Add Tests to a Scheduled Training Session

Before you can add tests, schedule, but do not start, a session to turn on the Testing feature.

During the training session scheduling process, you can also add a test that you have already created and saved to the Test Library.


Go to the Session Information page by selecting the session topic.


Select Add New Test.


On the Add Test page, select one of the following and select Next:

  • Create a new test

  • Copy an existing test from the Test Library

    Select the test you want to copy from the Test Library and select Next.

  • Import test questions from saved test or poll questionnaire (*.atp or *.wxt file)

    Select the file and select Next.


Compose or edit the test, and select Save.


Specify delivery options, such as the test date and time limit, and select Save.


To return to the Session Information page, select Done.


Follow the same instructions to add multiple tests to a session.

Access the Test Library

The Test Library serves as a repository of tests on your organization's Webex Training website. In the Test Library, you can do the following:

  • Create, edit, duplicate, or delete a test

  • Import a poll or test questionnaire, with an .atp or .wxt file extension, and convert it to a test

  • Copy your tests to the Shared Tests section so other training hosts can access the tests

  • Copy shared tests to the Private Tests section. The tests you create or import appear here.

From the left navigation bar on your site, select Host a Session > Test Library.

Create a New Test

You can create a test in the Test Library or create a test and then add it to a scheduled training session.

To save you time in scoring, Webex Training automatically checks attendees' answers against the correct answers you specify. You must specify answers for all question types except Essay. Once you start a test, you cannot change the questions or answers. Ensure that the answers are correct before you start the test or the scoring is incorrect. For details, see Score and Grade Answers for a Test.


Do one of the following:

  • From the Test Library page, select Create New Test.

  • From the Session Information page, select Add New Test > Create a new test > Next.


Specify the test fields.


Select the Insert Question link to add a question or instructions to the test.


Select the Question Type from the drop-down list.


Add the question or instructions.


Follow the same instructions to add more questions to the test.


In the Scoring Panel area for each question, specify a score for the correct answer and optionally type scoring guidelines or comments for the person who will score the test.


To rearrange questions, select the Move Up or Move Down links. To edit a question, select Edit.


Select Save.

Convert Test or Poll Questionnaires to Tests

You can import test or poll questionnaires that were created and saved in previous versions of Webex Training and convert them to web-based tests. Test or poll questionnaire files have a .atp extension.

You can also import files that have been converted with the Webex Conversion Tool for use in Webex Training. These files have a .wxt extension.


Do one of the following:

  • On the Test Library page, select Import.

  • On the Session Information page, select Add New Test > Import test questions from saved test or poll questionnaire (*.atp or *.wxt file) > Next.


Select the file that you want to import and select Next.

The questionnaire is copied to the Edit Test page.


Edit the questions if necessary and select Save.

Specify Test Delivery Options for a Scheduled Training Session

The Test Delivery Options page appears during the process of adding a test to a scheduled training session. On this page, you determine the following:

  • When and how to deliver the test

  • Time limit

  • Email communication options - for example, Scoring and grading report sends grade reports to attendees after the host finishes scoring their tests, or after the host updates the scores or comments

  • Attempt limits

  • Once you start a test, you cannot change the delivery options.

  • If the test is set to be delivered outside the session, attendees can take the test anytime between the starting and due dates but must finish the test within the specified length of time.

Start and Manage Scheduled Training Session Tests


Select the test topic on the Session Information page.


Select the Manage button to open the Manage Test page.

The options on the Manage Test page vary, dependent on the delivery options and the status of the test. Tests can fall into the following categories:

  • Presession tests and postsession tests

  • In-session tests

Manage and Start In-Session Tests


Specify Start this test within a live session option on the Test Delivery Options page when adding the test to the session.


After the session starts, choose Testing in the drop-down list on the Participants & Communications panel.


Select the title of the test, and then select Launch for All > Start Test.

Score and Grade Answers for a Test

Webex Training automatically checks attendees' answers against the correct answers you specified when creating the test and then scores the results.

An entire test is scored automatically if it contains no essay or fill-in-the-blanks questions. In this case, attendees can view test results once they submit their answers.

If a test contains essay or fill-in-the-blanks questions, review and score the test. A complete score is unavailable until you finish scoring the essay or fill-in-the-blanks questions.


Do one of the following:

  • From the Session Information page, select Score & Report.

  • From the Manage Test page, in the Student Answers section, select View and Score Answers.

The Submitted Tests page lists attendees who have submitted their tests and attendees who have received their scores and grades, if assigned. You can also view the questions and grading scale, if specified.


To score an attendee's test, select the Score Answers link for the attendee or select the attendee's name.

The Score Submitted Answers page appears. All answers, except for essay questions, are automatically scored. A partial score appears in the Results area. Although fill-in-the-blanks answers are scored automatically, you may want to review them and change the scores, if necessary.


Review the essays or fill-in-the-blanks answers that need manual scoring, and specify the scores for the essays.

  • To quickly go to a question that needs manual scoring, go to the Unscored questions section, choose a question in the drop-down list, and select Go.

  • To change the score for a fill-in-the-blanks answer, select correct or incorrect for the question. Selecting Save updates the score.


(Optional) Type comments for the attendee.


Select Save to update the score or your comments.

The test results are updated on the View Test Results page. If you have specified to send grade reports to attendees, the attendee receives the update by email.