How Do I Use the Search Filter on the Service upgrades and Scheduled Maintenances Calendar?

How do I use the search filter on the Service upgrades and Scheduled Maintenances calendar?

How do I use the search option on

To locate your site’s cluster, use the following guide:

Data CenterCluster
San JoseAC, AW, B, E, F, IB, IE, IJ, S, U
TexasIA, J, L, M, R
VirginiaAA, AB
LondonAI, BI, I, W
FrankfurtAG, BG

Types of Service Upgrades and Scheduled Maintenances:
ColorType   Detail   FrequencyMethod of Communication
        Upgrade   A cluster upgrade involves a new client and page deployment. The upgrade will include new features.MonthlyEmail and Posted on
        Informational   Informational updates will typically include end-of-life notifications, IP address additions, telephony expansionsAs neededEmail and Posted on
        Maintenance   Maintenance is conducted on Webex services that will involve end-user impact during the duration of the change window.As neededPosted on
        XML APIThis type of upgrade is specific to XML API services. The upgrade will target features and functionality related to Webex APIs.MonthlyPosted on
        Product Update   A product update is deployed to address a defect or enhancement after a cluster upgrade.As neededPosted on
        Slow ChannelThis type of release will only affect clusters/sites on the Slow Channel build.MonthlyEmail and Posted on
        Custom ScheduleCustom schedules are feature enhancements that are deployed later in the upgrade release cycle.As neededEmail and Posted on

To use the search filter on the calendar:

  1. Navigate to
User-added image
  1. The search filter will automatically populate.
  2. Select your query based on the Type, Data Center Location, or Cluster and click Search.
  • Note: If you know your site’s cluster, you can also type it in the Cluster field.
  1. The results will appear based on your query.
  2. To clear the existing query, click on the ‘x’ in the Cluster or Type field, update the query, and click search.

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