Presentation Sharing from Video Endpoints in Cisco Webex Video Platform (V1, V2) (formerly CMR) Meetings Using 720p is only at 5 FPS
Sharing video in a CMR Meeting is not supported using the normal Content Sharing options.

Presentation sharing from Video Endpoints in Cisco Webex Video Platform (V1, V2) (formerly CMR) Meetings using 720p is only at 5 FPS

Poor quality for video files shared in Cisco Webex Video Platform (V1, V2) (formerly CMR)g sessions in 720p

Video files shared from a Telepresence endpoint in Cisco Webex Video Platform (V1, V2) (formerly CMR) meetings are only running at 5 FPS

Sharing video in a Cisco Webex Video Platform (V1, V2) (formerly CMR)/CMR Hybrid Meeting is not supported using the normal Content Sharing options.

Unlike Webex-only meetings, Cisco Webex Video Platform (V1, V2) (formerly CMR) & Hybrid (formerly Webex-enabled TelePresence) meetings with video & presentation share* are standards-based.

*for both Webex to TelePresence and Webex to Webex sharing

Presentation share specifications for Cisco Webex Video Platform (V1, V2) (formerly CMR) from a TelePresence (TP) endpoint are only at 720p/5 frames per second (FPS).
The 5 frames per second would prevent TP endpoints from sharing at the desired quality or may even result in a black screen to the viewers. Users can downgrade their presentation quality on the endpoint device, but the quality would most likely be between 360p and 480p, which would result in a grainy/pixilated video un-viewable to the remote audience.
Video requires at least 15 fps for standard quality. Doc sharing is the only supported method to support 720p quality, which is not currently a supported sharing method by Telepresence endpoints.

CMR Hybrid option ONLY:

With Conductor XC 3.0/TS 4.1: Adds 1080p resolution share in CMR Hyrbid only (Conductor & TS required)
(Note: 3Mbps bandwidth required at all Webex clients to see 1080p share in a CMR Hybrid meeting)

Workaround for Cisco Webex Video Platform (V1, V2) (formerly CMR)/CMR Hybrid solutions:

  • Share video using the video stream vs. the content stream.
  • This option is only supported using Cisco Telepresence endpoints. Third-party endpoints will need to refer to their documentation or manufacturer for assistance.

Steps from the endpoint:

  1. Log in to the endpoint via the WebUI.
  2. Click on the Call Control option at the top.
  3. Call into the Cisco Webex Video Platform (V1, V2) (formerly CMR)/CMR Hybrid meeting, which must be started if you have not called in just yet (otherwise, use touch to dial in)
  4. Once connected, use the Main Source drop-down to select Camera or PC:


To get audio, your PC speakers will need to be near the mic. Audio is not shared within the video stream.

Steps from the Webex clients:

  1. When the content is in the Active Speaker window, click on the attendee’s name in the bottom left corner.

    The Lock Focus on a Participant pop-up will appear.
  2. Select the option The active TelePresence speaker, then click OK:

If Webex attendees want to view this in full screen:

  1. Right-click on the video.
  2. Select the option to move to full screen.
  3. Then to exit full screen, select the option in the upper-right.
Note: CMR Hybrid becomes EoS effectively on February 28, 2021. After 02/28/2021, CMR Hybrid service will continue till April 2021 (EOL) and at that point, CMR Hybrid customers will be auto migrated to the latest version of CMR Cloud.

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