call feature access section, and under Additional features, toggle on Display multi call window and choose one of the following options:

  • For multi line users only—Select this option to enable multi call window only for users having shared lines, virtual lines, and executive assistant lines.

  • For all users—Select this option to enable multi call window for all users.


Go to Microsoft Teams integration section, and turn on the Set Microsoft Teams as the default app for multi-call window toggle.

After you turn on this option, when the user clicks the voicemail and missed call icons from the multi call window, it cross-launches to the Microsoft Teams Webex Calling instead of Webex App.

This toggle is grayed out if you haven't enabled the Display multi call window as mentioned in the step 2.

You can configure this feature at user-group level by navigating to Services > Calling > Client Settings > Templates > Create template > In-call feature access and > Microsoft Teams integration.

You can configure this feature at user level by navigating to Management > User > Calling > User Calling Experience > In-call feature access and > Microsoft Teams integration.

Enable bidirectional presence sync

You can enable a bidirectional presence sync feature to synchronize the user’s presence status between Microsoft Teams and Webex bidirectionally. The presence status includes In a call, In a meeting, Presenting, and Do not disturb.

After enabling this feature, when a user makes or receives a Webex call, their Microsoft Teams status gets changed to In a call. When they enable Do not disturb in the Webex App or any Webex device, the status is automatically synchronized to Microsoft Teams. Similarly, the In a meeting and Presenting statuses synchronizes between applications.

When Do not disturb is enabled on user's Webex App or any Webex device, they won’t get any notification of incoming call and messages in Webex App, Webex device or Microsoft Teams.

You can also use public API to enable Webex Calling presence synchronization with the MS Teams client. See Update an organization's MS Teams setting for details.

The following table shows the bidirectional status sync representation between Webex and Microsoft Teams.

Webex 상태

Microsoft Teams status

On a call

In a call

In a meeting (This status syncs only from Webex to Teams)

In a call



방해 금지

방해 금지

Currently, you can configure this feature only at the organization level.

From the customer view in, go to Services, and then click Calling > Client Settings.


Go to the Microsoft Teams integration section and turn on the Presence sync toggle.

You can turn on the Hide Webex Window toggle for the best experience, but it's optional.


Go to the Do Not Disturb (DND) Status Sync section and turn on the toggle.

Enable call history

Call History feature is enabled by default for Webex Calling, Dedicated Instance, and UCM Cloud customers.

BroadWorks 관리자가 이 기능이 올바르게 통화 기록 통합된 시스템 활성화를 활성화해야 합니다. 자세한 내용은 Cisco BroadWorks 구성 안내서의 Webex를 참조하십시오.

To enable voicemail, call history and bidirectional presence sync service for on-prem Unified CM customers, perform the following steps:

Voicemail service enabled for on-prem customers takes a maximum of 12 hours to activate.


From the customer view in, go to Services > Connected UC. UC 관리 카드에서 인벤토리를 클릭합니다.

설명, 상태, 클러스터 및 노드가 포함된 클러스터 그룹의 목록이 나타납니다.


Perform the following actions:

  • To enable voicemail:

    Click Details next to the Cisco Unity Connection (CUC) cluster group on which you need to enable voicemail toggle.

    When voicemail is enabled for on-prem or Dedicated Instance organizations, a new template msteamsadmintemplate and a new admin user msteamsvoicemailadmin is created. Do not modify any fields or settings for the above template and admin.

  • To enable call history:

    Click Details next to the Unified CM (CUCM) cluster group on which you need to enable call history toggle.

  • To enable presence sync:

    Click Details next to the Unified CM (CUCM) cluster group on which you need to enable presence sync toggle.

선택한 클러스터 그룹에 소속된 클러스터의 목록을 표시하는 인벤토리 페이지가 나타납니다.


특정 제품 노드가 소속된 클러스터 옆에 있는 세부 사항을 클릭합니다.

버전, 제품 및 상태가 포함된 노드 이름이 나타납니다.


이벤트 히스토리 옆에 있는 줄임표 아이콘을 클릭하고 서비스 관리를 선택합니다.

서비스의 목록과 함께 서비스 관리 페이지가 나타납니다.


Use the toggle button to enable the Voicemail, Centralized Call History and Presence status sync.

For CUC node

For Unified CM node


제출을 클릭합니다.


If the Data Collection Confirmation pop-up is displayed, agree to it by enabling the check box and click Submit.