Set Security Options for a Webex Site

Control Hub provides several methods for preventing unauthorized use of a Webex site. Site administrators can:

  • Strengthen the password criteria to make passwords more difficult to guess.

  • Require that meeting attendees provide passwords to prevent unauthorized access to Webex sessions.

  • Review all requests for lost passwords.

  • Allow the use of Access Anywhere.


From the customer view in, go to Services, and under Meeting, select Sites.


Choose the Webex site to change the settings for, and click Configure Site.


Under Common Settings, select Security.


In the Security Options section, configure the options for your site.


Click Update.

Security Options



Cisco Webex section

All meetings must be unlisted

Separate options for Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training. Check to require that all Webex sessions be unlisted on the site calendar.

All meetings must have a password

Separate options for Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training. Check to require that users must provide a valid password for all scheduled Webex sessions.


By default, the All meetings must have a password option is selected. We strongly recommend that site administrators leave this option selected to help ensure the security of meetings on the site.

Exclude password from invitation

Applies to Webex Meetings only. Select to prevent the password being sent in the invitation email.

Allow attendees or panelists to join before host

Applies to Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training only. Select to allow participants or panelist to join the sessions before the host joins the session.

The first attendee to join is the presenter

Applies to Webex Meetings only. Select to designate the first attendee that joins the meeting before the host as the presenter. This attendee has the sharing icon and can share content within the meeting. The join session before host option must first be enabled.

Allow attendees or panelists to join teleconference before host

Applies to Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training only. Select to allow participants or panelist to also join the teleconference before the host joins the sessions. The join session before host option must first be enabled.

Require strong passwords for meetings

Select to require that all Webex session passwords comply with the specified strict password criteria.

Recording privacy and password requirements management section

Restrict the viewing of recordings to signed in users

Separate options for Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training. Select to require that users sign in to view recordings. If access to recordings is not restricted, hosts can apply their own security settings.

Prevent the downloading of recordings

Separate options for Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training. Select to prevent users from downloading recordings. If access to recordings is not restricted, hosts can apply their own security settings.

Require strong passwords for user accounts

Select to require that all new and changed user passwords comply with the specified password criteria.

The system automatically generates passwords when users sign up for an account or reset their passwords, or when account information is imported from a .csv file. Automatically generated passwords only contain the following characters if password settings enforce the use of mixed case and special characters.

  • ` (back quote, the character located on the tilde key)

  • L (uppercase L)

  • l (lowercase L)

  • 1 (the numeral, one)

  • O (uppercase O)

  • o (lowercase o)

  • 0 (the numeral, zero)

Require mixed case

Select to require that user passwords contain both upper and lowercase letters.

Minimum length

Select to require that user passwords have at least the number of specified characters.

Minimum number of numeric

Select to require that user passwords contain at least the number of specified numeric characters.

Minimum number of alpha

Select to require that user passwords contain at least the number of specified alpha characters.

Minimum number of special characters

Select to require that user passwords contain at least the number of specified special characters.

Do not allow any character to be repeated 3 times or more

Select to prevent the use of any character more than twice in a user password.

Do not allow dynamic web page text for account passwords (site name, host's name, username)

Select to prevent the use of dynamic web page text, such as the

  • URL for the site on which the meeting, event, or session occurs—for example,

  • Host's own name

  • Username

If the host's name is "Wendy Smith", the following are some examples of passwords that are not allowed: Wendy, Smith, WendySmith, wendy, wendysmith, wendysmeeting, and meetwithwendy.

Do not allow account passwords from this list:

Select to prevent the use of any word in the list, in user passwords. The list to add or remove words can be edited.

Other section

Display teleconference information on meeting Info tab and Information window

This option controls the display of teleconference information when Personal Conference Numbers are used for telephony. Subscriber access code information can also be displayed with a suboption. By default, the options are enabled but can be disabled for security.

Automatically end meetings if there is only one participant

Applies to Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training only. Select this option to automatically end Webex sessions after a specified period of inactivity. Site administrators can specify that session hosts be warned some minutes so that they can prevent the meeting from automatically ending in a specified number of minutes. This setting applies to Personal Room meetings and audio-only meetings as well.

Include Host Key in host meeting emails

Applies to Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training only. Select this option to automatically include the host key in the host meeting emails.

Require login before site access

Select this option to require that all users have an account to log in to a Webex service site to host or attend Webex sessions.

Require attendee email address

Applies to Webex Meetings and Webex Training only. Select to require that participants provide an email address to join Webex sessions.

All Access Anywhere sessions must use strict access code

Select to require that users specify Access Anywhere passwords that conform to strict password criteria. For more information about strict password criteria.

Allow user to store personal information for joining meetings and call-back teleconferences

Select to allow users to store and access personal information, such as name, email, and registration. Site administrators can also use this option to remember previously and frequently used numbers when using the Join Teleconference dialog.

Allow individual hosts to reassign their recordings

Select to allow a host to transfer ownership of a network-based recording file to another user.

Provide audible warning in audio conference when Network-Based Recording (NBR) is enabled

Select to allow a warning message to be played when NBR is turned on.